Chapter 8

2017 Words
Samanthas POV That sedative was fantastic. I'm still in pain but not nearly as much. Akira must have been hard at work. “Are you okay, Akira?” she doesn’t answer, simply ignoring me I know she’s still there because I can feel her. I wish I could take your pain away. I attempt to open my eyes and after a few attempts, I am able to crack them open. Thankfully, the lights are dimmed. I look around the room but instantly regret it from how stiff my neck is. What time is it? What day is it? I sit up which was extremely painful. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed I try to put weight on my feet only to have my knees buckle on me. Slamming my knees onto the cold tile floor only added more pain than I need. One of the nurses sees me fall and calls for the Doctor. They help me back into the bed and inform me I have to stay in the bed for a little while. “Are you feeling any discomfort?” I nod my head. “That’s expected but we can get you something for the pain. I'm going to take a look at your sutures” he peels the gauze away and pokes and prods at my wound. “Everything is healing quite nicely. I'm truly shocked though with as much silver that was in your body it should have either killed you or at least caused severe delays in healing. Have you gone through silver tolerance training?” I guess I might as well tell the truth. “Yes, at my old pack. I was the betas daughter. Granted the position was given to my brother but my dad still made me train. He always wanted to make sure I was prepared for any kind of situation. I’m thankful for it now though.” He nods his head and writes some things down in my chart. “Beta born and you're a rogue. What happened if you don’t mind me asking?” I stiffen and turn away from the doctor. “Next question, please.” He nods in understanding. I'm not ready to talk about it right now. I don’t know when I ever will be. “Can you tell me your name?” I look at him for a second. Do I give him my real name or one of the previous names I've used? Against my better judgement I tell him the truth. I'm tired of running. “Samantha. Samantha Layne.” We continue chatting and he goes over discharge instructions “I want to keep you for at least another 24 hours, but tomorrow you can be discharged. I just want to monitor everything for a bit longer. Do you have anywhere to stay when you leave?” I shake my head “I was supposed to be interrogated, but after that I was going to go back to my apartment and after that who knows.” He looks saddened by what I've said, but not like anyone can do anything. I don’t have a reason to stay. I know my so-called mate doesn’t want me. I hear Akira whimper when I think that, but it’s the truth. She needs to come to terms with the fact that no one wants us. Speak of the devil as the doctor leave my goddess given mate walks through the doors. I must say he is quite handsome. High cheekbones, strong jaw, black hair with a bit of stubble. Ice blue eyes and a strong nose. His body isn’t lacking for anything either. He looks like Liam Hemsworth with black hair. He has muscles, but not to the point where he looks like he's on steroids. He catches me looking at him and I feel my cheeks heat with blush. He sits in the chair next to the hospital bag. “I brought your things...” Wait, what? “What? How did you get my things?” "I followed your scent to the site where you were attacked and then followed it to I guess where you were storing your stuff. The diner gave me your address and I went to get your things. Can you tell me why you have very few things?” That’s not creepy at all… “I don’t think that’s any of your concern.” his eyes flash from black to blue “I'm your mate, I think that…” I interrupt him there. “No, you’re not. You said so yourself.” He processes what I said, “you heard me...” It wasn’t a question it was more of a statement. I nod my head. “I heard everything everyone said.” When he doesn’t deny what I am feeling I just feel my emotions rise. My eyes become blurry with tears. “This is what I didn’t want. I don’t want to see you crying. You haven’t done anything wrong. It's me. I'm the one who doesn’t want a mate. You’re better off finding someone who can actually want you. Not that you’re not beautiful or anything, but I just don’t do relationships. You deserve better.” I’m mad now. “Shouldn’t that be my choice? Shouldn’t what I do and don’t deserve involve me?” He stands up quickly. So fast I flinched. “I didn’t come here to argue with you. I came here to bring you your things and to inform you your family will be here tomorrow to come take you home.” “There you go again making decisions for me. You say you don’t want me, but you're certainly trying to control my life. How did you get in contact with my old pack anyways, huh? I haven’t spoken to them in years and I don’t plan on it.” He looks like a toddler getting scolded. “I may have went through your phone to get the information.” I