Chapter 4

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Oh when it all, it all falls down I'm telling you ohh, it all falls down Oh when it all, it all falls down I'm telling you ohh, it all falls down -Kanye West ~~Sydney~~ I turn off the water and step out of the shower. I dry off, wrap the towel around me, and lotion up. I mentally punch myself when I realize I forgot to get my bra. First I make sure my towel is secure, then I go into my room to get one. "Need help?" Mickie is smirking at me from the bed. His eyes are roaming all over my body as if the towel isn't even there. "No. I just came to get one thing. Stop looking at me like that." "Like what?" He bites his lip and his eyes are still roaming. He is always trying to get something started when he knows I have to be somewhere. "Like you're getting ideas." Because I know he is. "Baby, I've already had ideas." He gets up off the bed and walks over to me. I try to step back into the bathroom, but he gets to me before I can make it and close the door. "You were trying to get away from me." "Because you are trying to seduce me." "Is it working?" I feel my butt hit the sink and he lifts me onto it. "Maybe..." I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in for a kiss. As we are kissing I feel his hands spread my legs apart and he steps in between them. My body starts to tingle as he runs his hands along my thighs and he reaches my bare waist. The towel falls from around me revealing my upper half. When he moves down and starts kissing my neck I push his shorts down revealing his boxers. I reach my hand in and start to play with him. His moan on my shoulder is warm and it sends a chill up and down my spine. "Come here." He pulls me closer and he drops his boxers. I wrap my arms around his neck again and I wait for him to slowly start to push himself into me. Pain first, like always. I grab for his back or anything grab-able as he goes in slowly and pulls back out. "Damn.." My moans grow louder every time he goes deeper and faster. The ecstasy builds, moaning grows louder, and then we peak. Our breathing is ragged and I kiss him over and over again. "I can't stand you." He smiles down at me. "I know now sit back." I do as I am told and when he gets down on his knees I know I will have to tell my friends I will just meet them there. * * * "I know it is probably none of my business, but you never told me how you got that scar on your leg." I look down at my leg to where my scar is from the bullet wound. It runs along my thigh right above my knee. I look back up at her contemplating whether I want to go on about it or not right now. "I'll tell you later on at dinner." "Okay." "Oh my gosh! Isn't this dress amazing?" Kiana comes and stands in front of the mirror beside me and lays a dress across her body. Reminds of shopping with Lauren in Orlando. Dragging me to all those shops trying to find something purple just so I wouldn't leave her there. "I know she sees me! She better not make me stand on this counter!" That voice almost makes me laugh. I have to be dreaming. I slowly turn around and standing there waving at me are the two people I have missed the most! How did they even find me? "SYDDY POOH!" Andie runs up to me and jumps into my arms. My baby! "Wife, I missed you so much!" She jumps down and I look at Lauren. "I don't do that whole mushy, jump in the arms stuff." I run over to her, pick her up, and spin her around in a hug. "Ugh! Sydney Serenity, if you don't put me down right now!" "What are you two doing here? I can't believe you're here right now! I'm so excited." "We're here to see you of course. Lauren was on Spring break and I just needed a break, so voila! We decided to come and catch up with our girl. These your friends?" Andie gestures towards the three standing behind me. "Yes! I'm so sorry, my friends and roommates, Rosetta, Kiana, and Isabelle! Guys, these are my two besties from Chicago, Lauren and Andie." They all wave politely, but eventually Lauren, Andie, and I are back to being super duper hype. "Aw naw! This CAN'T be who I think it is." I look towards the door and look away grinning. I know they did not bring his crazy ass with them. I can't deal. I have not seen my favorite in forever. "Nah, my ears are playing tricks on me. I know that's not who I think it is. He don't text, call, don't even email me! Mane, this cannot be him!" "Aw naw! He starts walking circles around me. Aye, Nell! Who is this standing right here?" Darnell walks into the store and he starts grinning. "Mane, I don't even know! She look like a ghost to me!" They play too much. "You two have to be the MOST playful people I know. Bring it in assholes." They both laugh and I give them both a hug at the same time. "Aye, come get your men before I hop on them!" I jump at Kyle. "Syd, don't get slapped! Where our boy at though?" "He hanging with some of the guys on the team at his crib. He is going to be so surprised! Here's the address." I put the address into Darnell's phone and they say bye before they head out. "So, we were about to go get some dinner. Mind if they join us?" I turn to Rosetta and the others and they nod their heads like it is fine. We all find a way to pile into my car. "Um, do you mind if I sit up front?" Rosetta asks Andie this. "Oh uh, no. Do you not like riding in the back or something?" "It's just, I would like to sit up here." Rosetta plasters a fake smile on her face and Andie gets up so that she can sit down. Andie gives me a "what the f**k" look as she squeezes in the back and I just shrug because I am as confused as she is. "You okay?" I ask Rosetta this. "Yea, I'm fine. Why?" "No reason." I pull off and I drive downtown to our favorite restaurant. Once I park we all head inside and find a seat in a semi circle booth. I sit down and Andie slides in on one side and Rosetta is on my other side. "So Andie, how is Japan going?" "Sadly, I love it more than I thought I would. You have to visit! I want to fly you, Lauren, Darnell, Dee, and Kyle out to visit me this summer! My parents' businesses are booming and they have just invested in a new private jet! All expenses paid! How does that sound?" "Wonderful! I can't wait to see what Japan is like." "Wait, so you live in Japan?" Isabelle