
1253 Words
(Due to many unfortunate events of the past year, the story will be going through some changes to fit the guide lines of Starry and to add more content/detail of each chapter. I ask that you please be patient with me and the story updates. I highly encourage positive feedback.) I looked up at Andrea, “I’m going to need a small group to complete this contact. Do you have trusted members that could help?” Andrea lifted her hand to her face deep in thought before replying, “None that come to mind, but I’ll look around and see if I can find a few people to help you?”. This would give me plenty of time to scout the different areas thoroughly, letting my imagination run wild with all the things I could possibly do to end the life of this Lord Duncan. I scribbled all the possibilities in a little notebook, that way I can share my thoughts with the group that Andrea is putting together. While Andrea was gathering and interviewing members, I sent Tanner out on a mission to find out how many days this Lord Duncan would be crossing paths with the town of Crims. It took Tanner three days to get the information needed on Lord Duncan’s travel plans. When Tanner arrived back, he found my laying in a tree eating lunch. “Welcome back. What news do you have for me.” Tanner looked up at me, smiled and shadow stepped onto the branch I perched on. “You have ten days until he arrives.” Tanner smiled, grabbing a slice of fruit from my lunch. “So what path is our soon to be dead lord taking?” “You're currently sitting on it.” Tanner grabbed more food. “That makes it easy to find.” I laughed out loud. I hopped out of the tree, leaving the rest of my lunch to Tanner so that I could finish making plans and check up on Andrea. Andrea was shuffling through some papers when I arrived at the Order. “How’s the search coming.” She looked up at me and glared. “I’ll take that as not very well?” “There have been so many applicants, and most of these people are so dumb.” “I will leave you to it then.” I gave Andrea a quick hug before leaving. The thoughts in my head made my skin electrify with the awaiting anticipation of freedom being just in reach of my fingertips. As the days went by, I filled them with going through every possible scenario that could happen. Andrea was crazy busy, so I let her be till three days before I would strike down the lord. ***Three nights before the event*** I arrived at the Order early so that I could be there before the selected few would arrive. Andrea was well aware of my presence waiting with some tea as we waited for the members to arrive. Since these members were not a part of the higher ranks, we moved to the bar ten minutes before the designated time to meet was. The first to walk through the door was a small petite thing. I never would have thought that this little devil could cause so much destruction. Andrea flagged her down the moment she stepped into the bar and placed her in one of the empty seats at the table. The look on her face was that of uninterested like she had better things to do. I didn’t speak a word till the other members arrived and for Andrea to begin discussing the who’s, what’s, and where. Shortly after Andrea sat the petite female down she rushed back to the door dragging along an over muscular man with twin blades strapped to his back and a shirt that was much too tight. Andrea sat him down in another empty chair at the table as she had with the female, then proceeded to sit down herself. “Now that we are all here, let us proceed with what is to be done.” Andrea chirpily said. “But first things first. Introductions are in order. Since you all know who I am, I leave this up to the three of you to say hello and what you specialize in to one another.” With a graceful movement of her hand, a new pot of hot tea stood in the middle of the table and a cup appeared, filled, in front of each of us. Andrea sipped her cup, waiting for one of us to break the awkward silence. “Well, since I am the one who asked Andrea to find others to assist me on this contract, I’ll go first.” Andrea nodded at me pleased with taking initiative, something she knows I do not enjoy. “I’m Valerie, you can call me Val. I specialize in assassinations.” “I’m Thorn. I like poisons,” she said snarkily. Girl, you do not own the world. “And arrows.” “I’m Tank. I specialize in swords. More specifically twin blades.” Tank glared at Thorn as a dad would scold a child. He was much more polite than Thorn was. I don’t know what it was about these two, but they made my skin crawl. My gut was telling me not to trust them, but my brain got the better of me. I needed people to help me with this contract. Plus, Andrea handpicked them. I would not betray Andrea again, no matter what my gut tells me. She deserves to be free just as much as I do and nothing was going to stop me from being free. ***The night before the event*** Over the past three days, Thorn, Tank, Andrea, and I went over plans deciding where to best hit the lord on the road that Tanner told me. We went over where we would be positioned and who would take out who, but the lord was mine. It surprised me how easily they let me have that which only furthered my suspicions about them. But no time for that now. I was lying in bed, letting the cool night air wisp around my naked body as my thoughts were running wild like horses in the plains. My mind kept going back to how this noble's blood would be spilled by my blade. The more I thought of it the more the sweet nectar of my budding rose wept. With the mix of my thoughts and the night air kissing my n*****s, I dipped my hand down below, letting my fingers explore the soft velvety petals finding a small treasure hidden between their folds. I started to flick and rub gently at this beautiful treasure, causing sparks to spread throughout my body. Forcing me to shudder in ecstasy. I heard a small shuffle outside my window and ignored it. I knew Tanner was watching, and it made me even hotter. I moved my other hand over my breasts, tugging my n*****s, and groping my breasts. I took the hand that was unlocking my treasure to the secret cave and explored until I found my X. I slowly rubbed the X like a pirate digging for treasure. The closer I got the faster I went. In a few moments, an explosion burst throughout me, sending waves of pure pleasure one after another. I drifted off to sleep knowing tomorrow was going to change everything.
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