The Tragedy

936 Words
So without further ado, a big fight ensued between the two of them. Billy dealt powerful blows against Jefirros, but the attacks were able to be blocked with just a sword, and even with a slight flick of his sword, Jefirros was able to knock Billy back until he fell down. After that Jefirros tried to s***h Billy who was lying down, but fortunately Billy managed to dodge and then with all his might, he continued to give blows to Jefirros, so the two of them continued to fought fiercely.  Meanwhile Miran, Alex, Ara, and Max are now arriving at the first floor and they are almost get to the back door to get out of the building. Miran chose to exit through the back door so they could all avoid the battle area.  While continuing to walk with her friends, Miran said "Let's go, we have to hurry."  Then Alex suddenly asked. "Wait a minute, what about Billy and the others?"  "Don't worry Alex, you don't have to worry about them, I got direct instructions from Billy to rescue and take you to a safe place... Don't you worry, Billy will definitely be able to handle the battle out there." Miran answered.  "Yes Alex, don't worry." Max added.  But unfortunately, something unexpected happen, when surprisingly the wall beside them blow up and shattered, along with Ren who was thrown with debris and immediately fell on the ground. In addition, Ren's entire body is also covered with wounds.  "Brother!" Ara shouted.  "Ren!" Miran and the others were also surprised to see him.  Then with difficulty Ren stood up while holding his Black Stream sword tightly. He didn't care about the presence of his friends in there, because right now Ren was focused on staring at a very dangerous opponent, namely Razor, with his smoldering fire shield power, and the heat effect that was able to melt various objects around him.  Surprisingly, without further ado, Razor sped up and gave Ren another fiery blow, but Ren quickly delivered a powerful s***h of water, that capable of producing a torrent of water like a waterfall in front of him. Then even though the move was able to withstand Razor's attacks, Razor's attacks didn't stop there. Because then With all his might, Razor delivered an even more powerful fire blow attack, and with a passionate smile he launched his ultimate attack without hesitation.  So in that short of time, Ren looked back and shouted at Miran.  "Miran!! Get Ara and Alex out of here!!!"  Then when he received the ultimate attack from Razor, Ren, who was really feeling overwhelmed, also had try to fend off the attack by putting all his might. Ren quickly turned around his body, then at the same time a spiral-shaped water current also began to form and surrounded his entire body, so that Ren's body could be protected from Razor's blows attack, and the fire waves generated by Razor's blows were finally channeled upwards by water jet stream power of Ren, so it shot so hight, and then that enormous fire attack even destroy the roof and shattered the entire surrounding structure.  Because of that, the rubble of the building began to collapse massively, and even the way leading to the exit was blocked by debris. Therefore, Miran who saw the roof above her was about to collapse, immediately invited his friends to go another way, quickly she ran while carrying Ara, while Max ran while carrying Alex. They tried to get out of there before the entire structure completely collapsed and fell on them.  "Brother!!" Ara shouted while being carried away by Miran.  The four of them ran towards the front door, until they finally made it out of the building. While the people outside, looked shocked when they turned their heads, because they saw the building behind them had suddenly collapsed, then with a panicked expression on their faces, they also immediately moved away to avoid the danger of flying debris, that increased as the dense dust also instantly enveloped to the entire area.  Now the situation in the area has really gone awry, the fighting that took place made a lot of things there to be destroyed and shattered, even a very loud roar was heard by outsiders, and it also made some ordinary people immediately contact the police.  Meanwhile, after having managed to get out of the building, also smoke and dust, now Miran, Max, Alex, and Ara are far from the collapsed building. They stopped running right next to the Wind Faction group members who were currently sitting and lying helplessly.  And after the building collapse incident had subsided, Ara immediately turned around and then she sat down on her knees while crying, because her brother didn't make it out safely from the incident. Ara felt sad and disappointed because she was unable to save her brother, as well as Miran and Max, they both could only stand with their heads bowed while feeling the deepest sadness. While Alex immediately prostrated while pounding on the ground with anger.   Even Alex was screaming. "What's a Holy knight??!! What's a special person??!! ...I couldn't even save my friend, Raaaaggghhj!!!" Alex vented all his emotions.  As well as All the members of the Wind Faction group also felt a deep sadness, they could only stay silent and mourn the gone of Ren who had died in battle. But unfortunately, the mourning atmosphere immediately changed when they heard the booming sound of the ongoing fight between Jefirros versus Billy. The two of them were still attacking each other with all their mighty abilities.
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