asks Andie this. "Mhm, my parents moved me out there with them because I got into a little trouble with the law." "Awesome! So can you speak Japanese?" "Um, over the past years, I have learned the language." "Ooo, say something in Japanese." Isabelle sounds excited and I lowkey want to hear her say something too. "Well, I haven't mastered it but--" She says a few things in the language and we all look impressed. "So has it been tough still tryin to talk to people until you get better with the language?" I love seeing my friends getting to know each other. "Well, they are learning English schools and I tutor the kids there in English as a part time job. Some of them are very advanced and they can hold full conversations with me, and some are very choppy with it. But I mainly video chat these two and my boyfriend Darnell." "Oh so, Darnell is your boyfriend?" Isabelle asks this. Is that a hint of disappointment in her voice? "Yea." Andie doesn't seem to notice. "So you like it here in Florida?" "Yea, it is everything I imagined, plus more. Made some good friends and all." "Um Syd, are you going to tell me what I asked now? Or not?" I look over at Rosetta. I almost forgot she was at the table, because she hasn't said a word. That was random though. What is her problem tonight? "Oh yea, about my scar..." "Wait wait wait, no disrespect, but why is she asking you about your scar?" "Is that a problem?" Rosetta glares at Andie. "No, but it is kind of irrelevant when we were having a conversation about a subject a little lighter than that." I can tell Andie is starting to get tired of Rosetta's attitude. I don't blame her though, Rose has been acting stand off-ish since the mall. "Well, I was curious and I did ask this question long before your boring conversation even started." Whoa. This is taking a major turn. Rose needs to chill. "Rose, relax. There's no need to be rude." I speak up. "Well I'm so sorry to bore you with my life. PLEASE, fill us in on the much more interesting contents of your life. Don't want to put anyone to sleep." Andie sarcastically spits this back at Rose. "Okay, look. Both of you need to chill out!" I don't understand how the mood shifted so quickly. "Rosetta, are you sure you are okay?" Kiana gives her a concerned look. "Ki Ki, I am fine! Nothing is wrong with me!" She crosses her arms and twists her lips in frustration. Andie is on my other side and she is looking across the room angrily like she wants to go punch the wall. Well, this dinner just got awkward...luckily the waitress comes with our food, so we can all begin to eat. I dive in for my food because I am starving! "Syd, I hope this isn't too irrelevant for your friend, but can you ask her to pass the ketchup?" "Look hoe, if you have a problem with me, you tell me then! Don't sit here and do this petty s**t and talk through other people!" Andie is now standing up and facing Rosetta. I can tell she is pissed off. One thing she hates is when a person is not direct and acts like she is not sitting or standing in their presence. "My problem is your funky ass attitude!" "What you give is what you recieve! I express my opinion, you get an attitude, so I am giving one back! We can argue about this all day, because I know I wasn't in the wrong at first! What the hell have I done to you to make you dislike me already?" People are starting to look over at our table now. Oh Lord, this is not what I wanted to happen. I look at the others and they are all staring with their mouths open probably still trying to figure out what went wrong. Lauren finally catches my eye, so I decide we will push Andie into the bathroom. She understands when I gesture my head towards the bathroom and on three we both get up and drag her there. "Sydney, Lauren, let me go!" When we reach the bathroom I release her and she starts straightening out her outfit in the mirror. "What is your girl's problem? I am not in the wrong am I, because if I am, I will go apologize to her bipolar ass." She starts looking at her make up in the mirror. "Andie, I don't know what's up with her. She is usually just as cool as you...always laughing and smiling. Something has just made her whole attitude turn, but I don't know what could do that in such a short time. Unless..." I laugh at myself. That is ridiculous. "Unless what?" Lauren looks at me through the mirror. "Nothing." I pretend like I am biting my nail. Nervous habit I have picked up since we have been here. I never actually bite, I just pretend. "Nooo, say it!" "Well...I mean this is completely ridiculous, but unless she is jealous of you two." I have to laugh at myself again because that is completely ridiculous. Why would she be jealous? She doesn't even know them! Plus, Rose and I have grown fairly close in the past couple of years. I could never just drop her as a friend. "That is not totally ridiculous. Think about it! When you introduced us, she didn't seem too happy about meeting us. When we were in the car and I hopped in the front seat because I was going to invite you to Japan and all, but then she was almost like telling me to move and that kind of set me off, so I forgot all about it until you brought it up again at the table. Then that whole random outburst about your scar at the most random time. She could have said she was bored...I mean, if I am boring somebody I would like for them to politely let me know! Syd, you know my tolerance for the bullshit is exceptionally low...and now I just need my food so I can calm down...I'm sorry. Can we just go back out?" "Yea, yea...okay. Whatever happens just try to stay cool." I follow them both back out to the table and Kiana and Isabelle are sitting there without Rosetta. I barely notice because what Andie said is still on my mind. Why would Rosetta be jealous of them? Speaking of Rosetta, where the hell is she? "Where's Rose?" I look at Kiana and Isabelle. "Said she needed to walk some things off, and she walked out. I'm sorry, I love her but she is bullshitting right now and I am hungry." Kiana dives into her food without another word. This not how I wanted my friends to get along. I'll talk to Rose later though, like they said she is tripping and I'm hungry as well.
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