3. Once truth spills

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LUCY  Shock jilted my entire body and soul as my gaze dropped from his hostile glare. Grant Clayton called me a greedy w***e… The same man who took advantage of me and abandoned me just when he thought I was leeching too much on his freedom. I was the w***e who let him off the hook. I took nothing from him and yet he dared to push my buttons. I had to admit. Grant’s sudden despise for everything about me was a blow to the stomach but it did not leave me on my knees. I burned with rage. Just when I was about to give him fire and brimstone, I remembered that an unsatisfactory comment from the ego drunk fellow in front of me could damage my career. I doubted Chuck would take Grant’s word for it but I was taking no damn chances. It did not matter how hard Grant tried to bring me to his level, I would prevail. “It is refreshing to know you have squandered it all in just so little time.” That was it! Did Grant imply that he gave me money to survive? “How dare you, Grant!” I lashed back at him, a full-fledged rabid beast. “You have some nerves lying to my face but why should I even be surprised by anything you do now?”  Grant laughed, air flaring from his nostrils noisily. “Where exactly is the lie Lucy?” “I don’t know… Me being a greedy b***h, Me extorting money from you… The list goes on.” I retorted, bewildered that he was still keeping to his lies. I was not even sure why he was lying. Was it petty revenge or was Grant now hooked on drugs? “I took nothing from you nor your family.” “A million dollars is nothing to you?” I raised an eyebrow, replaying his comment in my head. “You know very well I refused your money. You were not going to buy me out so cheap.” “Beautiful standards you have there Lucy. If only you kept to that because I remember you walking back to my father with the demand for money. You threatened him!” “I never.” I tried to say but Grant retorted. ‘You are a bloody liar!”  There was a very strange game the Claytons seemed to be laying. True, Grant’s father did go behind his son’s back to make me accept Grant’s offer but I refused. I stood my ground. Grant was being fed a different truth. That had to be it. “Grant, I honestly do not care what you think of me because it does not matter. I do not need your validation for anything but I made no demands from your family. Neither did I collect a penny.” I said, standing my ground. It did not make a difference to Grant but I was beginning to see how things were in a true light. Grant had been lied to. His family was the only clan he could back up without batting an eye. I struck gold. His father. Victor never liked me. He had to be the one who told Grant the blatant lie. I could not be surprised. The Claytons had hated me since day one. I was the geese among ducks when it came to being part of their clan. I was the girl from the lower caste who wanted the easy way out. Just thinking about it sent a wave of rejection and the countless sufferings I had to bear being a Clayton. My eyes burnt and I felt my knees buckle. I couldn’t do it. Not when all I remembered was pain and broken promises. I should have known when I decided to rebel against my mother and marry the first boy I thought loved me. Well, Here was the fruits of all I had planted. Chaos and hate.  While I indulged myself in the self-consuming fire of my shadowy past, Something cold was slotted between my shaking fingers. I looked down to see a glass of water. I stared back at Grant in confusion. It was rare to give your enemy salvation just when you had them trap. I wanted an answer. “You look perturbed.” He commented, helping himself to a half-full bottle of sparkling water. So he knew. I also had something that would knock his small win right out. He would have a mini heart attack if he ever knew about June. It was quite a disturbing thought and I sought to throw it out my mind with the help of cold sparkling water. I drained the glass in one drop and hoped the feeling would disappear. “Your hair looks different.” He commented.  I was not sure what that was supposed to mean but I felt my cheeks numb-en. A sort of unrealistic comfort blanketed me because Grant still had memories. Memories of the old me. I used to keep my hair shoulder-length. It was strange how the conversation was quickly tilting. Grant went from accusing me to asking curious questions. If that was not a side effect of c***k, I could not be sure what his deal was exactly. I was so focused on my thoughts, I forgot his comment needed some sort of answer. “I like it this way now.’ I breathed.  He sent me a familiar gaze that made me feel uncomfortable. Panty wet uncomfortable. I cursed under my breath. He was enjoying this. The wolfish smile planted to his lip gave it all away. Years had passed and I still could not get over the Grant effect. A wicked combination of smoldering good look and raw s*x appeal. “You however have not noticed any changes in me…” “I think I should go.” It was sudden. I knew it was but I could not help it. My straw walls were burning. All the emotions I had put under lock and key were now in Pandora’s hands. “Why?” Grant demanded, A satisfied smirk prided to his mouth. “Before I say something that ruins both our day,” I admitted. I noticed his dominating stance break. He was tense and to be honest. Nothing satisfied me more. “Like what? You hate me? Because I really do not give a fuck.” “I do have something to say, Mr. Clayton. You are still the arrogant brat you always were. One I wished I never loved because being married to you was the worst mistake I ever made in my life.”   
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