New teacher

939 Words
First Hershey showed a wooden statue carved with flowers, and she said. "This is a flower scented Relic... If we apply life force to this statue, it will emit a gas that will fill the entire room with the scent of flowers."  "Wow, you went all around the world just to bring us an air freshener?" Ryuji asked.  "Shut up." Hershey said while giving him a cynical look.  Then Hershey took out a kind of board, and she said. "This is a flying board relic, if we climb up and apply our life force to it, then this board can fly."  "May I have it?" Max asked.  "No." Hershey said while giving him a cynical look.  Then Hershey pulled out something else, namely some bracelets. "This is a sword relic bracelet, its function is ..."  "We already know what it does." Ryuji said.  So Hershey said, "Ryuji... If you lose your bracelet and need a new one, i will not give it to you, okay?"  "N- no, sorry. Please continue."  Then Hershey pulled out a ring that looked worn and looked like it had come from ancient times. She said, "Furthermore, the two best relics that are of great value to me are this golem rings, as well as these glasses that I wear."  "Wahh?"  "This ring is a golem summoning relic, if an earth element user puts this ring on his or her finger and then touches the ground, then a large golem monster will burst from the ground to help us fight the enemy ... And since I am a sword race who possessing earth element, then it's only me who can use this thing."  "Ouh... Then what's so special about that glasses?" Max asked.  "this glasses have been modified with Relic Movement Tracking Lenses, so that anyone who wears them will be able to predict the opponent's movements."  Then Max quickly moved behind Hershey, and he meant to grab the glasses quietly, while doing so Max said "I want to try these glasses." Max reached his hand over Herhsey's head. But casually, Hershey gave a back blow that hit Max in the face, so that instantly Max fell unconscious.  "Wow." Everyone was stunned to see Max's gwtting punch and his ridiculous behavior.  Suddenly Miran Asking, "Didn't you bring a relic that could be used specifically by the shield race?"  "Oh, of course I have." Hershey answered as she dug deeper into her bag, then she pulled out a shiny object.  While Showing the item to everyone, Hershey said. "This is it, the wind necklace relic... With this thing, a shield race can turn his or her shield power into the power of the wind element."  "Ouhh, Just like Razor and Shekai." Ryuji said.  "Yeah... By the way who wants to use this thing?" Hershey asked.  Then suddenly Max woke up, and proudly, he held out his hand to Hershey.  "I'll take that responsibility." Says Max.  But suddenly Miran said. "No, give that thing to me."  "Hah?"  Therefore max could only be silent with his mouth agape while watching the wind necklace relic being handed into Miran's hands. The object is now officially owned by Miran.  "Very good, there are now two wind element users in our group." Billy said.  Then while Looking around Hershey said. "Oh yeah, is the protective urn Relic still stored in this place?" Hershey asked.  "Yes of course." Billy replied.  "Protective urn relic?" Alex wondered.  "Yes, I brought that thing here many years ago, its function is to keep bad people away... So that anyone who has malicious intentions towards this place, will immediately retreat and return home."  "Wow." Alex was amazed.  Then suddenly Billy asked. "Yes, the urn is indeed very useful for protecting this place... Oh yea Hershey, I know you have just returned, but may I ask you a favor?"  "Of course leader." Hershey replied.  "We're currently looking for someone to train Alex's sword techniques, and if you agree, would you like to be Alex's teacher?"  "Hmm." Hershey thought for a moment.  Then Hershey looked at Ryuji, because she felt that Ryuji should act as Ren's substitute to teach Alex the sword technique, but Ryuji immediately looked at Herhsey while nodded his head, and Hershey immediately nodded too, because Hershey seemed to know the reason why Ryuji couldn't train Alex. While Alex could only glance at Those two people with a feeling of confusion.  So a few moments later, Hershey agreed to Billy's request.  "Alright, I accept the task." Then Hershey spoke to Alex.  "Your name is Alex right?"  "Y- yes."  "Tomorrow afternoon we'll meet at an abandoned construction site not far from here... Remember! You have to be on time." Hershey said firmly.  "O-okay." Alex replied.  Then Hershey said good-bye to them all, and she quickly left the place to go to his long abandoned house. So it looks like today she will be very busy cleaning up the entire corner of her house.  Still at Billy's Gym, after Hershey's departure, Billy immediately spoke to Ryuji.  "Well Ryuji, now the matter of finding a sword teacher for Alex is done. So you don't have to worry anymore."  "I should be the one saying that to you." Ryuji said.  "Wait a minute, so Ryuji already told Billy the reason why he couldn't train me? ...In that case, now tell me the specific reason." Alex asked for an answer.  "I told you Alex, I can't teach you because my sword skills come from experience of...."  "Stop it, I'm tired of that excuse... Give me a more specific reason."  "Sorry Alex, but it's a secret for all of us." Says Max.
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