Razor the mad flame

1204 Words
Right now, Ren, Miran, and Max have to rush to save Alex, but on the other hand the three of them are tripped by Razor who will definitely don't let them past, and it will be very difficult to defeat him. Then in the precarious situation, Miran began to whisper to give instructions to his friends. "Guys, Listen to me carefully. Razor's task is to wasting our time here, so meanwhile his friends can kidnap Alex more freely." "I know." Ren said. "Master, the three of us can beat him." Says Max. "Yes, that's true. But Alex's safety must come first, so we don't have much time... Now, I suggest that Ren should head to school first to help Ryuji, while Max and I will be here to fight Razor." Then Ren said. "Fine, but you'd better call Billy here." "Billy is on duty to look after Alex's mother, so his whereabout is very far from here, and the life force aura from us won't be able to reach Billy." "B- But at least, I sent him a message that we are currently experiencing an emergency." Max said. "i'll try." Miran answer. "Hmm, okay. Let's get started." Ren said as he look at the enemy. Then, all of a sudden, Razor dashed towards the three of them while launching an extremely deadly fire blow attack, The shocking action was accompanied by a words from him "Stop talking and face me right now!!" Razor shouted. Instantly Miran made a shield that was big and strong enough to protect herself and his friends, but the shield was destroyed instantly by Razor's fire blow, causing Max and Miran to throwed and fall heavily to the ground, that also break Miran's bow. Then Ren immediately took out his black stream sword, then Ren gave Razor slashing attacks, but the madman was very difficult to deal with because he had a strong shield power, as well as a strong fire blow. So Razor really has a terrible combination of powers. Miran and Max immediately stood up while preparing the power of their shields to fight Razor. Miran made a shield like wings on her back, plus a rocket-shaped shield on her both hands. While Max makes shoe-shaped shields on his feet with small squares on the soles of his feet that can move around and have a way of working like a tank wheel, that way Max's foot movement can be faster, and he can slide towards the enemy while also landing a hard kick attack. In an instant, Max and Miran joined the fight. Three versus one, They fought fiercely against Razor, but unfortunately Razor was too strong thanks to the power of the fire necklace relic he possessed, so their attacks could be parried very easily. Many times Miran and Max even tried to block the enemy's movement by making shields that covered Razor's body, but Razor always managed to destroy their shields by creating a bigger dome, then Razor quickly shot up and gave powerful blows. that can knock out his opponent. But luckily, Ren had the water-type elemental power of his sword, so it could minimize the burning effect of fire power on Razor's hands. His fire punches can always be weakened by Ren's water s***h attack, so that Miran and Max can be more flexible in terms of attacking and curbing Razor's movement, they attack from two directions at once. Miran hugged Razor's body from behind, while Max held Razor's hand and lifted it up, so that the explosion from Razor's hand going shot towards the sky. It could stop and divert Razor's attacks in an instant, but he could still provide even more brutal resistance. Therefore Miran immediately said. "Now! Ren, go!!" Then without thinking Ren quickly ran to continue his journey to Alex's school, which was also the scene of the battle between Ryuji and Shekai (the shield race owner of the lightning necklace relic). Then, after Ren left, Razor managed to escape from Miran's arms, after which he also managed to beat Max to the ground. But the fight is still not over, Max and Miran can still stand up and provide quite a fierce resistance to Razor's attack. They clashed fighting techniques and exchanged punches, although Razor's punch was stronger than the two of them, neither of them flinched, and the two of them didn't stop attacking. With their shrewdness and fighting ability, Max and Miran were able to land blow after blow to various parts of Razor's body. Although Razor also has a strong defense on his body, at this time the people he is facing are not random people, but people who have been really trained to fight, so Miran and Max can make Razor a little overwhelmed. But Razor was still able to outperform the two of them, he created a large shield dome so that Miran and Max once again had to be throwed and fell to the ground. The act of creating a large dome while in close combat, could be said to be a cowardly act for a shield race, but Razor did so because he was in a state of urgency and was beaten by two enemies. Then after the two enemies fell to the ground at a distance from each other, so without warning, Razor immediately shot at Miran to give a very deadly fire blow. The attack flew and was about to hit Miran's body. But fortunately there was someone who suddenly came and stopped the attack. The figure of that person was Billy, who quickly stood between Miran and Razor, so that he could withstand the fire blow from Razor with the palm of his hand, therefore Razor's attack could be stopped, then Razor felt very surprised to see the figure in front of him, namely the leader of the Wind Faction. So after that, Billy gripped Razor's hand very tightly, causing Razor to feel a little pain. "Arrrgghhh!" Then Razor forcibly pulled his hand away, and he jumped back to get away from Billy and Miran. While Max, who had just stood up, immediately walked over to Billy, although he was as surprised as Razor at the arrival of the leader. Then Max helped Miran to his feet, and Miran called the name of the Wind Faction leader. "Billy." "Thank goodness you came." Max said. "I received a text message from you... After I confirmed that no members of the Sword of Freedom group were watching Alex's mother, then I immediately ran over here using shield steps in the air... Sorry, I came late." "No, we should be the ones apologizing... Because we let the situation be like this." Mira said. "We'll talk about that later." Billy said as he continued to stare at Razor. Meanwhile, Razor, who was standing in front of them, suddenly received a phone call, so he immediately took out his cellphone from his pocket, then he spoke. "Hello... Ouh... Hmmm, good." Billy, Miran, and Max looked confused by that, their facial expressions changed as they continued to watch Razor, they didn't want to think negatively about the information Razor had received from his cellphone, but Razor's expression that looked happy, made them feel anxious.
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