The Holy Knight

1278 Words
Then after the shadow demon managed to grow his arm back, he immediately ran towards Ryuji, but this time he would give a more measured attack, he calculated Ryuji's attack distance and tried to attack Ryuji from various unexpected directions, resulting in a fierce battle between them get started. The two of them fought, they attack and dodge each other, Ryuji tried to give a deadly sword s***h to the enemy, but the enemy's attack was no less fast than him.  While Alex was trying to crawl away from the battle area, he occasionally looked back in fear. But when he was about to stand up and run to escape, suddenly he seemed to realize something, he had time to stay and think to decide whether he should help Ryuji or not? Because after all Ryuji was the one who had saved his life just now, and Alex was not a coward who abandoned people to hurt or die.  Therefore, Alex immediately took the trash can and threw it at the shadow demon, until it hit the demon's head and disrupted the demon's movement. Because of that, Ryuji was able to give several slashing attacks that managed to injure various members of the demon's body, and even Ryuji managed to make the enemy fall and lie down, even though he wasn't dead.  Then when Ryuji was about to give the final blow to the demon, unfortunately he got interrupted, because suddenly a sword edge shot at him and was about to s***h Ryuji's face, but Ryuji quickly blocked the sword and he retreated to Alex.  Apparently there were two human figures standing behind the shadow demon. The two of them consisted of one man and one woman, the man had a tall stature, he wore a purple vest and sunglasses, besides that he was holding a spear as his weapon.  While the other is a woman who looks fashionable in office clothes, and long hair tied up. The sword that was about to s***h Ryuji's face, came from the woman, she could flex and swing her sword like a whip, thet very slim and sharp.  When they saw the figures of the two people, Alex and Ryuji were very surprised. Especially for Alex, today he seems to have been hit by a storm of surprises, and he really doesn't understand what is really going on right now. In his head there are only such questions.  "Who are they? And why are those two people helping the demon?"  So Ryuji immediately replied Alex question, "Those two are Catherine and Derris."  "You know them?"  "N- not really... The point is they both come from a bad group."  "O- Ouh... Wa- what about that woman? why does her sword flex like a whip??"  "That's because she's wearing a Relic called Rubber ring... That relic he put on her index finger. Whit that thing, she can gain flexibillity for her sword."  "Relics?"  "Yes, in this world there are various things called Relics, each Relic has different forms and powers... And only people like us who can use them, I'll explain that later if we manage to survive from here."  "W- What?"  Then, after the shadow demon was able to stand back up, he also turned around and prepared to face Catherine and Derris, because the demon thought that these two people were also enemies to him. But Catherine immediately spoke to the demon.  "If you want to stay alive, then get out of here." Send Catherine to the shadow demon.  Then suddenly it made the shadow demon feel relieved and he immediately left that place, even though he didn't know anything about what was going to happen. The important thing is that he can survive and escape from the 3 sword race people who are in that place, namely Ryuji, Chaterina, and Derris.  Meanwhile, Ryuji, who was annoyed that Chaterina had let go and made the shadow demon fled, immediately shouted.  "Hey! Why did you let him go?!! As a sword race, it's our duty to eradicate and eliminate that demon!"  "Blah blah blah… The two of us don't care about that, we are not members of your group. We are a true sword race that will one day take over the pinnacle of power in this country. Therefore the existence of you and your grouo is unnecessary. " Said Catherine while walking with Derris towards Ryuji and Alex.  Then Alex asked, "The pinnacle power of this country's?? A- are they some kind of terrorist??"  "Yeah, that sort of thing... They're the ones who made the government set a ban on the activities of sword users." Ryuji replied.  "O-ooh."  "Back off." Ryuji whispered to Alex, so that made Alex nervous and scared.  Then suddenly a fight broke out between the three sword races, Chaterina and Derris attacked Ryuji at the same time, so Ryuji had try hard to fend off every attack from them while providing protection for Alex.  And while fighting off the enemies, Ryuji shouted at Alex. "Get out of here!! Run fast!!" Ryuji said.  But because of nervousness, Alex couldn't run away from Ryuji who was in trouble, fighting against two dangerous people. Alex really wants to help, but he doesn't know what to do? Even though in his heart, the passion to help Ryuji flared up very much.  The battle was very hard for Ryuji, because Chaterina cunningly always tried to hurt Alex, so Ryuji was fooled several times and had to receive several cuts on his body. Until finally, Derris also managed to give Ryuji a strong enough attack, Derris threw a very strong spear s***h, which even made Ryuji's body throwed and hit Alex's body, then they both fell very hard on the ground, while Ryuji's sword was thrown quite out of reach.  At that moment, then Chaterine ordered Derris to finish off the two of them, so without further ado, Derris immediately drew his spear at Ryuji who was lying on the ground.  But Alex immediately got up with the determination to protect Ryuji, so suddenly something surprising happened. The moment that is able to make everyone who was there be dumbfounded.  Because Alex managed to protect Ryuji by creating a transparent shield that covered his right hand, so he managed to withstand the spear attack from Derris even though he had to exert all his strength. So now Alex's body is in a state of trembling from being surprised and at the same time finding it difficult to withstand attacks from the enemy, using the power of his new shield.  Plus there is still another enemy who is preparing to attack, namely Catherine. After seeing the power of Alex's shield which was still quite weak and its size was quite small, then Catherine swung her whip sword at Alex.  But once again Alex showed something astonishing, because suddenly in his left hand appeared a sword that looked strong and shiny, the shape of the sword was similar to a medieval King's sword (Or we can call it almost similar to King Arthur's Excalibur sword). The sword was gripped tightly in Alex's left hand, Then quickly, Alex swung his sword so he could parry Chaterina's attack. Therefore, Alex is currently in a condition to withstand both attacks from the opponent, using the power of his shield and his sword.  This suddenly made everyone there in shock and disbelief, especially Ryuji who was behind Alex. He immediately smiled as he said.  "Hahahahaha!! That's great, bro!"  While Derris and Catherine who saw that, immediately said with wide eyes. "... H- he is?? ... We have found him, the mixed race. The one and only Holy knight !!"
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