Chapter 3

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'What should I do now?' I felt like pulling my hair because of how frustrated I was then, as I paced in my room back and forth barefoot. 3:45 am, it was. And still, I was awake. There was no one to blame but me. I shouldn't have come out of the locker room without my makeup last night. How could I be so careless and come to my apartment directly instead of heading to the police station? Taking a shaky breath, I strode towards the window to the other side of my foldable study table. I had to leave it open as I was scared to lean forward and pull down the shutter. What if someone had been waiting for me in the dark on the road before this apartment complex? That strange busmate's girlfriend terrified me to the core more than my grandpa did. But who was she? How did she know my name? No matter how hard I tried to look for a clue in my memory if I had seen her before, I left with sheer disappointment. I took two steps backward, not having enough bravery in me. Wasn't my grandfather's cruelty towards me enough? How about giving a call to the officers? My subconscious voiced a question that hadn't come to my mind the whole time. Though I regret not changing the route after running out of the bar from the back door, I still didn't consider letting my friend or lawyer know about my day after coming home. Stressing them would be the last thing I want now. But I could always call the people known as incredible in this field. Without a second thought, I picked up my phone from the bed and took my chair. My mood also lightened up, finding the right way to relieve my stress. I would more likely do what they would suggest to me. Because no matter how trained I was, I couldn't beat everyone. No one chased me with the same intention. I could only hope I wasn't in a knee-deep mess at that crucial point in my life. "I hope I didn't wake you up, did I, sir?" My tone held an apology, but I wasn't ashamed to call the agent at the witching hour. The man to the other side laughed lightly, "Oh, no, Bonita. I am on duty. Tell me. Is everything all right there with you?" "I believe someone has followed me to my apartment, and I wasn't in disguise when I fled from my workplace." The line fell to silence. My breath caught in my throat, and I got goosebumps on my skin. Terrified, I sunk into my bed, gripping my phone hard. Then I heard a light commotion, and the officer's voice sounded tight, "Hold on. Let me put the call to the speaker." A lady officer must have taken the phone from his hand, as I was sure they climbed into their Jeep. "Our team is already checking all the footage from that bar to your home. We will inspect the area for you. Now, tell us everything without missing any details, Emily." My eyes welled up. I knew I wouldn't regret asking for help from them. In a wavering tone, I said, "Thank you, ma'am." Cheryl wouldn't lose her family again. I had to be sure I would be safe in that city for a couple of days, which had me take out my file from my bag to check the contract I had to sign with the club. Taking a long shaky breath, I prepared myself and told them everything that had happened to me since the day I ran into that strange man. I also let them know about my grandfather and his plans. "Have you ever seen that man before. . .who believes you have been stalking him?" "No, I don't." I swallowed hard when a thought struck my mind. "What if his girlfriend is?" "You mean some overly obsessed stalker? That's possible, but that can't be as simple as it may sound." The lady snorted, and the man also agreed with her. "Go to work in the morning, Bonita. You need to be there. I am sure you will see them there today. And don't be scared, okay? One of us will be there with you for the whole day. About your coach. . .is he coming here to talk to Mr. Iglesias?" "He is, but I can't contact him. You told me last time not to pick up anyone's call with whoever I am associated with, some sort." "I have his contact on the chat box with your lawyer. She shared it with me a few days ago. I know you don't want your friend to know this, but I won't hide it from Mrs. Winchester. Let us deal with your grandpa, and you take some rest before leaving for work." Oh, lord. I don't want to go to work. The boyfriend-girlfriend is the couple made in hell. The last thing I want is to see their faces. I closed my eyes and felt like crying out in frustration. But the lady agent was hell-bent on making her point clear. "You have to be there and face them. And if you feel threatened, take immediate action. We will back you up before getting you out of this country." I heaved a breath, knowing I was running at a loss. This lady sounded so much like my mom that it made me emotional. But it put my mind at ease, and I fell asleep thinking about her. Not more than three hours, though. Yet I felt refreshed like never before. Why wouldn't I? My contract period with that bar was over, and my manager was probably working on the renewal. I could easily resign. I would wait if my coach convinced grandpa to sign the papers and get information from him about my dad. If they failed, I would move to Seattle and find a good job or sign that two-year contract I was previously offered to become their contracted swimming athlete in Belgium. It would be hard for me not to be with my sister, but I had to do that to get her guardianship from Helenite's parents after two years. ~ Soon the day ended, and nothing terrifying happened there, still. No one talked about the commotion I, err- that superstar, caused last night either. How is that possible anyway? A troop of men chased me in the streets until they lost sight of me. I knew that area way better than them, so it was next to impossible for them to look for me, yet someone followed me who wasn't one among them. I felt my heart in my throat when I got the manager's text to come to the owner's office. It was the moment I was about to leave for home. What kind of disaster was waiting for me? Holding my breath, I again took the elevator. I clutched the strap of my