Friend or Foe?

1058 Words
As I soaked in the cold rushing water of a nearby stream, I thought of absolutely nothing, letting my brain empty as I traced constellations in the stars. But as I followed one with my eyes, I thought back to what felt like ages ago. Mother sat to my left and Father sat to my right, each with an arm wrapped tightly around me. Little me sat gazing at the stars trying desperately to count how many I saw. Suddenly Mother spoke, pointing at a star that shined brighter than all the others. "Levi. You see that star right there? The one that shines brighter than the rest?" Little me nodded his head enthusiastically. Mother laughed quietly before continuing on. "Well if you follow it to that star there..." She sat and explained the shape and by the time she was done, a large axe shown bright in the sky outlined by my father's helpful firefly friends. As Mother sat and smiled at me, Father began to speak in her place. "Son, that constellation is called Leviathan. It is a mighty axe forged by the same hands who created the god Thor's legendary hammer Mjölnir and was creates to oppose Mjölir itself after Thor wreaked havoc in Midgard. The Huldra Brothers Sindri and Brok, who forged Mjölir, were inspired by the mighty World Serpent, Jörmungandr, child of Loki and the goddess Angerboda. Jörmungandr was so long, he was able to wrap his body around the world and bite his tail. It's said the day that he lets go of his tail, Ragnorok will have begun. The brightest star in that constellation is the very tip of the handle of Leviathan. It's said only a chosen few can carry the weight of Leviathan. That legendary axe is what you are named after. Because we just know that you will grow to be just as powerful and legendary as the axe you were named after." Little me did nothing but watch the stars and imagine being a legendary hero, with no clue that I wouldn't have moments like that with my parents much longer. I returned to the present realizing I was still sitting stark naked in a stream. I stepped out, toweled off, and with a flick of my fingers, my hair was dry. I quickly dressed in my clean uniform and began my walk back to camp in lonely silence. As I walked, I pondered my memory and rethought the meaning of my own name. It didn't take long until I stepped back into camp and was headed to my tent. With a quick flick of the flap, I tossed my clothes into a corner of my tent and turned towards where the food was still being handed out in portions. I received a bowl of stew and with a quick thank you, began scarfing. I had missed beef stew even if it was a smaller portion than I would've normally eaten. I couldn't help but savor every drop of the warm beef broth and tender beef and vegetables. But not long afterward, I heard the footsteps of someone who was getting audibly closer. I turned to see a soldier looking at me with a straight face. My eyes flicked to a scar that dominated most of the left side of his face. But within seconds, I dragged my eyes away and set my empty bowl in a bin of dishes to be washed and turned back to the male. He nodded his head in greetings and began to speak loud, clear, and monotone. "The general has requested that you return to his tent. He said to take your time but not too much. He would like to speak with you if an important matter." With that, the soldier turned and walked away. Just as quick as he came, he was gone leaving me to my thoughts. It was then that I realized that I had completely forgotten of the female that I had left in the General's tent. With my thoughts back on track, I sped up my pace in hopes of making it to the tent as soon as possible. As soon I arrived in front of the General's tent, I immediately opened my mouth to speak but before I got even a syllable out, the general spoke and invited me in. Pushing the flap aside, I stepped in and to the side, and raised a hand to salute him. I immediately felt my gaze leave the general to the female. She sat unrestrained directly across from the general and there was no evidence to be found from any scuffle. She and the general were at total ease and I couldn't help but find it weird as she seemed like a hostile to me just a whole earlier. The general smiled, waved me over and gestured to the seat on the right of the female. With wary eyes and muscles tensed to jump at the slightest movement, I sat down on the cushion and looked to the general for an explanation. He simply sighed and began to speak. "Soldier. I recall you told me that you had sensed a presence watching us earlier as we were traveling. And when I sent you out to find who it was, you returned with this female. I could tell by your face and actions earlier and your tense muscles now that you do not trust her. Well, you can relax young man. We are in no danger of harm." I wanted to believe him but my instincts wouldn't let me relax. So I spoke. "With all due respect, Sir, this individual has already attacked me once with provocation. And then she was following us earlier. She refused to tell me why she was following us. I don't feel comfortable letting my guard down around her at this moment. Pardon me for questioning you and your orders, but what makes so sure she is trustworthy, sir?" He just laughed out loud and shook his head with a smile on his face. "It's alright soldier. You have a valid reason to be cautious of her. But if you wish to know why I'm sure she's trustworthy, I will tell you. See, Son, this young lady here is Isilnyor Wysaleth. And she is an undercover assassin and spy for the White Army."
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