Shield power training

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Then their training process begins, Miran teaches Alex how to make a solid shield and change it into various shapes, so that Alex can use various forms of shields when fighting against enemies. First, Miran told Alex to focus on the shield he created, then to change the shape he had to move his fingers so he could form various shields as he wanted. But it was still difficult for Alex, because he could only create a square shape shield, and when he tried to change the Shield to another shape, Alex folded it too hard or even made the shield shape weird. That's because Alex is still lacking on focus..  Then Miran gave a suggestion. "You have to train your focus... I know that making a shield requires a lot of life force so your focus will be divided by controlling the amount of life force. Therefore you should be able to focus on controlling the flow of the life force as well as focus on creating the shape of the shield thatbyou want. .. It's best to start with a little bit of life force, so the shield you create will become a little soft, then you can shape it easily ... And after you get the shape you want, then that's when you channel the required amount of life force so much that your shield will become hard and solid."  "All right."  Alex continued to try and persevere, even though he failed many times, but little by little he began to be able to create a shield with the shape he wanted, from a triangular shape to a round shape to a metal trellis. And Alex was so happy that he was finally able to do that.  Then Miran gave another example, while talking to Alex, she created shields in various shapes, starting from cones, rugby balls, chains, to boxing gloves, as Billy often used in combat.  "We, the shield race, do have an advantage in terms of defense... But that doesn't mean we can't inflict deadly attacks on the opponent. Although it's undeniable that the attacks of the sword race are much stronger than those of the shield race, but we can rely on other aids as our weapons... For example I always use this bow as an support item to give attack." Miran said as she took her bow.  Then she showed her skill in creating pointed shields and shot it using a bow, thus creating a deadly arrow shot that could destroy an object, relying on the power of his bow.  "Wow." Alex looked at it while feeling amazed.  After Miran finished demonstrating her flagship attack to Alex, she looked at Alex and said.  "You may not need tools when fighting Alex, because you also have a sword as your weapon to attack. But your creativity in using the power of the shield is also a very important thing that you must master."  "Yes, of course." Max said from a distance.  "Very well, I understand it Miss Miran."  "I told you not to call me Miss!" Mira said.  "O- okay." Alex said while feeling scared.  As their training continued, now is attack training sesion. So Alex used his sword to deliver slashing attacks to Miran, who only made a evasive move while blocking every attack from Alex with her shield. And although Alex's fighting moves have looked better after receiving training from Ren, it seems that Alex's fighting style is still not a match for Miran's fighting style, because Miran can always read Alex's movements casually and withstand every attack from him, so it causes Alex to feel overwhelmed and frustrated. He had to try to become stronger, so that later he could match an enemy who might have abilities and powers far beyond him.  Meanwhile, move on to another place. Or rather in a shopping center, in the basement which is also a parking lot, Alex's mother is walking while carrying two bags full of her groceries, she is walking towards her car parked not far there, namely a red mini van.  After opening the trunk of the car and putting all his shopping bags inside, Alex's mother suddenly received a phone call from a co-worker, so it made her have to stand for a while near the car to have a conversation about important matters at work.  "Hello... Why are you calling me on my holiday? ... Didn't I tell you that I'll finish the paperwork by Monday. We're not under a deadline, right?" Said Alex's mother who was chatting on the phone.  But without her realizing it, there were actually several people who watching her from a distance. In the same parking lot, there are 5 men who are members of the Sword of freedom group, they are watching Alex's mother from behind a wall. They seemed to be plotting something bad against the Holy knight's mother.  One of them said. "That's her, she is easy target."  "Let's get her."  "Yeah."  "After we catch her, I guess I can play with her a little bit… Hehhe."  "Hmm, remember what Mr. Shekai said. We should be able to catch her alive."  "Okay than."  They had a light conversation before starting the k********g process. And it seems that the person who ordered them was Shekai, that is one of Jefirros' confidants, the Boss of Sword of freedom. They intend to kidnap Alex's mother so that she can be used as a hostage, to lure Alex to come into their base. So then they can easily capture the Holy Knight.  But when they were about to carry out their mission to kidnap Alex's mother, suddenly there is a voice behind them said.  "I won't allow you guys to do that."  Then how surprised they were, when they saw the figure who was standing behind them. Namely the figure of a man with black shirt, and his hands tucked into his trouser pockets. The man was none other than Billy.  So without thinking, they all immediately took out their respective weapons from under their clothes, namely a medium-sized sword that was ready to be used to attack the opponent. Simultaneously they launched attacks on Billy, but not a single attack from those people could penetrate the shield around Billy's body, plus the impact of the attacks they gave was very low, so Billy could assume that they were just people with power level 1.  Therefore, it is very easy for Billy to defeat them, Billy counterattacked them one by one, in the form of hard blows that could make them all fall down instantly, then lay down and winced in pain. But persistently, some of them kept trying to throw a s***h at Billy, they fought tooth and nail to defeat the hardly opponent, namely Billy.
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