backpack, where I stuffed everything I had in my locker. For precaution, of course. But again, there wasn't anything original but fake notes from my first year of Culinary School. My hoodies, sweatsuits, and shoes were costly in a middle-class way. If I had to run, I would take everything I bought with my hard-earned money during my stay here, which I had once but didn't know its value back then. This time, the men in black didn't check me or ask me to leave my backpack behind. My heart was beating faster to recognize their faces. They were the same people who chased me last night, which meant their boss had to be in the owner's office. Oh, lord. My throat went dry in fear. Raising my hand, I knocked on the door. The strap of my backpack felt dumped because of my sweaty palms. I couldn't even give a call to the officers. That was not the number I was allowed to use to call them. It's okay, Emily. You can do it. There is nothing to be afraid of, you believe me. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, and my heart dropped in fear, hearing the clicking sound of the door, followed by, "Come in," I pushed the door lightly and stepped in with my head down. Turning around, I ran my gaze at the people in that office and breathed in relief inwardly, seeing my colleagues there, too, but there was also that strange couple sitting side by side and hand in hand. I could see the admiration the ladies held for them in their eyes. As if they were some king and queen. But I can't blame them, though. When they dressed like one and the woman had a mild look on her face, the man had a gentle yet firm look in his eyes. How could someone be so fake in one lifetime? "Elias. . . are you?" My breath caught in my throat when that man took my name, finding my eyes on his woman stayed a bit longer than they should. I shifted my gaze at him and wasn't surprised his green orbs held suppressed anger and displeasure that he wanted to vent but couldn't. "It would be me, sir." I sounded more neutral than I expected I would. Holding his gaze, I asked, "Is there any problem, if you don't mind me asking?" His eyes slightly darkened at the tone I used. Maybe it was the words that angered him or something. And if he had me fired now by using his influence and power just because of what I said, I would gladly oblige. I had no plan to stay in this city anyway. "Oh, Elias, you don't need to be so defensive for no reason." The manager came to my side, laughing, and I knew he wanted to cover up the issue like he usually had done before for me. Elbowing me to my waist, he said to the superstar apologetically, "Bash and Ms. Madeline, please don't mind this young man's words. Elias hasn't been in a mood recently because of the pressure from his family." "Family pressure?" I stiffened when Madeline looked at me with worried eyes before shifting her gaze back to her man. "Does it mean he can't come with us to Los Angeles? Seb, we don't have much time left on our hands. How could we find planners in this short period?" It made me frown hard at her. I had no idea what they were talking about, but whatever they were up to, I wasn't going to give in, no matter how much they were willing to pay me to have someone travel with them who could be a part-time accidental party planner/bartender/cook at the same time. That would be too much to ask for, and I didn't intend to be everyone's Genie. I could be a genie for my sister if she asked me to, but never for those unscrupulous wealthy socialites or whatever they were. But that woman. . .she looked like she was about to break down. And that intense gaze I was getting from Mr. Kennedy, the owner, didn't help me a bit. That star looked heartbroken. . .as if he could feel his woman's pain. Let's not talk about my manager. I sometimes can't decide whether to be grateful to have a mentor like him or weep over my luck to find someone who. . .was like my late mother. While I was glowering at my manager, with me trying to tell him I wasn't going anywhere with those people, the superstar consoled Madeline by saying calmly, "Let me talk to him, Eline. Everything will happen according to your plans." My head snapped toward Bash, but he again left me stunned, asking, "When is your test?" "What?" I looked at him in bewilderment. Of course, I talked in my manly tone, even though I was now panicking about him bringing the college here. What worse could happen if I couldn't tell him the name of the college I wrote in my resume before submitting it to my manager's email? "You are studying, aren't you?" My throat dried up in fear when Bash leaned forward and held the edge of the desk to the other side. "You work here mostly on the day shift. Sometimes at night and even for the whole day. You barely miss your work here, and then you are an art student. Culinary, I mean, as per what your resume says." I felt my jaw hanging low when he told me, narrowing his eyes, "No, don't take me wrong. I may sound like I am judging you, but it is far from that. I just wanted to tell you that I was a student once. And I am an Arts Grad too. So, buddy. Would you have pressure on attending classes, internships, or practicals from your college this month?" "I- " I was beyond flustered by then. Raising my chin in defiance, I defended myself, " -but this is my first year!" I heard stifled laughter around me. Did I say anything funny? My blood boiled in rage, but I had to keep my cool. In other circumstances, my cheeks would have looked cherry red because of this embarrassing situation, and I couldn't forget that I was a man now, and they don't blush. How was I supposed to know what a first-year student does in college when I couldn't go to college because of the tragedy in my life? "That's what I wanted to hear from you." I nearly jumped on my feet when Bash banged the table with a glint in his eyes. "You reminded me of our school days." Laughing, he laughed with Kennedy, which must be by recalling the good old days and memories. But he made it sound like I was some bunk star or last bencher who I never was. