Chapter 2

1013 Words
Zena's POV "Good morning, Chief. Here's your morning coffee," Ceila, one of the detectives, greeted me as she handed me a cup of coffee. "Thank you, Ceila. I've already had coffee, but there's no such thing as too much," I replied with a smile, taking the cup from her before making my way into my office. Ceila handed me my itinerary, and just as she was about to leave, I stopped her. "Ceila, is this right? Do I truly have a meeting with the mayor by 1 PM?" I inquired, studying the schedule in front of me. "Yes, you do. And by 3 PM, you also have a meeting here with the team. It's all written there," Ceila confirmed, gesturing towards the document in my hand. "Do you know what the meeting with the mayor is all about?" I asked, curiosity piqued. "I don't know, but I'm sure it's nothing serious," Ceila reassured me with a smile. "Thank you, Ceila. You can go back to work now," I dismissed her, signalling for her to leave. As Ceila exited my office, I settled into my chair and began to sift through the case files on my desk. One particular case caught my attention - the case of Hugo Jiménez, also known as El Fuego, a notorious human trafficker linked to the disappearance of numerous young girls in the city. "Ceila, come into my office," I called out, picking up the phone. Before I knew it, Ceila was at my door, ready to assist. "Chief, you sent for me?" Ceila announced her presence. "Ceila, are you the detective on this case?" I asked, indicating the file on El Fuego. "Yes, Chief," Ceila replied, her demeanour serious as we delved into the details of the investigation. "Why did his trail suddenly go hot again?" I mused aloud, lost in thought as I pondered the implications. "I asked myself the same question, Chief. I remember you worked on this case a while back, and you were so close to getting him," Ceila remarked, recalling past efforts. "He was always one step ahead," I muttered, frustration evident in my voice. "How did this happen? How did his trail get hot again?" I questioned, a sense of urgency creeping into my tone. "Chief, there were reports of several missing young girls, and we traced it back to the El Fuego gang," Ceila explained, her words igniting a fire within me. "Damn," I exclaimed, a surge of anger coursing through me. "Any leads to find him yet?" I asked, desperation evident in my voice. Before Ceila could respond, a knock interrupted our conversation. "Go away," I snapped my focus solely on the case at hand. "Chief, I'm sorry, but this flower came for you," a police officer entered, placing a bouquet of lilies on my desk before swiftly retreating. "Oh, lilies, I love them," Ceila remarked, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the flowers. I glanced at the note attached to the bouquet, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I read Noah's message reminding me of dinner tonight. "At least one of us has a life outside of work," Ceila teased, her playful remark easing the tension in the room. "I should leave you to it," Ceila announced, rising from her seat and preparing to depart. "Ceila, we're not done yet. We still have a lot to discuss regarding this case," I interjected, determined to delve deeper into the investigation. "I know, but we can talk later. Remember, you still have the meeting with the mayor," Ceila reminded me, her concern evident as she exited the room. Lost in thought, I stared at the flowers, my mind consumed by the intricacies of the case. Suddenly, my phone rang, and Noah's name flashed on the screen. "Hey, babe, did you get the flowers?" Noah's voice sounded through the phone. "I did, and I loved them. Thank you," I replied, gratitude flooding my voice. "I'm glad you liked them. Don't forget dinner tonight," Noah reminded me. "I won't, don't worry. But, Noah, you shouldn't be sending me flowers at work. It's unprofessional," I chided gently. "I don't care. I want everyone to know that you're mine," Noah declared, his possessiveness both endearing and exasperating. Before I could respond, Ceila reentered the room. "Sorry to interrupt, but you need to get going for your meeting with the mayor," Ceila informed me, breaking the momentary silence. "I'm sorry, my love, but I have to go. I have a meeting with the mayor," I explained to Noah, reluctantly ending the call. After bidding farewell to Noah, I made my way out of the station, heading towards my meeting with the mayor. (**) "Welcome, Zena. I hope it's fine that I call you by your first name," the mayor greeted me as I entered his office. "It's fine, Mayor," I replied with a smile. "Great. Since we're on a first-name basis, you can call me Philip," the mayor suggested, returning the smile. "Very well, Philip," I agreed, taking a seat as instructed. "We have a lot to talk about," Philip began, his tone serious as he delved into the purpose of our meeting. "How are you finding your new position as Chief?" he inquired, his gaze searching mine for any signs of hesitation. "I'm settling in just fine," I assured him, keeping my tone neutral despite the underlying tension. "I'm glad to hear that, Zena. However, there's a problem," Philip continued, his expression growing sombre as he broached the subject at hand. "And what problem might that be?" I asked, steeling myself for whatever criticism or challenge lay ahead. "There have been several unsolved cases of young girls going missing, and it reflects badly on my administration as mayor of this city. So, as the police chief, I want to know why these cases have not been solved yet," Philip stated bluntly, his words landing like a hammer blow. My heart skipped a beat as the weight of his accusation settled upon me, the gravity of the situation sinking in.
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