Sword of Freedom

1250 Words
Meanwhile in another place, or rather in an abandoned old building, Derris and Catherine are seen entering the building, the atmosphere there is quite dark and messy, with a lot of wall debris and damaged furniture abandoned. In addition, in that place apparently there are also many people who are gathered and busy with their respective activities, some are busy chatting, practicing swords, sharpening swords, and some are even seen kissing. That place seemed to be the headquarters of the 'Sword of Freedom' group, whose members were mostly sword races. They all look unfriendly and live without rules, or you could say, they are a bunch of troublemakers.  When Catherine and Derris walked in that place, all the people there greeted and smiled, because it seemed that Catherine and Derris were the top brass in the Sword of Freedom group, so they were both highly respected.  Moments later, Catherine and Derris entered a room, in the center of which was a pyramid of concrete rubble, and at the top of that, there was a man sitting while lost in thought. That man was none other than the Boss of the Sword of Freedom group, and his name was 'Jeffiros'. He had a fairly stocky build, with short gray hair, and he wore a black robe.  When Catherine and Derris got there, they immediately conveyed important news to their leader.  "Boss, we have good news and bad news." Said Catherine.  "Hmm, give me some good news first."  "...Earlier, we detected a very strong source of life force. Even more powerful than those possessed by Billy and his friends, then when we approached the source, we found a teenage boy who was being protected by Ryuji from a shadow demon attack. ... And that boy is the source of that life force."  "Huh? Is it possible that he is?"  "Yes Boss, there's no mistaking it, that teenager is a Holy Knight. We've managed to confirm it... When we were about to kill Ryuji, that teenager suddenly pulled out a shield and a sword at the same time."  "Hmm, yes, he must be a Holy knight. A race that only appears once every 100 years... Finally our dream is about to come true! Where is that teenager now??" Jefirros asked Catherine.  "Th- that's the bad news Boss."  "What?"  "Just as we were about to get him, suddenly Billy and Miran showed up. So it's very likely that the boy is with them now."  "Huh? So now that boy is with the Wind Faction?" Jefirros was disappointed.  "B-but don't worry Boss. We'll definitely try to find him."  "Yes boss, trust us." Derris said.  "How come?? If he is already in the hands of Billy and his friends, then it will definitely be very difficult for us to be able to get him! ...Did you guys forget, even to be able to get this pagoda relic from wind fiction, we all have to lost many men and inflicted heavy losses." