Chapter 11: Satisfied

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-Blanche-   “And what did you answer to Elias?” Silvia asked me, amused.   Silvia knows my entire story and has never judged me. It feels great to have her back.   I sighed before answering her.   It has been so long since we had time to talk like this. It was a good idea to have a picnic outside. We both feel energized by nature. The garden's palace is beautiful now; under the care of the true Luna Queen of this Kingdom, it blossoms lovely.   “I said that I would think about it.” I giggled. “Then, I took everything I wanted.” I smiled cheekily, thinking about the rare ingredients I took with me... and the face Elias's grandfather will make when he finds out.   The lab of Stefan has all potions needed to protect Silvia’s family.   I moved to Silver Rain territory to manage the new branch of Moon House. The business is doing great. It is always full of clients, and I am sure we can open another branch in Royal territory by the end of the year. Numbers are looking good… I might leave it all in capable hands sooner than later.   New Moonlight, the pack Clara has founded in honor of her ancestors, is receiving applications of werewolves from all over the Kingdom. I guess even werewolves were waiting for the kind of change Clara represents.   "And how is your hand now?" Silvia disregarded the matter of Elias. My friend knows I will never take him back, and I am not pleased with the idea of a friendship with him. We are allies to protect Silvia and her family, but that is all.   Even if Elias was drunk, drugged, or enchanted by my cousin, he could have done anything else but cheating on me with Solange.   “It is a dark spot now.” It looks ugly, so I keep my hand banded. Silvia examined it, but I tried to not make a big deal out of it. “My grandmother keeps throwing curses at me...” I laughed without humor. “To keep me alive… and entertained.”   I touched the belongings of Kassandra; the wound on my hand is the punishment for it. Nothing in this life or another goes unpunished. It is just a natural law. There must be balance.   “Blanche, being alive is not a curse. You are a blessing for all of us. In fact, for our entire Kingdom.”   “I was the reason you did not say the name of the witch behind FDL. That scared you the most." Silvia knew it was my grandmother. “I am the one who should have protected you, not otherwise," I complained because she hid it from me. She hid with her little Clara in Blood Moon until the vampires and Charlene attacked them and captured her.   Kassandra Charlene were partners in crime.   “I was afraid of many more things than just your grandmother, Blanche.”   Charlene is the mother of Stefan and the actual head of a band of criminals, murderers. Silvia tried to protect her mate, Clara, and even me from the truth. And we almost lost her. No, we lost her for years… over fourteen years.   “I was told you were dead, and I believed it." Stefan felt she was alive and never stopped looking for her while I helped Silvia hide from him despite being soulmates. Once again, I felt so guilty about it.   "It was your protection spell that kept me alive and Clara safe from Charlene. You helped me, Blanche.”   “But separate from your daughter… your soulmate. I should have asked you more…”   “No… You helped me with what I asked you. You did nothing wrong. If Charlene would have known about my puppy, I do not know what she could have done to Clara. Even more with help from Kassandra.”   “I also shiver at the thought. I should have stayed closer to protect your daughter.”   "You did it when Clara truly needed it. It was my decision, Blanche. Even Persephone thought we did the right thing back then. Now, I think I could have done things differently… like fight FDL with help from Emma, or something else…"   “I am so sorry, Silvia. I have missed you all those years."   "Me, too... But you must remember, we do not live in the what-if world. We live in the present. Let the past be in the past." Silvia tried imitating me poorly.   "You learned that from me, young one." I raised an eyebrow at her.   “You protected my daughter in her time of need. She is alive despite rejection, and more werewolves are and will be with help from your potion.” That reminded me of Allen. He will leave tomorrow, if not sooner. The festivities about the mating ceremony of Josh and Clara are too much for the gamma.   "Whatever happened until now, it is what it is."   "By the way, I am sorry again…" I did not understand her until she said, "Stefan kidnapped you, along with Clara. That was wrong." I almost laughed at the memory. Silvia made Stefan apologize to me.   In fact, the proud King has changed a lot. He salutes and is polite all the time with me and everyone around him. He has new manners that usually surprise the werewolves living in the palace.   My friend is the most suited Luna Queen for an Alpha King like Stefan; together, they are one perfect soul. The Goddess is wise.   “Taming the beast again,” Silvia learned to tame Persephone to hide from Stefan. Her wolf was difficult, but she achieved it by setting together common goals. Silvia laughed, but also Persephone was in her voice.   “Same old Silvia,” I said, and we both laughed harder. That is true in more than one sense.   My protection spell and the magic that lives inside Silvia helped her survive the attack of the white wolf of Charlene. However, Silvia was captured and made prisoner in a block of ice of her own making for years.   When I saw Silvia buried in that grave of ice, I thought it was impossible to help her out. That was magic I did not know about. But I did not give up. I had Circe, Blair, and Andy to help. Clara did not give up either. We prepared potions in the limited time we had. The ingredients I took from Witchy Witch were helpful... but not enough.   