Destined people

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The next day, in the morning, Alex went to school. Although today Alex doesn't want to leave the house, but he has to do it because he was forced by his mother again, like everyday routine. Therefore now Alex is walking while feeling nervous and constantly alert, he pays attention to his surroundings because he is afraid that someone is following him.  Then when he passed Rusty's corn dog shop, he accidentally met Henry who was walking in front of him. Therefore Alex immediately ran while calling Henry's name to stop his friend's footsteps.  "Henry!"  But when approached by Alex, Henry even felt uncomfortable and scolded him. "Hey! I told you not to call my name in public."  "Y- yea, i'm sorry. But it's been a habit of mine since a long time, so it's hard for me not to do it, heheh." Alex said with a smile and scratched his head.  "Anyway, just don't do that! I've already set a rule for you. If you still want to be my friend, then you must obey the rule."  "O- okay, fine... But by the way, are you busy this afternoon? I want to talk about something that happened yesterday. Can I come to your house today?" Ask Alex.  "Not today."  "Why?"  "Because today my chess club friends are coming to my house, so you'd better come another time."  "O-ouh. All right then."  "And now, stand here for a few minutes. Let me walk to school first, so I won't be seen walking with you." Tell Henry to Alex.  "O-okay." Alex said and stand still to obey, then Henry walked away.  Meanwhile at Alex's side, Rusty approached him and he saying. "Hmm, that kid is so arrogant. Isn't he is your friend since childhood??" Rusty asked.  "Yeah, he's my only friend. But he's been busy lately."  "Hmm, even so, he shouldn't behaved like that to you."  "T- there's some reason why he has to act like that. Actually... I have a bad reputation at school, so everyone avoids me. And because i don't want Henry get avoided as well, so it's better that no one knows about our friendship at school. "  "Wow wah hahah ... But if he is your friend, he shouldn't be act like that, he should be still support you and always be there for you." Rusty said.  "N-no problem. I'm fine with that." Alex replied.  "Hmm, I'll give you a piece of advice Alex... You've sacrificed too much and carried too much burden. You shouldn't sacrifice your happiness for other people."  "I'm fine Rusty ... Oh yeah, I'm going now." Said Alex who said goodbye to Rusty to go to school.  Meanwhile Rusty could only sigh as he watched Alex walk away. "Hmm, he is a good boy. But unfortunately there are not many good people around him."  Long story short, the day went on as usual. Alex is shunned and ostracized at his school, but he doesn't really care about it. He kept smiling as he walked back towards the house.  But suddenly he remembered something, namely the figure of a girl who hit him with a bicycle yesterday, and that girl is a food delivery person at a noodle restaurant, her name is Ara. Therefore, before returning home, Alex decided to go visit and eat at Ara's Restaurant.  A few moments later, Alex finally managed to find the restaurant, which is simple in size but has a comfortable atmosphere, inside the restaurant, there are 4 tables neatly lined up, and the kitchen area can be seen from the outside too. When Alex came in, there was the sound of a bell ringing, so Ara immediately came over to greet him.  "Welcome, please sit down.... Uh, Alex." Ara said with a smile as she seeing Alex.  "H-hi." Alex greeted and they both smiled at each other.  Then long story short, Alex was already sitting at the table and he had also chosen the menu. So after waiting for a few minutes, Ara finally came out carrying Alex's food and drink on a tray, then she put it to Alex's table  "Here, enjoy the meal."  "Th- thank you." Alex said, while looking at Ara then he looked around again because he felt awkward.  So Ara also looked around out of curiosity about what Alex was looking at, then Ara concluded. "O-ouh, it's so quiet in here, isn't it? ...That's because our place doesn't have many customers yet. We've only been open here for about 2 months."  "O-oh... Then I'll become your loyal customer." said Alex.  "Really?? Wow, I'm so happy."  