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I was afraid to look at the person because everything was spinning and I couldn’t breathe. Or maybe I forgot how to breathe, I had no idea. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” I swallowed and backed up as he advanced towards me. I knew this was a bad idea, but Kate had made me do it. I wanted so much to strangle her in that moment and if I came out of his, which was unlikely from the way Keith was looking at me, I was going to make sure she paid. “It isn’t what it looks like.” I wanted to smack myself for saying that. Of course it was exactly how it looked like. There was no way to explain why I was in his room with his briefs in my hand. “Really? Because from where I am standing, it looks like you broke into my house,” his eyes darted to my hands and his eyebrows arched as he crossed his hands across his chest. “And stole my briefs.” Shit, s**t, s**t. I really was screwed and nothing I said would get me out of this. I was utterly royally screwed. I moved back and my back hit the drawers, I was automatically trapped and no way out. I was screwed. What the hell happened to being called and told that I had to get out as soon as possible? I wanted to be pissed but given the situation I was currently in; I couldn’t be really worried about that. Keith took another step towards me until his chest was right in my face and if I so as moved an inch I would be touching his chest. “You do know that breaking and entering is a crime and you can be arrested for it, right?” “I-I,” I couldn’t form any words because that was exactly what I had told Kate and Aliyah and they still insisted I did it and here I was, about to be arrested. “You what?” he asked. I made the mistake of looking up and meeting his electric blue eyes. They were so mesmerising that I forgot where I was and who I was with. “You what?” he asked again which snapped me out of admiring his gorgeous eyes. The smug smile that was usually on his face had been replaced with a frown. “If you don’t say anything soon, I will not hesitate to call the police and we both know how that will go.” I dropped the briefs and started shaking. “Please don’t call the police on me,” I said through a shaky voice. “If my parents find out, they will be disappointed in me more than they already are and they’d probably make my brother come back from uni and….and I can’t.” There were tears streaming down my face. There was just no way, I couldn’t be arrested and have my parents and brother be even more disappointed in me than they were. I slide down and pulled my knees to my chest then covered my face as I rocked back and forth. “I didn’t want to do it; I swear I didn’t but my friend made me do it.” I was met with silence and I had no idea what to make of it. “My best friend,” I said through a sniff with my face still covered by my knees, “My dad will not be happy with this.” I was now speaking to myself. “I should have known better than to go along with anything that Kate says.” There was a hand on my knee and I immediately jerked away from him. I looked at him and he was knelt down next to me with what looked like sympathy on his face. “Look, I won’t call the police on you because this is obviously your first time doing something like breaking into people’s houses and trying to steal their briefs,” he smiled which made his eyes light up. I stared at him with hopeful eyes, the tears had stopped but I could feel them drying on my cheeks. “Really?” “Yes, really,” Keith replied and stood back up then offered me his hand. I took his outstretched hand and he pulled me to my feet. I was still in shock that he wasn’t going to call the police on me and have me locked up. “But,” he continued and I knew I had been dumb to count my luck so soon. “You have to do something for me in return for me not calling the police and telling my mum that a random girl from my school broke into our house and tried to steal to my briefs.” I sniffed and used the back of my school jacket to wipe the dried off tears and my nose. “You said you wouldn’t call the police.” “Indeed I did, but there is a price and you have to pay,” he replied with a casual shrug as he tucked his hands into the pockets of his gym shorts. “You did commit a crime after all and for all I know you could have made up that entire story about your parents and brother just to get me not to call the police on you.” Shit, did I really tell him all that? What had I been thinking? I wasn’t thinking, that was why. “What do you want from me?” I asked. “I’m not going to strip for you or have s*x with you. I won’t do anything illegal that could potentially get me arrested like you.” Keith smirked and his eyes roamed over me, from head to toe and the entire thing made me feel self-conscious. It was like I hadn’t had a boyfriend before or didn’t know anything, but the way he was shamelessly checking me out made me very self-conscious. “You wish princess, you aren’t my type,” he said with a straight face and grabbed a towel from one of the drawers then turned away from me and walked into another door that probably led to what I could