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out one and barely passed the final test in school before leaving for his dream Arts college. "Eline isn't just my girlfriend, but my mentor, partner, and everything." I snapped out of my daze when I heard Bash. "When there was no one for me, she was the only person who had faith in me. Every day I tell her how grateful I am to have her in my life, but I know it isn't enough. She knows now what she means to me but never asked me for anything before in my life until today." Bash had his eyes on the woman at his side now. What he couldn't put in words, his eyes expressed it all, and he wanted it that way and only for her to read it as their secret. He had that look in his orbs that said Madeline was the one for him. For her, he could bring the whole world to her feet like a kind of power he held to make it happen. It was just for her. And always would be. That woman blushed under his gaze. That sweet gesture and devoted look reminded me of someone I no longer wish to remember and miss again. "Now, Elias. Can we expect that your college won't be a problem for you to join your team on this one-month trip with my crew?" Mr. Kennedy asked, breaking the air of romance between the oh-so-in-love couple, yet Bash looked at me with expectation, unlike his Eline, who didn't look like she belonged to this world, seeing how hard her expression turned when Bash wasn't looking at her. Is it me seeing things? Or I am getting so frustrated with my life that I have started to see unnoticeable cracks in the relationship. Shaking my head, I cleared my mind and lied to them, "I am sorry, sir, but I have to attend a fall camp to attend overseas for a week." "Can't you cancel that?" Madeline questioned me for the first time, and did I hear the rage in her tone? I became even more confused when she kept that mild look on her face when she said with an angelic smile that hypnotized even a complete sociopath, "I get that this camp is important to you for your career, but you will get to experience more if you join the tour with Bash. You will meet chefs and learn more from international chefs about the kinds of ingredients and exotic cuisine you have never heard of, Elias. But as a fresher of the culinary branch, you shouldn't miss this opportunity, where you can visit a few Northern and Western United States." "We will pay you a good amount." Bash joined in the conversation, and I fell silent with pursed lips. I knew they would bring the money talk here, and I couldn't help but shot a dagging glare at my manager from the corner of my eyes, and he looked apologetic. "You don't need to spend a cent during your stay there, except to pay for your own money if you go sightseeing. I believe your family wouldn't be a problem for you if you get to support them well. About the certificate, I can arrange something for you if you- " "It's still a no, sir." They could be professionally persuasive, but I was legally adamant. I have a family, and I love my privacy and freedom to do whatever I please. I wanted to say to his face but resisted the urge to do that. "My mentor in college chose me for the internship for a reason. It is related to something on my course that is highly confidential, and she couldn't trust anyone more than me." Politely, I said before turning my attention to Kennedy, "Sir, I am new here, still learning from my co-workers. You have many other talented and more experienced employees in the rest of the branches in this city who you can recommend. I will forever be grateful to you and our manager for trusting me with this, but I can't keep your word this time. I hope you will consider my request." Bash's expression darkened once again, but it was lethal this time. I felt my blood turn cold at his maniacal stare. My throat parched in terror when his dark eyes gazed down at my uniform, and he licked his dry pale lips! What the- ? "That's fine, Elias." Mr. Kennedy straightened up in his seat before the couple could get a chance to refute or bribe me again. His expression was neutral, but I didn't feel burdened with guilt. "You are the younger one here, still studying, and as we promised you before your joining, we wouldn't force you on something you can't be available for, so I won't hold you accountable for that this time. And you guys," Shifting his attention to my co-workers, he said, "The manager will send you an excel file. Please check on them before filling up your details as early as possible. If you have any queries or issues related to this trip, feel free to ask them." Letting out a breath, I thought about sneaking out when others started asking about the trip to Bash and froze in my place for a moment, feeling Madeline's eyes on me. Chills ran down my spine, and the darkness in her eyes made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, and I wasted no time in leaving that office instantly, but, of course, putting that uncaring expression on my face. I strode towards the elevator, holding my breath, but a massive built-up man blocked my way. In an instant, I recognized him, who was none other than the guy who rode the bus with Bash that day. Swallowing hard, I asked, "Y-yes?" "Mr. Fernandez asked me to give you this card." I frowned at the card as I couldn't decide whether to take it or throw it away. Then why should I have to take this stranger's contact? As if the man read my mind, he said, "It's Bash I am talking about, don't worry. My boss wants you to call him to have you change the route after your camping to fly to LA at the beginning of the third week." "What?" I looked at him in anger. "I have already told him in the office that I am not coming with them." The bodyguard looked casual with the tone I used on him. "It's an order, Elias." My mouth went ajar when he said that. I thought I should be careful with that woman, but I didn't know her partner would be a dangerous man himself. His eyes held no remorse as he told me, smiling, "It doesn't matter what condition you will be in then, but you have to come. He won't take no for an answer."
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