fly off the bed so fast and before I can register what I'm doing I his head flys to the side and my hand is stinging... I just slapped him. I slapped my mate. I slapped the Alpha king. I'm in trouble now. Way to go, Samantha. He grabs my wrist and pushes me up against the wall his. His eyes aren’t flickering anymore, theyre pure black. His wolf is in control. “You may be my mate, but don’t EVER do that again.” he spits venomously. I turn my head away and cower. I didn’t mean to I just lost control. He sees me cowering and lets me go and backs away. I collapse onto the floor and sob. He takes that as his opportunity to leave. “Akira what do you want to do?” I don’t expect her to answer. She hasn’t responded to me all day, but I can feel her fear and hurt. “We might as well do what we do best. Leave this place.” She's right. I was a fool to think anything would change for me here. I look through the duffel bag of clothes and find a pair of skinny jeans and a black sweatshirt. I put on my shoes and French braid my hair. I decide to leave the rest of my stuff behind. Now that he knows about my phone, and apparently my family will be here tomorrow they’ll just use it to track me. I peek my head out of the hospital room. “Do you need help, miss Layne?” A Perky blonde nurse asks me. “Um yes I just wanted to use the restroom can you point me to the closest one.” She leads me there and I thank her and wait for her to walk away. When the coast is clear I follow the signs to the exit. A few wrong turns later and I finally find the doors to freedom. I hear shouting and panic. “Where is she? Find her now!” Shit! “Akira, we need to shift now!” She agrees, and we start running. Shifting mid air into my grey/silver wolf we book it. I approach what seems to be a park. There’s a few families here some in wolf form some in human. I slow my pace down to not seem suspicious. Trotting along heading towards the tree line I hope no one stops me. Surprised when I make it to the woods and I'm alone I take off running again. “We need to find either water or mud. We need to mask our scent.” We keep running and find the mud. It stinks, but it will work. We splash in and roll around. This is absolutely disgusting but necessary. Bye bye pretty fur. We walk on and continue our journey. About 2 hours after leaving the hospital I am somewhere on a mountain side. I have no idea if I am still in pack territory or not. But I am exhausted. My shoulder is killing me and I'm starting to limp. With every step I take I whimper and if I keep making so much noise, I will attract unwanted attention and predators. Not to mention I can’t outrun anyone in this condition. I stumble across a cave. I don’t smell any other animals in here and decide to take shelter here for now. I don’t want to build a fire and attract attention, so I stay in wolf form and curl into a ball and just lay there thinking about where my life went so wrong. What did I do to deserve any of this? I hear thunder in the distance and just wait for the rain. A few hours after falling asleep, I am woken up by a giant crack of thunder. I don’t have any idea what time it is. A few owls and bats have taken up residency in the cave with me. But I don’t mind the company. I get up and do a dog stretch to get rid of my stiff muscles. I walk to the entrance of the cave and just sit there watching the scenery in the moonlight and pouring rain. It sure is beautiful here. I hear a Howl in the distance, and it sounds sad. For some reason I just know that it's Kasen. It's my mate. “Have you gotten in contact with his wolf Akira?” she just huffs in response. “Tell me about him? What's his wolfs name? is he nice?” I start to feel her contentment and love. “His wolf's name is Atlas. He is perfect. He doesn’t share the same views as his human. He wants us. But his human doesn’t. he won’t tell me why. He just says things are more complicated than we can imagine. I wish we could stay with him, but I know that’s not fair to you. It will hurt Atlas, but all 4 of us have to be 100% in this and it sucks that his human is the only one not wanting this. He keeps trying to contact me, but I have nothing more to say.” Just hearing her talk about her mate bring tears to my eyes. I whimper and lay down with my head resting on my paws. “What do you think of mom and dad and Jake coming?” she growls lowly. At least were on the same page there. They hurt us. They lied to us. There is nothing left for us there. With that thought I close my eyes again and drift to sleep. I wake up to the early dawn light to something wet hitting my face. Is it still raining? I lift my snout and almost s**t myself. Not only am I in big trouble, but if I don’t do something and quick, I am a dead wolf. I’ve never fought a black bear before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. I gulp, this may very well be my last moment.
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