The Naked Reality

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Vinci Torres, a member of the famous Infin8 boyband, was caught naked in a bedroom suite with Yunna Dominique Ponce. She's the cousin of his fellow member Gab Ponce who he helped the night before to escape from the paparazzi. --- Ritz Hotel, USA Vincent Torres Being a member of a famous boyband such as Infin8 has many perks except anonymity and privacy. But that was just fine since I have nothing to hide. I'm only 22 years old, and yet I'm already a billionaire through my hard work. I don't have vices, and I don't have any scandals tagged on my name except for one! I believe that nothing happens in one's life that did not pass through God. If I became a member of the famous Infin8 boyband, I would know it was approved by God. And being here now with a gorgeous naked woman was intended by God... Well, I am grateful. However, the reality of our situation was not what I exactly had in mind. There was no coitus, banging, or moaning about how great I was in bed! Instead, we were as naked as Adam and Eve in bed. Yes, it was an awkward position, indeed, as we were facing an old man who looked familiar, but I had no time to recall who he was. He was in his 50s, but he seemed to be a strong man capable of killing me. He just couldn't proceed to do so because he was being halted by two women in the room with us while he was trying to attack me. "Pyke, please get a hold of yourself!" The older woman tried to pull her husband away from us. "Dad! Please stop!" The woman beside me pleaded. The younger woman reminded me of Alodia Gosiengfiao, and the older woman reminded me of Heart Evangelista. "That's my daughter, you son of a -" the old man angrily shouted at me. I would be too scared if my mind wasn't just fixated on trying to identify where I had seen him or who he looked like. 'Aha! I now recall who he looks like! He looks like the older version of Kim Hyun-Joong.' I thought as I felt proud of my realization. But then, I also realized what he said. 'Did he just say the woman beside me is his daughter? Does it mean that my Alodia Gosiengfiao look-alike is the daughter of Kim-Hyun-Joong and Heart Evangelista look-a-like? That made sense! Damn, they're one f@cking beautiful family! They're blessed with good genes!' "Daddy, it's not what you think!" The beautiful woman beside me tried to pacify the old man who was called Pyke as she continued to move her body toward me to protect me. I was surprised by her heroism, but I lost my focus as her beauty was quite distracting me. I didn't miss the chance to check her out despite our situation - the woman's ivory-soft back and her gorgeously slender body were only covered by her long black hair and our blanket. I remember my Alodia Gosiengfiao look-a-like did not escape my malicious eyes. Admittedly, my eyes were malicious, but my heart's intention was pure. ''F@ck, who am I kidding?' Not to be discriminating, but I'm straight, and I'd probably be privately jacking off in the comforts of this room if these people were not just here. Her long ebony silk black hair and her ivory-like back were a sight to behold, and she was in front of me. Her beauty was exposed for my eyes to feast on! Karma hits me as the old man's hard knuckle hits me on the shoulder. "Dad! Don't!" The woman who was protecting me was still in between me and the old man called Pyke. 'Wait! This is wrong! I should be the one protecting the woman I was with and not the other way around." 'Think and act quickly, boy!' I scolded myself. 'It's understandable that the father of the woman beside me would react this way - you're both naked in bed! Did you really sleep together?' 'Naked, yes. Sleep together, unfortunately, no. I'd be sure about that because I would still be tired because I would really screw her hard she'd also be tired and sore by now. All I remember is that I sleep naked as this has been my habit ever since I could remember. I love sleeping naked. It was a normal thing for me. What wasn't normal was this beautiful woman beside me whom I had never seen in my life and did not touch at all!' I returned to reality when the old man hit me in the face. "Did you touch my daughter?" he growled. "I didn't do anything, Sir!" I honestly said as he was about to throw another punch. I tried to block his blow-by-blow punch while still in bed with the woman still beside me. I tried to explain to him why I was in that room, though he wasn't listening. "I'm telling the truth, Sir!" I said as I dodged his punches. This is all Gab's fault. He's a member of the Infin8 boyband. I treat him like my brother. He asked a favor from me last night because he and his girlfriend needed to escape from the paparazzi and fans that were already crowding around his girlfriend's condominium residence. He asked me to show up at the Ritz Hotel where he was staying to get the attention of the paparazzi and fans. I actually didn't want to grant his request at first because I was having drinks with my cousins ​​at a posh jazz club, which coincidentally was near the Ritz Hotel. My cousins and I went there after my grandfather's wake. This is also the reason why I am here in the US - to pay respect to my deceased grandfather and to offer comfort to my grieving grandmother. Had it not been for this reason, I would be in South Korea biding my time at my shared luxury penthouse with my fellow Infin8 members. But I treat Gab as a brother and a family member. Thus, I granted his request. Gab secretly told me the sole reason he came here to the US was to talk to his girlfriend, who didn't want to inform him that she was pregnant with his baby. I wanted to help Gab fix his mess, and I agreed to get the attention of the paparazzi so that he and his girlfriend could escape and peacefully talk about what they plan to do at present. I was happy for Gab if he was able to confirm that his girlfriend was pregnant, but I would worry about him too because we have a contract with MM Talent Management Agency. Getting someone pregnant is a violation of the contract, and we would have to pay the bond. This was also the reason why I would be extremely careful every time I would engage with women. I made sure I used protection. This reminded me to be sure I did protect myself in case I really did have coitus with this beautiful woman beside me. I was prepared for that part, but I wasn't prepared to meet the parents after coitus. Meeting the parents spell trouble. It will mean commitment, binding one's life with another, and being doomed to a boring life. I returned to reality as I felt the blows that Pyke threw at me. "No, not the face!" I protected my face with my arm. "I'm sorry!" I unintentionally said it because I didn't want the woman beside me to think I was vain. But, I just got to protect my face because of the endorsements. Although my face was insured, I didn't want to risk it. Good thing that I was used to sparring with the other Infin8 members. Otherwise, Pyke would have been able to smash my face. It's okay for my body to get bruised, but if my face gets ruined, it'll be a big mess. MM Talent Management agency will be angry with me and will sue him for lost business opportunities. And if the fans would learn about this, it would be chaotic. 