Targeted Alex

1376 Words
The figures of the two intruders who were in Alex's school area, is Chaterine and Derris, The figure of a beautiful woman and a tall man was seen walking while carrying weapons in the form of swords and spears. They walked leisurely down the school hallway, while paying attention to their surroundings, so it made a school guard who saw them, immediately approached and tried to throw them out.  "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" ask the guard.  But without answering a word, suddenly the guard was strangled and then his head was banged against the wall by Derris, until he passed out, then Derris and Catherine resumed their walking to search for Alex.  Meanwhile, behind the school building, which was so quiet, Ryuji was seen running towards the place feeling anxious. That's because he felt a strong life force entering the school area, so without thinking he immediately came to find out whose life force it was? Actually he felt several sources of life force, namely the school hallway, in the classroom, and the life force that emited very strongly came from the area behind the school.  Then when Ryuji got there, how surprised he was, because suddenly he met a man who was quite dangerous. That man was Shekai, the former member of the Wind Faction group who had now become a member of the Sword Freedom group.  Shekai walked leisurely in front of Ryuji, then when they are already looking at each other, with a shocked expression Ryuji said.  "Y- you??"  "Hi, your name must be Ryuji... It's our first time meeting, right?" Ask Shekai.  "Yeah, I've been dealing with Derris and Catherine more often. But I didn't expect them to come into action with you now. Don't you guys have any other work to do than make trouble?"  "Hmm, yeah, we don't have any other things to do... All this time we've only focused on spreading terror and challenging the government... But right now, our top priority is the Holy Knight. So I have to give help for Derris and Catherine this time."  "Then, I will stop all of you here!"  Ryuji immediately took off his bracelet, then when his sword appeared, without further ado he ran towards Shekai while delivering a s***h of wind Impact to his enemy. However, because Shekai was a shield race, he didn't flinch when he got the s***h attack. He just stay still, while his body was covered by transparent shield.  So then, Ryuji continued to launch attacks after attacks that were so strong toward Shekai, he attacked from various directions and used various techniques. Although Shekai has such a strong shield power, it seems that the attack given by Ryuji is also no less powerful, so it caused Shekai's body to be pushed several times and he even had to change positions because the shield he made cracked in several places by the slashing attacks from Ryuji, so Shekai must giving several counter attacks. And the two of them start fought fiercely.  Switch back to Alex's classroom. Suddenly all the students and teachers who were teaching were startled by the arrival of an uninvited guest in the classroom. Without knocking, Catherine surprisingly entered and greeted all the people in the clastoom, she came alone without her sword, which was currently being keep by Derris outside the room.  "Hello, good morning everyone." Catherine said with a smile. And it suddenly made everyone amazed because they had a guest, namely a beautiful adult woman.  As for Alex, who was busy writing, suddenly felt very surprised when he saw the guest too, who looked familiar to him, because he had dealt with Catherine before, so he knew that woman was a bad person. And her coming to this classroom certainly wasn't to bring any good news.  So while shocked, Alex felt panicked and nervous at the same time.  "W- what is she doing here?" Alex wondered.  Then Catherine spoke to the teacher who was standing near the blackboard. "I'm sorry for this sudden arrival, sir. I came here to give important news for Alex, and i also want to ask permission to take Alex home now."  "O- Oh, I see... Alex." The teacher called Alex's name.  So while being watched by all students in the class including Henry, Alex was stunned and felt a dilemma. Because of course he didn't want to go with Catherine, but suddenly Catherine walked up to Alex, and when she was very closhe while waving her hair, she immediately whispered into Alex's ear.  "Come with me, because if we don't get out of this classroom within five minutes, then Derris will come in here and s*******r all of your friends including your teacher." Said Catherine.  It suddenly made Alex feel a big dilemma in his heart. As a Holy knight as well as a member of the Wind Faction, of course he must not obey Catherine's wishes and he must fight against Catherine, but the situation he must be in right now, is far more dangerous, because Catherine threatens to s*******r all of Alex classmates if he does not obey. .  For a moment, Alex remembered everything that he had experienced at school, as well as all the behavior of his school friends who were always unkind to him, but even though Alex had always been treated badly, he didn't want to repay all of his friends has did to him, Alex didn't want them to get hurt. So when Alex and Chaterine looked at each other, and did a mental battle, then Alex looked at Henry from a distance, so Henry realized that Alex was in a difficult situation and that was his attempt to giving a signal asking for help. Therefore Henry immediately felt surprised and also panicked.  Then when time was running out for Alex, at the last second Alex actually hoped that Ryuji would come to help him. But right now Ryuji is busy with the fight against Shekai. So when Chaterina started counting down from 10 to 1, it suddenly made Alex make a decision.  "Okay, I'll come with you." Alex said, while stand from his chair.  Then he walked with Catherine to get out from the classroom, and after they greeted the teacher, they walked out to meet Derris and then continued their journey to the headquarters of the Sword freedom group.  As she was walking, Catherine told Alex put some kind of handcuffs on his hands. The handcuffs were made of a special relic material that had a flow of energy within it. Then while putting the handcuffs on Alex's hands, Catherine said.  "These are handcuffs that can curb the use of life force, so if any sword race or shield race wears these handcuffs, they won't be able to use their power."  "Hah?"  "These handcuffs were created by the government to arrest us, but we managed to seize some of them." Said Catherine.  Then Alex asked, "Why are you so desperate to come to my school?"  "That's because we should be able to catch you after all... We've always been watching you and trying to get close to you, but because you're always accompanied by Ryuji, so we're having a hard time doing that." "Besides, we've always tried to kidnap your mother, but our efforts have always been thwarted by Billy, Miran, and the others."  "W-what?"  "But now, no one will help you."  "No, Ryuji ... He will definitely help me."  "No way... Ryuji is currently fighting against Shekai, and he can't possibly win."  "I trust my friends, he will win."  "Don't get your hopes up, maybe he must be dead by now." Derris said.  "Hah??"  "There won't be anyone who can help you… Because even Right now, We're sending our strongest member to the Wind Faction's headquarters, namely Razor. So it's been confirmed that no member of your group will be able to come to your aid."  "N-no."  "Now shut up, and follow us." Said Catherine.  Then Alex could only be astonished while lamenting his fate, because right now he was in a state of helplessness due to the life force restraints on his hands, so all he could do now, i just walk along with Chaterina and Derris to the enemy base.
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