Unexpected help

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Ryuji was already lying on the bed, in of clinic room, he is with Billy who also there, but Ryuji still in a state of unconscious. A few moments later, a Doctor with short black hair, wearing glasses and having a slight beard, came and directly spoke to Billy in the room, his name was Doctor Otto, he was a shield race, and he was also a member of the wind faction by profession as a Doctor. The clinic where Ryuji is being treated, is his own clinic which he built to facilitate the treatment of injured members of the wind faction, besides that he also opens a medical treatment for ordinary humans, which is located in the front room.  To Billy, Doctor Otto said, "Hmm, Ryuji has received some kind of extraordinary electric attack, if he was a normal human then he would have died instantly, but luckily he managed to survive, by using all the Life force he had to withstand the damage caused by the attack. ...Although some of his limbs are still affected by the attack such as bruises and blisters. Besides, when he was brought here his heart rate was weak, so he needed special treatment. But don't worry, he is now fine and will recover in a few days."  "I understand, thanks Otto." Billy said.  "No problem chief... Then I'll excuse myself." Doctor Otto said as he walked out of the room.  A few moments later, Ren, Miran, Max, and Ara entered the room to see how Ryuji was. They felt very sad, because one of his friends was seriously injured, while the Holy Knight was now in the hands of the Sword Freedom group. Therefore, Miran once again apologized to their leader.  "Billy, we're sorry… We failed to protect Alex. Even though you entrusted the task to your three best members, me, Ren, and Ryuji. But we let you down instead."  And Ren said "If only I didn't come late, then Ryuji and Alex would have safe ... It's all my fault."  Then while crying, Ara also said, "I-I didn't even help at all... I feel so bad for Alex."  "Don't feel guilty too much, you guys have tried your best, for the past few months everything has been going well, but today an incident occurred. And this is all because of the enemy's well-thought-out plan."  "...." They were speechless when Billy said that.  Then Billy continued his words, "The enemy purposely sent more members to kidnap Alex's mother, so that I can focus more on that matter. Meanwhile, here, they are positioning themselves to tackle all of you, so they can overthrow Ryuji, and then kidnap Alex."  "They really are outrageous." Says Max.  "There's no time for us to lament over the situation, now we better focus on finding out where Alex currently is, at all costs."  "Oke." They all nodded, indicating that they were ready to carry out Billy's orders.  Then Billy looked at Ryuji while saying. "Don't worry Ryuji... We will definitely get Alex back, and you should get well soon."  After that, they finally left the room. Because They will start looking for information about the whereabouts of the Sword of Freedom base which is still very difficult to find. But this time they must really be able to find it, because not only to reclaim the pagoda relic, but now they also have to be able to reclaim Alex from the grip of Jefirros, who will perform the ritual of releasing the Demon King from the relic pagoda using Alex's body as important key.  The next day, outside Billy's gym, someone came and knocked on the front door of the place. That person was Henry, Alex's schoolmate, he called the residents of the place but there was no answer at all, maybe because at this time the residents were busy looking for Alex's whereabouts all night, so that in the morning there was no one Who is there.  But Henry kept on knocking and calling, even occasionally he peeked in through the window, but he couldn't find a single figure in the place, so Henry finally decided to leave there and he would go home.  But when Henry turned around, he was suddenly surprised because there were two figures coming, the figures is Billy and Miran who had just come to the place, and they both looked exhausted, like people who had been running around the city all night.  Then when Billy saw Henry, Billy immediately asked him. "Hi, Can I help you?"  'E- uh um... Are you residents of this place?"  "Yes, I am the owner." Billy replied.  "Introduction, my name is Henry, I'm a friend of Alex's . . . I know that Alex often comes to this place, so I looked for him here."  "O-ooh I see... I'm sorry boy, but at this point we don't know about Alex's whereabouts either." Miran said.  "O-oh, so that woman who came to school yesterday and took Alex away isn't one of you?"  "What??"  "Tell us what happened to Alex yesterday?" Ask Miran.  "A-a woman came to pick up Alex, then Alex agreed to follow her after she whispered in his ear... But strangely, Alex's facial expression showed that he was reluctant to go with that woman. So I decided to check on him after school. .. Yesterday I went to his house, but there was no one there, then I went to this place last night, but no one in here either."  "Hmm, that's because since yesterday, none of us have come back here."  "O-oh... Maybe you'll be surprised to hear about this."  "What is that?"  "Actually I already know that Alex and all of you have some kind of power, and you are all involved with something very dangerous... That time Alex had saved me from an evil demon that was trying to take over my body."  "Ouhh, I see... So I don't have to hide anything from you huh, hahahah." Billy said while laughing awkwardly.  "I think you should know about this boy, the woman from yesterday is not part of us, she is the bad person who kidnapped Alex, and we are currently trying to find information about his whereabouts now." Miran said to Henry.  Then Billy added, "Oh yeah, by the way, can I ask you a favor?"  "W-what is that?"  "If Alex's mother asks you, then please tell her that Alex is staying at your place."  "Okay, I'll say that, if Alex's mother calls me... But since last night she hasn't contacted me, because it looks like she came home late and went straight to bed, so she hasn't checked on Alex at all."  "Ouh."  "Oh yeah, what was your name again?"  "The name is Henry."  "Henry, you're really reliable guy." Billy said.  "Thank you... Oh yeah, have you found any clues about Alex's whereabouts?" Henry asked.  "Until now still zero clue ... The whereabouts of the group that kidnapped Alex is very hard to find."  "Eummm . . . I might actually have a clue about Alex whereabouts now."  "Is it true??!" Billy and Miran were surprised to hear that.  "Tell us."
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