'Come to think of it, would her opinion of me matter now that I think I'm going to die today in the hands of her father? Farewell, cruel world!' "Daddy, stop!" The woman next to me continued to restrain the man who was strangling me now. "Pyke! Stop it! I'm sure the kids have a perfect explanation for being naked together!" The old woman stopped and hugged Pyke, who almost slapped me with anything he could get his hands on. I recalled now that the woman beside me was related to Gab. I remember that he showed me a photo of his mom, Tita Shayla, and her friends. One of them was Rori, who married Gab's cousin. And his name was Percival Ponce, the hotel tycoon. 'Percival? Could it be that Percival Ponce is Pyke?' I thought as I matched the pieces of the puzzle in my head. The old man trying to attack me was Pyke Ponce who was a hotel tycoon, and the old woman was Rori Prieto- Ponce who was a famous international designer. And this woman beside me was their daughter, Dom Ponce, who Gab told me was off-limits from his Infin8 hyungs like me. I gulped and turned to face the Dom. I now remember that Gab also told me last night that his cousin Dominique Ponce would be in his shared suite, too. 'Is this really Dominique?' Is she really the cousin that Gab was referring to me as his cousin who had a crush on me, but she's off-limits? Damn! She's hot! After seeing her...err...bountiful chest with those pink tips and slender body close to mine as we unknowingly embraced each other while we slept... I can't promise I would follow Gab's advice! And, damn again! I should have been awake last night! "Mommy, please stop Dad!" Panicking, Dominique blocked her father. I suddenly felt ashamed as a man because I am not inferior in body size and height to this woman, but she continued to protect me from her father with all her might, while her Dad was doing the Hulk on me. "Yunna Dominique! Move!" Pyke ordered. 'Which reminded me, if I survive this ordeal, I should be in Pyke's good graces since he could be a potential client to invest in Infin8 as an endorser for his many five-star hotels in Asia. 'For you, my hyungs, I will make a sacrifice!' I thought as I tried to fix the whole misunderstanding. "Sir Pyke, I'm telling the truth. I did not touch your daughter. " "Liar! I'm going to destroy you! I'm gonna kill you!" Pyke growled. "No, Dad! Please!" Dominique begged with tears in her eyes. She was begging her father to protect me, and it had an impact on me. I felt like she genuinely had deep feelings for me. I felt something in my heart. 'Her actions... it made me grow a bit fond of her. Is it what it means to admire someone?' "Don't you dare look at my daughter!" Pyke angrily shouted. "Please, Daddy! Stop this already." Dominique continued to beg. She did not move an inch away from me. She continued to shield me. I couldn't ignore her scent. She smelled like strawberries and marshmallows. Damn! Had I known that Gab's cousin was this beautiful and hot... I would've insisted Gab introduce her to me. "I'll only calm down when I know the truth!" Pyke angrily responded. "Where did you meet this man?" He was exasperated. "My child, why are you having a one-night stand with a random man? What if you get pregnant? What if you get AIDS? Do you no longer respect yourself? " All of us got surprised when Pyke punched the wall in anger. I wanted to object that I'm not a random guy. I was actually quite famous as Vinci of the Infin8 boyband, which would eventually become Infin7 if I won't survive this. Perhaps Dominique's father wasn't familiar with me. However, it was impossible because Gab was related to them, and Gab is GP of Infin8. I'm proud of Ininf8 because this work we have is decent and helped me provide for my family here in America. I helped my whole family to migrate to the US. I never liked staying in the US, though. I didn't feel at home here. I preferred to stay in South Korea where Infin8 was formed, and it has been my home base. I stopped thinking when I saw Dominique's father crying. "My dear child, why? Why did you do this?" Pyke was on the verge of crying. "Or did this boy drug you?" He started to walk towards me again. Dominique quickly intervened between us. "Dad! He did not drug me. And please call him by his name. He is Vinci of Infin8." Dominique seemed to be shaken, but I also saw that she was thrilled to introduce me to her parents. 'I felt uneasy and sensed she was somewhat crazy... with me?' "Are you Vinci of Infin8?" He turned to me with an unreadable reaction. "Yes, Sir Pyke. I'm Vinci of Infin8." I seconded, hoping Dominique's father would calm down and not kill me. "I don't give a f@cking damn who you are! I can buy your talent agency and destroy you anytime I want!" Pyke growled again. "Dad, please." Dominique tried to calm Pyke down. "Tell me, Dominique, before I destroy this man... did something happen between the two of you? Is he even your boyfriend in the first place? Or did you just meet and have a one-night stand? Did you use protection?" Pyke asked. He disheveled his hair and held on to his nape. I knew he was so angry at me, and if he could have his way, he would truly destroy me - in any form or way. "Pyke, baby, please?" Dominique's mother gently held her husband. "Calm down. We're not young anymore. You might have a heart attack. And, can you please allow these kids to be decent before we talk to them? Please give them some privacy." I suddenly felt my throat go dry and felt nervous. The aggression phase may be over, but I think the next phase would be hard. "Get dressed, and let's talk outside," Pyke ordered Dominique and me. We both watched as the couple, Pyke and Rori, came out of the room. After he closed the door, I immediately confronted her. "What just f@cking happened to us? Are you trying to set me up?" I exasperatedly asked her.
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