Chapter 3

1043 Words
It took me 3 minutes to get to Oliver’s mother’s car. As I reached the car, the driver opened the door for me, "Thank you." I tried to smile at the man opening my door, but his face was unreadable.  "Good morning, Ms Carson." Her face was as stone-cold as it was the last time I saw her. "Yes... you finally got here." and before I could answer she continued." My friend said that she can squeeze us in at twelve and she has a dress that you can take home today... that will probably fit you..." Why do I feel like it was already decided? "Realy?" "Yes, you should be happy that she has anything in your size... " Well, that's nice... But the dress doesn't matter... I will be marrying Oliver, that is all that matters... "Thank you... Ms Carson..." She just looked at me with those cold blue eyes... And we stayed quiet for the rest of the staring at my hands...her staring at me with disapproval... as if my assistance causes her pain... but that couldn't be true, she wouldn't be helpful like she is now.... could she? As we pulled in by the lavish bridal store in the main shopping district of town. It was one of those exclusive places that I would never have the guts to enter... The driver opened the door for us and helped Ms Carson out of the car, but ignored me as I struggled out of the low car.  By the time I stumbled out of the car Ms Carson was already by the door so I ran after her. As I rushed through the door Ms Carson was already next to an older woman dressed in black. She had the same old money energy about her as Ms Carson did... but she looked more bitter... "Julia, darling...." Ms Carson hugged her friend and turned to point at me with disapproval in her gaze and voice...  "This is Beka West...she is marrying my Oliver... like we talked about..." "Yes... this way... let's see what we can do... follow me, girl..."  She turned around and rushed to the back of the store... I stumbled after her trying to keep up but the lady seemed t be on a mission to lose me. The next thing I know she is out of my sight... Fuck...fuck... fuck.... "Beka!" Shit! "I'm coming...." I ran to the direction where the sound was coming from. I almost bumped into a few consultants until I finally found the room Oliver mother friend was at. "Herer." she pushed a garment made from some white silk... Ugh... this colour will clash with my hair so bad... "Thank you... can I try it on?" She looked at me as if I asked for something forbidden... "If you want to..." She turned around and marched out of the room... Great... just great... I released a low sight and began undressing... I pulled on the white gown...  Well... It is interesting... It was this sheet type of dress that accentuated every problem part of my body... the fabric around my middle sagged and it was a bit tight around my ass... it made me look bigger... and maybe even pregnant... But this is what Oliver’s mother chose... so I will defiantly wear it... I want our relationship to be a mother and daughter one... I always wanted to have a mom... to care for me.. yes dad was great... he did the best he could... but I was the only one in my class that had never had anyone to give a mothers day card or to talk with... But now I have a chance... And I will do all I can to make her happy... I took off the dress and put it back on the hanger and pulled the plastic cover over it. Walking back was a challenge once again...  the store was like a maze and not in a fun way. I couldn't;t find Oliver’s mother anywhere... so I walked to the front of the store to have the dress delivered to my apartment and pay for it... "Hello, I will be purchasing this dress, could you please have it delivered to this address?" The blonde behind the counter looked me up and down... "What? This is not how this works miss... you order it and we make it..." "But...but the store owner said that I can take it home... Ms Carson said it was all taken care for?" The girl didn't seem so to be convinced... "Why dan' you wait here... I will get the owner..." and she walked off before I could say anything... I wanted to say something... to .. to ... I don't know... shout? But that would cause a scene... and wouldn't look good... it would probably;ly cause problems for Oliver’s mother...  The girl returned after ten minutes... she didn’t look that happy... "Your dress will be delivered by the end of today." "Thank you...goodbye..." I turned around and left the store before I say something means... Sure... I wasn't expecting an apology or anything like that... but still...  Walked outside and at the moment my foot landed on the street I understood that my luck wasn't getting better... it was pouring outside... Great... just great... I called a taxi... but they said it would take it five minutes to get here... so this means I will be smoking wet... I could return back to the store and wait there... but my pride wouldn't let me... So I stood there in the pouring rain... When the cab finally arrived I rushed into it...  I looked at my watch... Fuck... there is no time to go home change... I have to return back to work...  Great... just great... I asked the driver to take me back to work and I hoped that I would dry up a bit... but there was very little chance of that happening...  So here I was soaking wet... sitting behind my small desk... finishing tasks... that was supposed to be done by Oliver...  Who was nowhere to be found... I finished all of the work and walked by Oliver's office... Neither he nor his secretary could be found...  Great... just great...
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