Need to be improve

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So after that, Alex with his sword still covered in shield power, quickly stood near the enemy who was lying down. While the enemy who already felt helpless, immediately begging to Alex.  "P- please forgive me."  Then Alex said. "Hmm, I'll spare you."  "Th- thank you."  "By exterminating you."  "W- what?"   Then Alex quickly slashed the demon's body into two pieces, so that a few moments later the demon disappeared, then all the black aura that enveloped Rudy's body finally disappeared too, and now all he seen was Rudy who was lying on the ground.  So officially the fight had ended with Alex's victory, and now all he had to do was talk to Rudy about everything that had happened to him this past few days with a demon.  Long story short, Rudy was in a conscious state, and now he was sitting next to Alex in the school's backyard area. The two of them had a light conversation there, about the terrible things that had happened to Rudy, especially about the reason why Rudy could have the desire to steal food from the canteen every night.  Rudy said. "I- I really like canteen food... But I'm never satisfied with the portion I get every day. So I want to steal all the food in the canteen at night and sit alone at the table while eating large portions of food.. But every night, my actions are getting more and more excessive, even with that demonic power, I have the heart to hurt the night guards."  "Hmm, it's okay, it's all over now... I don't blame you if you have an obsession with canteen food, because it's your personal business, but you should reduce your obsession from now on, okay."  "Hmm, well... I- I thank you, because you saved me from that terrible creature."  "Yes you're welcome."  "Then I'll go first." Rudy said goodbye to Alex.  He went to leave Alex alone there, because Rudy had to go back to his class soon. While Alex was relieved that he had managed to save Rudy from the power of the evil demon, but moments later Alex was startled by a voice speaking to him from behind. The voice apparently came from Ryuji who was sitting on top of the railing, and he seemed to have been watching Alex's fight at close range.  "Today your fight was quite impressive." Ryuji said as he got down and walked over to Alex.  "Oh Ryuji... This is the fifth time I've eradicated the shadow demons in my school environment... From those who like to bully people, to those who like to prank people... Even though their desires are still relatively small, why the shadow demons often target students lately? Especially students at this school?"  "Hmm, I've discussed this with Billy... He said, that your existence poses a huge threat to the Demon King. Therefore, it's most likely that the shadow demons were sent by Jefirros to search for your whereabouts, and they are targeting those people who are in your environment, with the specific purpose of eliminating you."  "Hmm, I have to get used to the number of people who want to kill me." Alex said with an annoyed face.  "Don't worry, Billy and the others are trying to sort this out... Once we have information on Jefirros' whereabouts, then we'll rush into his place." Ryuji said comforting Alex.  "Okay, I get it... but by the way, when can I start exterminating the demons residing in the bodies of adults? I want to solve a more serious problem." Ask Alex.  "Wow, you're still not ready for that… As Miran said, even though your shield's power is at level two, but you still can't control it well … even at the start of your fight earlier, your shield was easily broken by the enemy."  "Hmm, then when can I start training again with Sister Miran?"  "After she's not busy."  "Then what about my sword training?"  "Patience, I will find the best teacher for you."  "How long? Geezz, Aren't you one of the strongest sword races in the Wind Faction group, why don't you just teach me?"  "Hmm, didn't I tell you, I can't teach people Alex, because all the abilities I have are the result of the bitter experiences and hard battles I've been through."  "Wow, then it will take me a long time to get to your level."  "Haha... Don't be silly, you are stronger than you think, it's just that you don't know it yet."  "Hmm." Alex was pensive.  "By the way, lessons have started, you should hurry to your class." Tell Ryuji.  "Okay, okay."  Long story short, move on to another place. Or rather in the underground sewer, which is located on the outskirts of the capital region. The place was quite spacious, though it dark and shabby. There were 3 people walking while highlighting their surroundings using the flashlight in their hands. The three people were Catherine, Derris, and Shekai. After 2 months had passed since the last battle between the Wind Faction against the Sword of Freedom, now Chaterine, Derris, and Shekai's condition seemed to have improved. So the wounds and injuries they got also seem to be healed.  Currently, they are seen doing a search, and after 2 months of trying to search without results, they finally found some clues that lead them to the sewer, namely clues to the whereabouts of Jefirros and Razor.
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