Chapter 10

1850 Words
Damion's Point Of View ******* I stood up and started pacing the room. I'm trying so hard to control my wolf from coming outright now. I can't believe that someone had the nerve to want to forcefully mate my mate and control him because of his gifts. The mate I have waited for so long for. Something needs to be done because he is not yet safe, not until I mate with him and claim him, they'd still try to take him away from me and we can't let that happen. I need to talk to my dad and also talk to my beta. I think it's time for me to do what I've been putting off for a while now. Which is to form my own pack here in California. There have been weres that has wanted me to form a pack and be there Alpha but I didn't want to because I hadn't found my mate and I couldn't run a pack alone I needed a mate. So I didn't form one, but I think now is the time because my mate needs the protection of the pack and I know I won't be going back to Korea to take over after my father retires, since my company is here. Though I could still run the company from there, but I prefer living here and building a family here and I know my parents will be sad about this decision of mine, but I also know that all they want for me is my happiness. They'd want me to do what makes me happy. I looked at him on the bed and I could see fear written all over him and that made my wolf growl. The thought of someone scaring our mate like this makes us so angry that I could kill them right now if they were here. I stopped pacing and moved closer to the bed and sat down on it. "It's OK, they can't find you here and, even if they do, I'm here to protect you now. You are not alone anymore". I said to him, trying to hide my own fears. Because I know that if I don't claim him before they find him they might take him away from me and force him to mate with someone else, which is going to hurt both him, my wolf and myself. "But the truth is I'm still scared. Though I know that my parents will never tell them where I am, but what if the alpha gets angry and decides to harm them? or what if he somehow finds out where I am and comes for me? They'll harm you because of me or they might even kill you and I don't want to lose you now that I've found you". He said as tears started running down his face again. Seeing my mate in tears makes my heart bleed. "Baby, nothing will happen to me or you because I'm going to find a solution to this and I'll also call my dad to let him know what's happening. As for your parents, what if I arrange for them to move down here with you? I'll provide them with accommodation and security so they can be protected". I told him, meaning every word I had just said. Since getting them accommodation won't be a problem and if I form a pack, they can live on the pack ground and be part of it if they want to. "Really, can you really do that?". He asked with a little bit of light in his eyes. "Yes baby, I'll do anything for you and I'll protect your family since they'll be mine too". I said to him. "Thanks. But I'll have to discuss with them first and get back to you. Though I'll feel more at ease if they're here with me, I'll have to ask them". He said and hugged me tightly, still crying. "Baby please don't cry, seeing you in tears hurts both me and my wolf. We're going to protect you". I told him as I hugged him back. I continued hugging him while he cried and I couldn't help but get angry at whoever it was that was making my baby cry this much. I felt like seeing the person or people right now and tearing them into pieces. After a while, I felt him relax and I knew he had fallen asleep while crying, so I gently lay him down on the bed and pulled the cover to cover him as he slept. I walked out of the room and gently closed the door so as not to wake him. I walked down the stairs into the living room, then picked up my phone to call my dad. I dialed his number and listened as it rang. He picked up the fourth ring. "Hey son, I'm surprised you are calling me. Since it's your mom you're always calling, so I thought you had forgotten that your father is still existing". He said jokingly, and that's my dad for you" Travis Lee. He's a very charming and loving man. "Hi dad, how are you and mom?". I asked him. "I'm fine and so is your mom. How have you been? And you don't even sound happy talking to your old man". He said to me sulkingly. "I've been fine dad, but now I'm not. I need to discuss something with you". I said to him, ignoring his jokes. "What is it, son?". He asked with a worried tone. "Dad, I found my mate". I blurted out "Wow, congratulations son, these calls for celebrations dear, but why don't you sound happy? or don't you like him/her?". He asked "It's not that dad, and I love him already". I said "Okay, so I have a son-in-law. That's good news. So what's the problem then?". He inquired. "He's an Omega. The problem is, he's gifted and, because of his gifts, his pack alpha wants him for his son just so he can remain in the pack if his true mate isn't their pack member. But before he could mate him with his son, his parents sent him out of the place to California here where I met him. He wants to take advantage of him for his own selfish interest, dad". I told him. "What? That alpha must be a bastard to even think of doing such a thing. Doesn't he know that the goddess has a reason for choosing our mates for us? Okay, I think you need to bring him home, son. The pack can protect both of you and I can step down and hand over the alpha title to you so that even when they find him, they won't be able to harm or claim him knowing he's mated to an alpha of a pack". He said "No dad, I can't come home. My company is here and I'm not done with my studies either and I love it here. I can't leave this place like that, dad. I'm sorry, I know you want me to take over after you but I can't. I want to build my own life here". I told him and I knew he was saddened by my words. But I know all he wants is my happiness and he'd support whatever decisions I make as long as I'm happy. "It's okay, all that matters to me is your safety and happiness. So if you are happy over there, I can't force you to come back here. But what are you going to do about your mate's safety because he needs the protection of a pack? At least until you claim him". He asked "That's why I'm thinking of creating a pack. Other werewolves have been disturbing me to create one, but I've been holding off that until I find my mate, and now that i've found him, there's nothing stopping me now". I explained to him. "That's okay, I've always known you to be a very smart boy. Whatever decisions you make, I'm solidly behind you and if you need me over there, all you have to do is call and I'm there. But you know that forming a pack is gonna cost you a lot of money as you'll need a pack house and land for your pack members, such as marking of territory". He said "I know, but money won't be an issue and as for the pack land, I already purchased land sometime ago for it". I informed him. "Okay, I'll do whatever I have to do to help you also, and I'm gonna inform your mother about the situation of things. Please, son, you have to protect that boy at all costs. You know we only have one destined mate and the goddess has blessed you with a gifted mate and I believe there must be a reason for that. So you have to do all it takes to protect him". He said "I know dad and I promise you that I'm gonna protect him with my life". I assured him. "Okay, and after everything settles down you must bring him home so that we can meet our son-in-law and i know your mom can't wait for that. What's his gift?". He asked. "He's a Healer and a Seer". I told him. "Wow, son, you are so lucky to have an Omega mate who's also gifted, which is what every werewolf has been praying for. You are truly blessed by the goddess". He said happily. "I know dad, I'm so very happy". I said "You have to love and cherish him, take care of him very well and also know that his gifts are not to be abused, take advantage of or used for personal gain, son". He advised. "I know dad and I promise you I'll never do any of that. All I want to do is to keep him safe and to mark and claim him as mine forever". I assured him. "I trust you, son, I know you won't do anything to jeopardize his safety. Okay son, let's talk later. I have some issues I need to attend to. Keep me updated on how things are going". He said. "Okay dad, I'll do that and say hi to mom for me". I told him and he said okay, then we said goodbye and ended the call. The next person I need to call is Mike, because I have to inform him of the things that have happened and are happening since he's my beta. I'll need his help too. I dialed his number but he wasn't picking up, so I decided to text him to come see me at home. After sending the text, I headed upstairs to check on Jane if he was awake. When I opened the door, I saw that he was still asleep, so I went to lay down beside him, on the bed and pulled him close to myself, and soon enough, I also fell asleep with him in my arms.
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