3. Apologies

1538 Words
Everything. Everything could be gone wrong. I had no intention of going back to the office but I forgot my phone. So after my little trip with Damien. Which was splendid thanks for asking, I had to sneak back to the company. Great! Tip toeing slowly to my office I just let out a sigh of relief when I passed his office without a confrontation, but too bad the world hates me. I open my office ready to grab my phone and sprint but stopped in my tracks when I saw Dante sitting on my chair legs on my desk while he was on my phone. I'm getting a serious sense of deja vu. No it did not have a lock. What do I have to hide, I have no life. I clear my throat and glare at him. I don't know why I thought that was a good idea because when he looked up, he looked livid. "Ah, Ms. William. Thanks so much for running off with my brother, leaving the tons of work you had to other people." He says standing up. Tons of work? "I'm sorry there must have been a mistake. I finished all my work earlier." I reply genuinely confused. "So you admit running off with my brother?" He asks through gritted teeth. Why were we still on this? "I didn't 'run off' with him. We simply exited the building to get something to eat." Ice cream is food right? "Yeah. Sure sure." He says sarcastically, "and I assume you're here for this?" He waves my phone and I give him a deadpanned look. "Isn't it obvious Mr.Wright?" I snapped tired of his attitude. "Listen Princess, I don't know what you're playing at. You can't have me so you go after my brother? Are you really that desperate for money?!" What the hell?! He then reaches into his pocket and slams a wad of cash on my desk. "Stop being a slut and take the money but leave my brother alone." With that he left slamming my door. I sit on my desk my mouth agape and cry. Lord, I hate crying. It made me feel so weak, but I can't help it. I look at the wad of cash and glared hoping it would just light on fire and burn. Fudge this. I took the money and walk straight into his office. O my lord bimbo was back, but I chose to ignore her. She stood hiding her enormous boobs and started screaming at me and Dante, but mainly me. I took the money and flung it at him giving him my best death glare to which he smirked. Smirked! "I don't want your brother neither do I want you, you pigheaded man w***e. Get off your fudging high horse and stop treating me like a child. I did my work quite efficiently if you asked me and I was done so I could've gone where I want with who I want. As for the money, I may not have a lot but I have enough. Enough that I don't have to cling to bastards like you for financial support. So keep your disrespect to yourself Mr. Wright." I spat out rather surely and quickly, repeating some what of what he said earlier. His smirked dropped and I smiled. On the inside of course. I then turn to look at bimbo and glare at her. She looked so surprised. Well boo hoo. I slung my bag into my right hand and left the room. Silence was the only thing I heard. And I liked it. No more bull crap from Mr.  Wright. No more. # "Please...stop" I cried laying on the floor shielding my head with my arm, but the beating continued. "Don't tell me what to do!" He yelled and it only got worse. I couldn't take it. So I did something I never did before. I called for help. "Mom! Dad! Help me!" I screamed. One minute... One minute thirty seconds. Two minutes. No one came. All the whole my head was being slammed into the door. He kicked me in my stomach and I screamed louder. Just hoping to get help. Nobody came. Spots became apparent as he drew a knife from my thigh to my knee until I finally blacked out. ------ Moments later... I woke up, a dry feeling in my mouth. My eyes were burning and I tasted metallic. Memories came flying back and I got up holding back a sob.  I limped around my bedroom until I made it to my bathroom. There he was standing in the shower. "Oh princess you're finally awake. Why don't you join me in the shower." His eyes were dark and mine bulged. No. I started slowly limping backwards wincing at the pain in my thigh but he was quick noticing my action at pulling my hair toward him. I scowled at the pain and yelped. "Please Spencer." I say closing my eyes as his hands roam my body "Please." I whisper uselessly. I spring up drenched in sweat and throw my covers off me. I sit on the side of my bed and put my head in my hand. I don't cry though. I feel nothing. Just numbness. I get in the shower and slowly soap up. After rinsing I brush my teeth and my hair. I look into the mirror at my red eyes and sniff. Lord I'm so pathetic. I roll my eyes at my appearance and go back to my bedroom. Pulling my hair into a high ponytail, I put on a white thrasher shirt, a mini skirt and some knee high boots. Throwing my leather jacket over my shirt, I grab an  apple and make my way out. I sit in my Audi aka my baby Jace. Yes I named my car Jace and looked at the clock on the dashboard. It was early. Like seven thirty early. I have a few surveys to complete so its okay. On the way to the company my phone started ringing. Not in the mood. I ignore it and park into my spot. Waiting for the elevator Damien, suddenly appears looking worried. "Aspen! Are you alright?" He all but yelled at walked towards me. I took the time to look at him appearance. His hair was normal but he had a very expensive looking suit Armani maybe? And dress shoes. He had a crescent shape bull nose piercing that I didn't see before. He looked ab-sol-utely handsome. "You didn't answer you calls last night." Oh yea I turned my phone off. "I was so worried" That's so sweet. "Aspen?" He called out softly. "Oh right." My voice came out hoarse from lack of use and I cringed. He's gonna know I cried. "I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm just not feeling too good." I lied. "Oh. Then take the day off" he offered. "No!" I yelled and everyone turned to look at me. "No its fine really, its just a little cold." I say more quietly this time. Ding! Talk about saved by the bell. I quickly step onto the elevator and stare at him.  "Okay if you say so love. I'll see you at lunch." he says in a low voice. "Oh and aspen?" "Hmm?" I answer. "You look delicious today." He says with a wink as the elevator closed and I blushed hard. Reaching my floor, I compose myself and turn my face neutral. I walk to his office. He sat behind his desk with his jacket off and only his dress shirt on. His muscles rippled through his shirt and he had glasses on. Oh my lord someone get some water this man is too hot and he's making me thirs- "Are you done Ms. William?" He calls out with an amused voice. I clear my throat and feel my face heat up from being caught staring. "Can I have the files for the survey now sir?" "Drawer below, left side" he says amused and I look at him confused only to see that its the lowest drawer in on the left of him....and I have a skirt on. Why did I wear lace today?! I groan softly and make my way to the drawer, instead of bending though I stoop. I grab the files and stand back up. Problem solved. I turn and smirk at him "Have a good day sir." "Aspen wait." I freeze but didn't turn around. "I'm sorry." He says quietly and my mouth falls open. I turn around to see him looking down. "I. . .its okay" I say just as quietly I was beyond stunned. "I'll try to be more respectful to you." He replies sounding determined and I smile but don't reply. I then turn back around and make my way out. What the hell is wrong with these brothers, seems like its a family disease or some weird crap.
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