The host for demon King

1314 Words
After Alex managed to overcome the dark side inside him, then he was finally free from the snares of the Demon King's power. So after seeing Alex sudden wake up, besides Ara, Jefirros was no less surprised to see Alex's figure freed from the black dome, then suddenly Jefirros showed a happy face because he thought that Alex's body was now completely controlled by the Demon King, therefore he immediately stopped his attack on Ara. Then Ara took advantage of Jefirros's carelessness to move closer to him, in order to give a deadly s***h to the leader of the Sword of Freedom group.  But without seeing Ara's movement, Jefirros was able to dodge and parry Ara's sword, and then he pushed Ara's body so that she was thrown and lay near Alex. Jefirros did this with the hope that the Demon King who had taken control of Alex's body would take care of the rest. In other words 'kill Ara'.  Then in a lying condition, Ara was surprised to see Alex's face who was staring back at her while looking down. At first Ara was worried because she also thought that now Alex had been possessed by the Demon King, and Ara would soon be killed by him. But apparently, what happened next was, Alex suddenly reached out his hand to Ara to help her get up and stood up, so of course it made Ara both surprised and happy, but it was different with Jefirros, he could only stay silent with an astonished facial expression.  Ara was helped to stand by Alex, then Ara looked at Alex's face with admiration, while Jefirros, who still couldn't believe what had happened, immediately asked.  "W- what happened to the Demon King? Why do you still have your consciousness?"  Then Alex answered. "The Demon king can't control me, he will forever be sealed within this relic pagoda." Alex said as he walked forward.  "Tch."  But suddenly Alex's body felt weak, then he fell down and prone on the floor because he couldn't move his legs at all. Then Ara immediately tried to help him stand back up even though it was difficult.  "Alex! What happen? Hang on." Ara said.  While Jefirros laughed as he spoke, "Hahaha... You might be able to resist the Demon King who wants to take over your body, but since he was inside your body for a while, he must have absorbed most of your energy, so you are currently feeling quite exhausted. "  "W- what???" Said Alex, who was already standing while being helped by Ara.  Then suddenly the pagoda relic that was in the floor moved by itself, at first the object shook violently, and the rumbling sound from inside was heard quite loud, then cracks began to appear all over the object, indicating that the pagoda relic was soon will be destroyed.  So Jefirros said, "Hahhah, Alex's energy that has been absorbed by the Demon King, will now he use to destroy the pagoda relic from the inside, so the Demon King will soon be free!"  "N- no way" Alex and Ara were shocked.  Then Jefirros continued his words, "But the thing is, the Demon King needs a human body to live in this world, because his original body was destroyed when it was sealed by the Holy Knights thousands of years ago... That's why I need you to carry out this ritual, because the Demon Lord requires the Holy Knight's energy to destroy the relic pagoda from within, after that he can enter and take possession of your body… But since your body cannot be controlled by him, then the Demon King will seek a new body."  "W- whose body he will enter?" Ask Ara.  "Guess who?" Said Jefirros.  "D- don't tell me."  Suddenly the words from Jefirros made Alex and Ara feel dumbfounded, because they seemed to know the answer to that question, and apparently things weren't going well as expected. Alex thought that after he managed to resist the Demon King who wanted to take control of his body, then everything was over, but apparently even though he didn't manage to control Alex's body, the Demon King still had other ways to get out, especially after the Demon King managed to take most of Alex's energy while in a black dome, so that now he could free himself from the prison of the pagoda relic that had imprisoned him for thousand years.  Then when the relic pagoda was completely broken, the figure of the shadow demon king immediately came out, a pitch black aura seemed to fill the entire room, at the same time the demon king figure also came out, his form was a huge black scary monster with thorns on his shoulders and several parts of his body, the figure burst out and had truly come out into this world. And after the Demon King managed to break free from the prison that had been holding him down, then with his scary yellow eyes he stared at Alex. While Alex and Ara certainly looked dumbfounded to see the big and scary figure, because they currently still don't have enough power to be able to fight the Demon King.  In that time, The Demon King actually wanted to attack Alex and kill him right away, but unfortunately some of his limbs seemed to be eroded and would disappear if he stayed in this world for too long, even though he needed a host to live in this world after all. Therefore, Jefirros the leader of the Sword of freedom group without hesitation immediately offered himself to the Demon King.  "Ooh my King! Make me a vessel for your almighty power! Let's rule this world together!!"  Then the Demon King turned his head and it seemed he agreed to Jefirros' proposal.  "Hmm."  So without further ado, the figure of the Shadow Demon King immediately shot into the body of Jefirros who resignedly accepted it without a fight, until finally the entire form of the Shadow Demon King and its immense power, entered the body of Jefirros, the earth element user's sword race.  Seeing this, Ara and Alex of course felt worried about their current situation, because now the two great enemies had united and became a figure that would certainly be very difficult to fight or defeat.  But Fortunately, After being possessed by the power of the Shadow Demon King, Jefirros's Body suddenly felt pain, until he clutched his stomach while prostrating himself, then he struggled as the pain he felt kept getting bigger and bigger. He suffering while prostrate on the floor.  So at that moment, Ara immediately took Alex out of the room, quickly and carefully she supported Alex whose body condition was weak due to lack of energy. Then as they continued to walk, they also looked for the whereabouts of Alex's sword, which was somewhere in this building. Therefore Alex must try hard to use the ability to detect life force, as taught by Ryuji, so that he can find the whereabouts of his sword. Because his sword had a slight radiance of life force energy that could be detected if he really could sense it.  Then finally, after doing full concentration, Alex managed to find the place where the sword kept. So without lingering, they immediately entered a room according to Alex's directions, and it was true, Alex's sword was stored well in that room, so they could take it away from there. Ara and Alex realized that the most important thing for them right now was to stay away from Jefirros and get out of the building immediately, because if they had to deal with Jefirros, it was certain that they would die.  Switching to another battle that is happening not far from them, namely the fight between Max and Miran versus Chaterine and Derris, which has now reached its peak.
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