An Angel with Curly Hair (3)

522 Words
Nolan     Back at the safe house, Nolan tries going to his bed, but he can't seem to sleep or get his mind off the curly-haired, hazel-eyed angel that he encountered today. He was on his routine run and ended up outside of the trees as usual, but he had found her there at his spot, talking loudly on the phone. He watched her for a long time—that full head of shiny, curly hair, that petite figure swallowed by that huge jacket. And when she turned around to walk back and sit on the hood of her car, he had caught his first glance of her face. Nolan had never seen someone so gorgeous. Even with the faint light, her brown skin glowed and she seemed to have stolen all the beauty in the world for herself. The world disappeared when Nolan first saw her, and everything seemed to revolve around her. Nolan had needed to muster more courage than he had ever had to when confronting her about trespassing. He recalls her round, doll-like face, high cheekbones, large, lovely hazel eyes squinting to see him better, and little fists, clenched and shaking as he spoke to her. He swears he could feel her heart from where he was standing. He wonders if she would have jumped over the ravine if he had obeyed her casual request and stepped into the light. Would she have screamed? Ran away? Told people she'd seen a real-life monster? This enthralling angel is his first human interaction in years. The maid who comes to clean the safe house every week doesn’t even know he exists. He only ever talks to Mal. But, tonight, he talked to her. She was a perfect dream to look at. Those beautiful, curly strands of brown hair that moved with the wind. Those round and full lips. That striking brown skin that glowed. Those high cheekbones on that little round face. That petite body that looked so frail and small compared to his that it made him feel so protective over her. He almost stepped out into the light when she fell down and hurt her elbow. Still, now, he regrets the way he approached her, and not being able to heal her wound with his newest creation. He shouldn't have let her leave with those cuts on her elbow when he could fix them. He also regrets being so cold towards her. In his defense, he just didn't want her to get a closer look at him. He didn't want to see those brilliant eyes as she realized how ugly he was. He plans on making it up to her, though. While running in the woods, he heard her sweet voice drawing him to her. During the long minutes he had spent peeking through the trees and watching her, he had heard her say on the phone, "I left early and drove back to SCT to study for that exam I have tomorrow..." She mentioned SCT, Seattle Clear Tech. So, she's likely a student there. Since his family founded the school, it should be easy to find her.
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