1. Shattered Hope

1735 Words
It was the peak of summer as the sun shone brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow over the rolling hills of Austria. The air carried the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers. Entering the small pack house that I shared with my mom, twin sister, and my pups, I spotted my boyfriend Lucas standing behind the window. His bare chest glistened with sweat, as if he had just completed a marathon. As I moved towards him, my heart sank. The air became thick with tension, and I immediately sensed that something was wrong. My eyes darted around, taking in the scene before me. And then I saw it. The evidence of Lucas's infidelity was right there in his eyes, plain as day. A jolt of shock and disbelief shot through my body, and for a moment I felt like the ground had dropped out from under me. A wave of anger and pain washed over me. "My twin sister?" I mumbled with my face lowered. "Lily, I'm sorry," Lucas said, holding my wrist firmly. My twin sister Emily and I looked so identical that even those closest to us found it hard to tell us apart. Only my mother and my pups knew us well enough. I assumed Lucas had mistaken Emily for me, but he shattered that hope with his next words. "I've been lying to you," said Lucas, and my world crumbled before my very eyes. My heart sank to the bottom of my chest as I fell to my knees, overcome with a wave of emotions. Lucas had been my boyfriend since I was eighteen, and although he wasn't my mate, we shared a deep connection. I had always dreamed of the day he would marry me, and we could finally leave the Eclipse Pack, which had long been a source of misery and heartache to me and my family. I had begged Lucas to mate with me, but he always told me he wasn't ready yet. He promised we would mate on the night of our bonding ceremony, and I hung onto that hope with everything I had. Lucas was not just my boyfriend; he was my dream life wrapped up in one person. My world shattered into a million shards as I struggled to comprehend what had just happened. I had never loved anyone as much as I loved Lucas, and for him to betray me with my own sister, of all people, was unfathomable. Tears streamed down my cheeks like a never-ending river, and my body shook with sobs. How could he do this to me? Had everything we shared been a lie? All my hopes and dreams came crashing down as I realised that the future I had envisioned with him was nothing but a mirage. The Eclipse Pack, which I had longed to escape, looked more irritating than ever. I couldn't bear to face Lucas or my sister ever again. I stood up on shaky knees, wiped away my tears, and set my resolve to leave the pack. Maybe someday, I could find love that was built on truth, loyalty, and honesty. But for now, all I had was the shattered remains of my broken heart. Just when I thought I had seen and heard it all, my mom opened the bedroom door and walked out with a deceptive smile on her lips. Her hair was messy and her face also glistened with heat. In her hand, she held a white envelope sealed with a glistening gold seal. "Mom?" I croaked. It was like the ground had opened beneath me, and I was freefalling through a never-ending abyss. "Lily, I'm sorry. We've been dating before he met you," my mom said, her voice betraying her guilt. "I invited him to your first mating ball." The words hit me like a ton of bricks. My mom? Dating my boyfriend? It was too much to bear. As she continued to speak, my mind struggled to grasp the magnitude of what she was saying. The man I had loved, trusted, and planned a future with was actually my mom's boyfriend. All the memories, the love, and the hopes I had clung onto were now worthless. I felt like I had lost everything that mattered, including myself. The once-bright future I had envisioned was now a void of darkness. "Lily, I knew how much you wanted to leave this pack. But I have got some good news for you!" Mom said and stretched forth her hand. I looked at the envelope she was giving me but could not look at her face. "This is an invitation from the Lunar Guardians. And guess what? The Alpha of Alphas is offering you a position by his side - he wants you to be his wife and the Luna of Lunas!