That day I saw a King beg and cry for her. Stefan truly loves Silvia, despite the years, the lies, and pain. She was all he cared about. He even offered us his Kingdom if we saved her.   In the end, Clara did the miracle we needed. However, those fourteen years will catch up on her body without harming her -in a more natural way- if she keeps drinking my potions.   “I am so glad you are alive, young one,” I whispered.   “Me, too.”   We laid on the grass contemplating the blue sky until Silvia gathered the courage to ask me something she has wanted after her honeymoon with Stefan. I can see it in her eyes.   “I want to have another child with Stefan. Do you think it is possible?” I love it when I am right.   “Of course, it is possible!”   “Am I not too old for it?”   "Young one, your body is aging slowly, and with my potions, you will have a healthy baby," I assured her.   "Thank you, Blanche. You are our protector." Silvia told me, but then her eyes were black while standing up from the grass. Persephone was stronger than Silvia whenever she felt Stefan near.   “Especially if you keep trying… often,” I whispered, also incorporating from the grass.   Silvia blushed and turned lightly after hearing me with a frown on her face, but she was already at an arm’s length of her mate. The King pulled Silvia into a tight embrace, lifting her from the ground. He kissed her cheek before nuzzling her neck tenderly. Silvia melted into his arms.   "Hi, Blanche! I am sorry I interrupt this conversation between friends but…" Stefan greeted me, but then his concentration went directly to the female in his arms. "I sensed the glee of my mate. Hades could not resist the call of your scent, Silvia..." His eyes flickered black, looking at her.   “I would recommend checking with your doctor, too, Silvia. Although... I think nothing will keep you from your goal… if you keep practicing with Stefan!” I winked at them.   Stefan laughed and lifted Silvia in his arms in bride style. He looks like a mature man with some gray hair on his temples, carrying a young one against her will when it is nothing of the sort. Appearances can be so deceiving…   “Stefan! No! I have to go to the boutique with Clara!” Silvia fought in the arms of Stefan. She weighed nothing to him, and her protests died soon when he kissed her. Persephone took over.   “Tomorrow is the mating ceremony!” I yelled, waving my hand at them. “There is still time, Silvia!" I encouraged Hades, who laughed louder and hurried his steps into the palace carrying his mate. They are so happy.   This is what I envy of werewolves. It is so freaking special to find your soulmate following your nose. And now they will make a new baby… Their family is growing.   Stefan missed the first pregnancy of Silvia and the childhood of Clara. They both found Clara all grown up, with a mate and expecting her own children. I can understand they want this experience together. Although, I would suggest that they wait because a baby can change the dynamic of a couple… However, what do I know about relationships, more so of royal children of the Moon! They should be fine.   I realize now... The children of Clara will be older than her brother or sister… And what if Silvia also has twins? Then the twins of Clara will play with their uncles or aunts. They will be more like cousins! It will be so much fun!     I laid down on the grass, thinking… Everything is taking its due course, and I think the fairies might be right. If there is not a happy ending, then it is not the end of the story. Yet, I feel like mine has come to it. s**t, I hate getting this sad again. No, I refuse to be depressed. The end of my story is not sad, not truly happy, but I am satisfied.   Currently, I have my work at Moon House. I am like living in werewolf territory. I am single, not alone because I have my friends, but I had to sell my part of my wine business to my witch sisters. And I am not on the best terms with Morgana now... I will be, just not for a while.   Morgana had to accept before the authorities that she received funding from Kassandra to open our wine business. I thought we did everything on our own. Circe and Blair did not know, and I understand why Morgana did it, but it tainted our business in my eyes.   Everything Kassandra ever did is now under a magnifying glass, even my case against Damian and his family. And if I must face him again in Court, I will do it.   Damian will never see the light of the day again if it depends on me.   My phone buzzed. Another call from Leon.   He calls and calls to talk in private, and his passive-aggressive messages are erasing our good memories. His comments about my potential relationship with Elias irks me. Leon has no right to be jealous at all. I just want peace.   During the mating ceremony of Silvia and Stefan, I escaped from him. I was the maid of honor of Silvia. I was busy, and then I left early... I plan to do something similar for the mating ceremony of Clara if Leon comes because the Lycan King has not confirmed his presence yet. Hopefully, he sends any other emissary instead of Leon.   I sighed again. Nature surrounded me in this beautiful garden while the sun kisses my skin... I should not feel glum.   It is not like I miss Leon, but I miss something or someone. I do not know what it is. I wonder if a former lover is calling me in his dreams. No, I doubt so...   I left nothing of mine for Leon or Elias to hold. Besides, Elias has not made a move on me since that last time in Witchy Witch.   Yet, I have these visions of muscular arms around me while sleeping. I can almost feel this man behind me, holding me, his breath on my nape at night. I wake up needy and sweaty, missing that touch.   Probably, it does not matter, Lycan or warlock... I can resist any attack, asleep or awake. I have decided how my story will end, and there is no male there. 
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