end of war

931 Words
After the very tense battle in the abandoned industrial area was over, various parties began to arrive at the scene, ranging from ordinary citizens, police, to dozens of medical officers who brought several ambulances. After getting reports of the commotion, they rushed over there at the same time, then to their surprise when they saw there were many people lying on the ground covered in blood. Those people were members of the Sword of Freedom who had lose in battle, they were all lying there in condition of badly injured and unconscious.  The police officers swiftly secured the parameters and maintained order so that ordinary citizens would not approach near the place, while the medical officers were seen busy going back and forth transporting the victims into ambulances to be taken to the hospital, and if they were later conscious, then The next process is, the police will ask for full information from them one by one.  The evacuation process took a long time, with a bustling atmosphere due to a large crowd, plus the sky was cloudy and it was drizzling rain, so all the officers felt a little difficult to secure the area, and they appealed to the residents to return home. But the residents didn't want to, because they still wanted to watch the evacuation process until it was finished.  In the midst of the evacuation process, suddenly the ambulance, which was going to the hospital to deliver the victims, was intercepted by a group of black military cars that looked quite modern and dashing. So seeing this, all people immediately felt shocked and confused. They wondered why the black car group was blocking the evacuation process for victims who were in an emergency situation.  But a few moments later, a black sedan also came to the place, and after the sedan stopped, suddenly someone got out of the car and walked to the center of the evacuation area. That person was a man around 30 years old, although his face looked young but his hair was white. He wore a kind of black special forces uniform with a gray pattern, he casually walked over to the police chief who was on duty at the place, then after they shook hands, the mysterious man said.  "Introducing, my name is Richard Snyder, head of the GRIM Taskforce unit."  "Hmm, I've heard of you guys. My name is Sergeant Brando... I want to ask you, that black car troupe is your's?"  "Yes."  "Why are they blocking the ambulance path?"  "First I want to apologize, sir... It is with a heavy heart, that I have to take over your duties here, and you must allow me and my men to bring the victims to our place."  "Why?"  "According to government regulations, all matters relating to the terrorists with swords are under our authority... Because we are a special agency directly ordered by the President to deal with this phenomenon, so allow me to take over this case, and let me bring all of them also with their swords."  "Hmm... Alright then, I get it." Said the police chief.  That way, now officially, the evacuation process that was being carried out in that place was immediately taken over by Richard Snyder and his troops, who wore black military uniforms complete with gas masks and weapons attached to their backs. While the ordinary citizens who saw the troop , looked amazed and dumbfounded, because they seemed to be seeing Soldiers who were ready to fight.  The soldiers swiftly lifted and moved the members of the Sword of Freedom to the ambulance, which would then be taken to their headquarters. While Richard Snyder as the leader, just stood watching the entire evacuation process, then suddenly he got a phone call from someone, which made him have to walk away while talking in a low tone on his cellphone.  He says. "Yes... The process went smoothly... Hmm, yes.... Today we got a big catch." Richard said with a smile.  We still don't know who the person who contacted him was, but it is very likely that the mysterious person is from the government, because Richard and the GRIM Taskforce group were directly under the government. And as Jefirros had said that the government was actually ruled by the shield race. But somehow they always hunt and capture the sword races to take them to a secret place, and who knows what they will do to the sword races? What is certain now that we know that the agency assigned by the government to hunt down and capture the sword race is named the GRIM Taskforce led by Richard Snyder.  Long story short, switch to another place, namely in Doctor Otto's clinic. Currently the Doctor and the nurses who work there are busy treating many patients, these patients are members of the Wind Faction who were seriously injured after fighting against the Sword of Freedom group last nught, Doctor Oto handled all of them well so that the patients' wounds could be healed, the Doctor seemed to keep going back and forth and moving from one place to another to give special treatment. Because with the power of his shield and relic healing bracelet, he can easily treat and heal patients' wounds, even though it can drain his life force in quite a large amount. The Relic was able to turn Doctor Otto's shield power into a healing power that was very effective in dealing with minor to moderate injuries, and Doctor Otto was a very dedicated person and had great concern for the Wind Faction.
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