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Becoming the Luna of the Lunas was the ultimate dream for any wolf shifter, and now it was within my reach, but I couldn't accept it because I have pups and no Alpha would look at me twice. So I doubt the authenticity of the invitation letter. Secondly, all the three previous Lunas of the Alpha of the Alphas died under mysterious circumstances and so I was afraid and couldn't accept the offer. Despite my fears, I took a deep breath, wiped my tears and opened the white envelope. Inside was a letter from Alpha Brady. "Dear Lily Brown," he wrote. "It is with great pleasure that I extend to you my sincerest invitation to join me at my side as my wife, and the Luna of Lunas. I implore you to honour this invitation tonight, as I would like to get started immediately. Sincerely, Alpha Brady, Alpha of Alphas." . Becoming the Luna of the Lunas offered me a chance to escape the struggles and oppression of my current pack, and the horrible experience I just had now. I could obtain power, wealth, and influence beyond my wildest dreams and in turn, avenge the ill-treatment that Alpha Kian, the Alpha of our pack gave me and my family. Yet, I was confused and found myself kneeling on the floor, clutching the white envelope as I weighed my options. . ********* My initial name is Emily Brown, and I am 22 years old. My colour is white and I stand at a height of 5'9". I have sparkling blue eyes, delicate features, a small nose, and full lips, which together give me a charming appearance. My bubbly personality makes me approachable to everyone I meet. As a creative person, I am passionate about music and dancing. I composed songs for top musicians who could sing but could not compose. With the money I made, I was able to take care of my boys. During my free time, I enjoy writing songs and teaching unique dance steps to my talented children. . My mother, Sally, was the Luna of Eclipse Pack, and my siblings and I were regarded as the children of the Alpha. Tragically, our pack fell victim to a vicious rogue attack six years prior. During this dreadful raid, my father and younger brother—the future Alpha—were brutally murdered, while Lily, my twin sister, was kidnapped. We were all in shock and grief-stricken. The loss of our loved ones was unbearable, and the trauma of the event permeated every aspect of our lives. After Lily was found by the riverside, battered and left for dead by her abductors, our world was further shattered. Although she received immediate medical treatment, we soon discovered she was pregnant, which reopened her painful memories of the horrific attacks she suffered. The thought of becoming a mother as a result of this nightmare filled her with panic and despair. When Lily gave birth to her beautiful sons, Ryan and Tyler, the experience was too much for her to bear. She felt she could not care for these innocent pups, the product of the terrible violence inflicted upon her. In an impulsive act of desperation, filled with the trauma of her past experiences, Lily abandoned her newborns in the hospital and fled, taking up my identity and dancing career. It was a terrible burden for me to take on as I assumed Lily's identity and became the mother of these two children. knowing that my status as a she-wolf with pups could ruin my chances of being selected by one of the Alphas in Austria as their Luna and increase my chance of being rejected by my mate. It had become a trend for them to prefer unmated she-wolves, which reduced the opportunities for divorcees and single mothers to find love. This was one of the reasons my twin sister abandoned the children and stole my identity. The emotions I felt were overwhelming, ranging from sorrow and guilt for our past traumas to joy and love as I watched Ryan and Tyler grow and flourish under my care. . After my father passed away, Kian, the son of the Beta, took over as leader of our Eclipse Pack. He immediately demoted us to omegas and began treating us like slaves. Kian had warned us of this outcome even while our father was still alive, but we had never taken him seriously - until now. As we turned 18, my twin sister and I had hoped that things would change. We were ready to leave the pack and start a new life with our mates. However, as we searched for them at the first mating ball we participated in a few months after we turned eighteen, we couldn't detect any scents that matched with our destined ones. It was a devastating blow to our hopes and dreams. Amidst my disappointment, Lucas stood out among the crowd. He approached me with kindness and we quickly formed a bond. I felt grateful for his friendship, as it provided a source of comfort amidst the turmoil of my situation. I never knew he was my mom's boyfriend. My sister also scented her mate seven days later at one of the elite parties she attended, but he disappeared before Emily could say hi. . "Lily!!! Somebody help!!" a tiny voice echoed in the pack's courtyard. It was Ryan's voice. Urgency and fear surged through me as I shot up and sprinted towards the sound of my son's distressed plea for help.
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