Then when he saw Ara's smile again, Alex suddenly turned and ate the dish in front of him voraciously, so that the nervous attack he felt could be diverted, he felt awkward because he saw Ara's smile which was too sweet for him. But because Alex ate in a hurry, he choked until he coughed.  "Cough, cough!!"  Therefore Ara was worried and she immediately gave Alex a drink. "Alex, are you all right? Drink this."  And after he drank, Alex immediately answered. "I- I'm fine. Thank you."  "Eat slowly."  "Eumm... The food was too good, so I ate it in a hurry."  "Hmm." Ara smiled again.  Then suddenly a man came out of the kitchen. He was a handsome man with black hair tied up, and he wore a black chef's outfit. That person is Ara's older brother, He came out of the kitchen with spatula in his hand while saying.  "Ara, why are you disturbing the customers who are eating?"  "N-no, I'm not disturbing him, I'm helping him." Answer Ara to her brother.  "Y- yes sir, I just got choked." said Alex added.  Then the older brother came up to both of them, so Ara immediately introduced him to Alex.  "Brother, this is the person I told you about yesterday. His name is Alex... Alex, this is my brother, his name is Ren."  "O- oh hi, nice to meet you." said Alex.  But Ren answered. "Oh, so this is the person who made you fell yesterday?" Then those words startled Alex while hiccuping.  "Cough!"  "Brother, I told you it wasn't his fault, I was the one who bumped into him!" Ara said.  "Well, forget it. Now enjoy the meal, will you, Alex?" Ren said.  "Ehmm, y- yes."  Therefore, Alex immediately nodded and he went back to eating the dish that Ren had served to him. But suddenly, someone came to the place, he was wearing a jungle hat that looked familiar to Alex, so Alex was immediately shocked when he saw That person, because that person was none other than Ryuji.  "Oh, hello Ren, Ara." Ryuji said as he entered the Restaurant.  Meanwhile, Alex who saw Ryuji's figure, was surprised because Ryuji apparently knew Ren and Ara, so Alex immediately choked and coughed again, then Ara and Ren tried to give Alex a drink while patting Alex's back. While Ryuji continued to walk towards them all, and he also heard Ara mention Alex's name, so that now Ryuji knew the name of that teenager, and Ryuji keep walked while saying.  "Ouh, so your name is Alex huh?"  "Ryuji, do you know him?" Ren asked.  "Yeah, at our group meeting last night, we talked about the figure of the Holy knight, didn't we? ...And this boy is that person."  "What??"  "Hah??" Ren and Ara were very surprised to hear Ryuji's words.  Then suddenly Alex put the money on the table, and he rushed to leave the place, he got up from the chair while saying. "Thanks for the meal, but I have to go."  But when Alex was walking, Ren quickly grabbed his collar from behind and said. "Hey, wait a minute... You have to come with us."  Alex, whose steps had been stopped, suddenly felt afraid. "P- please spare my life. W-where am I going to be taken?"  Then, to calm Alex down, Ara immediately stood beside him while holding Alex's hand, and she said. "Alex, it's fine. We won't hurt you, trust us." And those words turned out to be able to calm Alex a little.  "Come with us bro ... Please." Ryuji said. so Alex nodded, which meant he was willing to come with them.  Meanwhile outside the place, from a distance. There was the figure of a man dressed in a neat suit who was watching them, he saw Alex was with Ara and her brother. The stalker male figure was none other than the man who yesterday had been tranform into a demon, because he was possessed by a demon and fought against Ryuji. Apparently he was always stalking and watching Ara from a distance, and today he was very upset that Alex was in that place too.  "Grrr!!! That kid turns out to be quite familiar with Ara and her brother. I really want to kill him, but I can't show myself now, because the man with the jungle hat was also in there. Damn it!" Said the stalker man.  Long story short, switch to another place, or rather at the main headquarters of Billy's group and friends. The place precisely is a boxing gym that is not too big and looks ordinary from the outside or the inside, with a boxing ring in the middle of the room, and various sports equipment available around it. This boxing gym is belong to Billy.
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