Calm before the storm

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Still in the boxing gym or we can call it the Wind Faction headquarters, where currently Alex and Ryuji are being treated by Ren and Ara, after they finished their fight against the demon stalker and the demon Henry. Long story short, a few moments later. There were 3 people who entered the place, and they were not strangers to Ryuji, Ren, and Ara, but Alex was different, he get a litlle surprised when seeing them. The 3 people were Billy, Miran, and one was a skinny man with black spiky hair, he was wearing the same biker uniform as Miran, and the name of the man was 'Max'. When Billy, Miran, and Max came to the place, Alex and the others immediately got up from their seats to welcome the three people.  "Billy."  "Welcome." Ara greeting them.  "Where are you guys from?" Ryuji asked Billy and the others.  "We just faced 10 members of the Sword of Freedom. Then we tried to dig up information about their hiding place, so that later we can reclaim the pagoda relic... But unfortunately Razor came, so those 10 people managed to escape."  "Hah?"  "Razor? Who is he?" Ask Alex.  "He is the most dangerous member of that group, he is a shield race who also has a fire necklace Relic, so he can create fire and explosions from his hands... If you meet him you better run, or call your friends." Mira answered.  "O-oh yeah, we haven't officially met. My name is Alex." Alex said, extending his hand to Miran."  "My name is Miran, and this is my student, his name is Max."  "He-hello... So you are the so-called Holy knight huh? Wow, what an honor for me" Then Max also shook Alex's hand.  "For these few days, I haven't seen the two of you." What Alex meant was Miran and Max.  "That's because we both serve as information seekers. So we are rarely here." Mira answered.  "Eumm, by the way, if I may ask, how many members are there actually in the Wind Faction?" Ask Alex.  Then Billy answered. "Including us, there are 124 people in all."  "Hah?" Alex was surprised.  "Yes, even in the past this group even had more a lot of members, which was around 500 people, And all of our Members were scattered in various places... That's because they have their own jobs and bussines."  "O-ooh."  And Ryuji also said. "Even Rusty the Corn dog seller is a member of us."  "Whaaat?!! Really?!! Th-that's why you always seem to get along with Rusty and a lot of other people... I thought it just because you were always so' close to everyone." said Alex.  "Hehhe... Yea, now you know."  Then Ren suddenly said, "Oh yeah, you guys should know, Alex just got a level 2 shield power."  "Whoa, that's great." Billy gave a compliment.  "Very great."  "Congratulations."  They all felt very proud of Alex, even Miran and Max also patted Alex on the shoulder to congratulate him, the atmosphere there which was originally quiet became warm and festive, so it made Alex a little amazed, because he had never felt such an atmosphere at all. Alex, who has always been ostracized and shunned by people, is now surrounded by people who consider him special. They are friends that Alex has always wanted but can only imagine in dreams. And now all of that has become a reality, he has Ryuji, Billy, Ara, Ren, Miran, and Max as friends who acknowledge his existence, so that makes Alex feel both happy and touched, then without realizing it while smiling, there are tears that dripped down his cheek.  Therefore Billy asked. "Alex, why are you crying?"  But Alex immediately wiped his face while saying. "N-no, I'm not crying. I-I'm just get a twinge on my eye."  "What's wrong Alex? Tell us." Ara said.  Then, after a moment of silence, Alex began to explain what he was feeling. "I- I'm just… feeling happy, that you all received me so well here. Regardless of my status as a Holy knight."  "Oh Alex, we treat you the same as the other members, that is, as family... When you become a member of our group, even if you are not a Holy knight, we will still treat you well."  "Yes Alex."  Then Ryuji said. "Alex, remember that time, when you said 'you don't want to get involved with us'?"  "Y-yes, I remember."  "Even though at that time you kicked me out of your room... We will still protect you no matter what." Ryuji said.  "Yes, that's true." Billy added.  "Guys, thank you very much." Alex said while feeling touched.  "Hey, this is not the time to be sad. Today we should eat together at Ren's restaurant, and I will treat you all." Billy said.  "Whoa."  "Is it true?!"  "Hooray."  They were all happy to hear that from Billy, even Alex, Ryuji, and max immediately danced together and jumped for joy, then they all went together to Ren's restaurant, and along the way Ryuji, Max, and Alex debated what they will order for everyone, and each of them not want to give in about each other's opinion, so that along the way it is full of laughter and fun.  Likewise when they were at Ren's restaurant, when the food was served by Ara, they fought each other and kept joking with each other. Interesting things that happened during the meal included Billy covering Miran's food with a shield when she will eating, so Miran gave Billy a hard hit on the head until he fell, and althought it was just meant to be a joke, it is so hillarious  In addition, Alex and Max also tried to sit near Ara, so Ren told Ara to move to sit nearby him, then Alex and Max stared at each other with electricity from their colliding eyes.  After that, Max teaches Alex creative ways to use the power of his shield, from making steps like ladder and even transparent wands made of shields. But to be able to do that requires a high focus, so the shield energy can be formed into other things in a relatively long time, and Alex can't do that yet because his focus is still divided on other things, so the shields shape he can create is still always the same, namely in the form of a dome or a square, even if it is large or small.  During the event, Ren also gave them bonus dishes, so Ryuji ate so voraciously that his stomach bloated. Meanwhile, Alex and Max fight over the last piece of meat to give to Ara. The two of them look very competitive to impress Ara, although their efforts are always thwarted by Ren, who doesn't allow his sister to be approached.  That night was very pleasant for all of them, the warm atmosphere that Alex felt at that moment, is something he will never forget for the rest of his life. Alex really enjoyed their time together there.  But there is one thing they must not forget, namely that they still have enemies who will continue to disturb their peace. Because right now the enemy is preparing with they plan to do something bad to Alex and his friends. The serenity they were currently feeling was the same as the calm situation before the storm. And they have to be prepared for whatever will happen.  Journal Characters. Billy's Group Members: !. Billy (Shield race level 3) 2. Miran (Shield race level 3, bow user) 3. Ryuji (Wind element user, sword race) 4. Ren (Water element user, sword race) 5. Ara (Sword race level 1) 6. Alex (Holy knight, Shield race level 2, Sword race level 1) 7. Max (Shield race level 2) Sword of freedom group members: 1. Jefirros (Boss, power: still unknown) 2. Chaterina (Sword race, Whip Sword user) 3. Derris (Sword race, spear wielder) 4. Shekai (Shield race level: Still unknown) 5. Razor (Shield race level 3, can create fire from his hands)
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