Cat Fight...

1197 Words
Brella POV "Hello, Mom," I said into the phone. Mandy was so mad at me for not coming home or calling. I didn't dare tell her the true reason for me not making it. Instead, I made up some lame story about meeting an old friend and getting sidetracked. Anyway, she was pissed and after a whole hour of lecturing me she demanded that I call my parents. I love Mandy. She's kind of like a second mother to me, but my God, can she be anymore bossy. "Brella, honey is that you? Is everything ok? Are you eating right? Why haven't you called us until now? Your father is pretty upset that you left." My mom asked question after question not giving me a chance to answer her. “Do you have any idea how worried we are-“ "Calm down mom I'm ok everything is fine and yes I've been eating right." I cut her off. I took a deep breath, this is also the reason why I held off from calling my parents. "I got a job and was a little busy lately. I'm sorry I didn't call earlier. I just needed some time to clear my head.” "Oh sweetie it's ok, I understand, but your father is still upset. He's here you know." My mom said. "Can you please put him on the phone," I told my mom. I haven’t spoken to my father since I originally found out about the pregnancy. I left the same day I found out to avoid seeing him in person. There was a pause on the line, then I heard my father’s angry voice come on. "Brella I want you to come home now!" Dad said using his Alpha tone, he must be really mad cause he never uses his Alpha voice on me. I cringed at it but I wasn't ready to cave in just yet. "Please dad I can't come home at least not now, I want to clear my mind a little. Give me a few months, you know what it's like to be rejected." I begged using the last part on him. I remember hearing the story of how my mom rejected my father and how he felt and what it did to him but eventually, they found their way back to each other. There was a long pause, I feared he wouldn’t agree. I heard a heavy sigh over the phone and my dad’s voice came back on. "Ok five months. That is what I will give you, and if you don't come I'll come get you myself. Understood? F.I.V.E. 5 months,” He stated clearly an emphasis on five. "Yes dad, how could I not understand?" I pointed out and he just chuckles on the other end of the line. We talked for a while then the phone was given to my brother. I stayed up the whole night chatting with my family. I was glad tomorrow was going to be Sunday cause I'm really going to need some extra sleep after all this. I woke up to the bright light coming in through my window. I blink my eyes a few times getting adjusted to the bright light in my room. I still felt really tired so I just lay in my bed going over the talk I had with my dad. I only have five months to return home. My plan is to make as much money as I can and then try to finish off my course online. Even though I know my parents would support me financially I still wanted to be able to provide for myself and for my baby. After finding out I was pregnant, I was struck by a need to be independent. I like it. "Knock, knock" "Morning, are you asleep in there?" I heard Mandy’s voice from outside my door. I quickly sat up "Uhm no you can come in." I saw Mandy poke her head through the door, her soft curly red hair bouncing as she takes in my appearance, a smile tugging at her lips. "You look like you were in a catfight and the cat won." She joked. I scoffed at her and tried to make my hair look a little more presentable. I glared up at her and she started to giggle." What do you want?" I ask trying to get to the point. "Well, first I want you to have breakfast with us. Then there's this forest a couple of miles from here, we want you to join us for a run." I thought about it for a while and agreed to join them. It’s the best I can do for them. Mandy nods her head and leaves saying she would call me down when breakfast was ready. After she left an idea came to me. I wonder if the guys would want to join us for the run, I can ask Mandy and call them up. *** I sat on my couch watching TV but I wasn't paying any attention to what I was watching at all, all I could think about was her. Her face consumed my mind from the day I left her lying in that bed sleeping so peacefully. It took everything I had to leave her there and write that stupid note, but I had to, for her life’s sake I had to............... "Hey man, this is so not like you. Get up and do something you can't just mope around all day." Brian my best friend and future beta, said , grabbing the remote and turning off the TV. I just looked at him with an annoyed expression and tried to grab the remote from him. "Leave me alone will you." I said not wanting to be bothered. I knew deep down that he was probably right but I can be really stubborn when I wanted to be. "Look man, I know this is hard on you so I've convinced your father to let us take a vacation for a couple of months. We're going to stay at your cousin’s place for a while," he said. At the mention of my cousin’s place, all the memories of that night flooded my mind and I briefly wondered if I would get to see her again. I quickly removed the possibility of seeing her again. She must hate me by now and even if I see her I can't do anything but stay away from her. I don't deserve a mate not after what I did and his words are still imprinted at the back of my head. "I'll take my revenge by taking the same thing you took from me!" "Hello, earth to Kiefer, you okay man?" I look up at him and shake my head. "Yeah, I was just thinking about some stuff," I said. He gives me a questioning look then shrugs it off. "Anyway, like I was saying you need to pack your things cause we leave first thing in the morning and don't you try to back down because your father also made it an order for you to go." He stated, then in a swift motion he was gone. I muttered a few curse words getting up from the couch and dragging my ass to my room to pack. Maybe staying with my cousin might be a good distraction......
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