Before I Start Anything (Read the Authors note.)

418 Words
Hi! So before I start anything, just want to say hi to all my future readers. I get writers' block a lot but I hope I can meet your expectations. I also write other stories so keep that in mind. Some chapters will be short some will be long it all depends on what's going on at the time. Also, keep in mind that I am an adult who has a life outside of writing.  Please do not pressure me to upload because I am not a machine. If you are making a cake I'm pretty sure you don't rush the oven if u put it too high it will burn the cake if you put it too low the cake will not be baked properly therefore I ask you to give me time to process and create a chapter before I upload. My mind is not an electronic device, it doesn't give you what you want when you want it. I would like to thank you guys for the support. I'm always happy to receive help ideas and comments from you in the future. Please feel free to message me, I'll try my best to answer. I'm a friendly person so I don't bite. Now let me get this straight DO NOT STEAL my story you wanna use a part of it ask me. If you want to make a fan fiction ask, and don't forget to give me my credit. Just ask me please I'm pretty sure that you don't want to be thrown in jail because your pathetic self couldn't think of your own ideas. I am warning do not to steal my ideas. All my stories are based on my own friggin' ideas, not anyone else. Long story short plagiarism is not tolerated here. With that being said I wish you guys a wonderful time and enjoy the stories. I hope it suits your tastes. A little tease here a little tease there, some romance, lovemaking, rough s*x and or some b**m. Again it all depends on how I feel while writing this.  Warning!!!!! There maybe be triggers in my stories. If you're not into nonconsensual consensual, b**m, LGBT etc. DO NOT proceed past chapter 7. You have been warned. DO NOT say I didn't warn you. I'm always excited to hear what you have to say your sexy little comments and ideas always keep me on my tippy toes.  {Also thanks for the hate comments XD} -Kisses & Love SAS_HyBrid
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