only assume was the bathroom. “Then what do you want from me?” I raised my voice so he could hear me but I was only met with the sound of running water. Sighing, I moved out of the closet and over to the desk. Now that I wasn’t looking for anything, I took my time to absorb his room and everything in it. There was a desk on the other side of the room where I was and a huge bay window facing the road. Next to the desk was a mini bookshelf filled with different kinds of books and textbooks. There was a massive king-sized bed facing a large flat-screen TV and a beanbag with a mini fridge next to the bed. The entire room was massive and that was only what I could see because there was an addition of two more doors apart from the one that led to the closet and the other that led to the bathroom. My room didn’t even come close to how big his room was and how it was basically its own house. A moment later, Keith walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel wrapped around his thin slender waist as water dripped from his hair and his chest was wet. s**t, I immediately turned away from him and closed my eyes. There was no way I was seeing a naked boy and living to tell the tale, not when said boy was none other than Keith freaking Michaels, school badboy. “For crying out loud, put on something,” I said with my eyes closed and my back turned to him. I heard him chuckle from somewhere behind me but there was no way in hell I was risking my sanity by turning around and opening my eyes. Who knew just how twisted the guy was. “Relax princess, the assets aren’t yours to see,” he replied sounding amused. I kept my back to him as I heard some shuffling, “And who said I wanted to see any of what you have? Because I’m pretty sure it isn’t even worth it.” “Then if there is nothing, why not turn around and look at me?” “Because if I did see how disappointing it was, I would be forced to tell the female population just how sad you are and not to waste any time pinning for you.” Keith burst into laughter, “If it was disappointing they wouldn’t be coming back for seconds,” he replied and I could hear the smugness in his voice. “You are the one who is afraid that if you saw how magnificent he was, you would want a little taste and alas, you still aren’t my type princess.” I clenched my fists and turned to face him, he was dressed in only a pair of grey sweats. This guy was insufferable, who the hell did he think he was? “Stop calling me princess,” I said through clenched teeth as I did everything to maintain eye contact and look at his chest. “What are you going to do about it princess?” he as with a smirk. “Are you going to steal my briefs again and create a shrine for me?” I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face with my fist but I had to think smartly. If I did anything wrong, he could easily call the police on me considering I was still in his house. “No, I told you I wasn’t my idea, my best friend made me do it,” I said through clenched teeth. “Of course, because you both have a fetish for my briefs and since you can’t have the actual person, you resorted to breaking and entering,” Keith moved over to his bed and sat on the edge. “I mean, all you had to do was ask and I would have gladly said no right to your face.” "For crying out loud, are you always this insufferable?” I huffed and sat on top of the desk. “Not everything is about you and your highly attractive body.” I looked at Keith and he was already looking at me. For f***s’ sake, did I just tell the most egoistical person on Earth that he was attractive? “So you find me attractive,” Keith said smirking and moved from the bed to where I was, still dressed in nothing but a pair of sweats that hung dangerously low on his hips. He used his index finger to push away some hair that had come undone from my ponytail and I instantly felt a hot flash. “It’s no secret,” his thumb brushed my lower lip and damn me if I didn’t feel any sensation as he bent down at eye level. “You could always ask.” I wanted to strangle him, then kiss him and strangle him again for making me even think about kissing him. His mare touch made me feel things that I didn’t want to feel and hated it and him in that moment. Why did he have to be so goddamn attractive and why the hell was my body responding to him? “You like me touching you, don’t you?” there was smugness in his voice as it dropped a few notches while his face was dangerously close to mine then he leaned in and I could feel his breathe fanning my face. Was he going to kiss me? I was hyperventilating just thinking about it, did I want him to kiss me was the real question and then when I finally thought he was going to do it, he pulled back and smiled in satisfaction. “Jerk,” I said under my breath. Who freaking leads someone like that and then leaves them hanging? “Aw, you thought I was going to kiss you, didn’t you?” he smiled, like genuinely smiled. “I want you to be my pet, do as I say, when i say and always be there. Unless you want me to report you to the police which I will gladly do.” “What the f**k?”
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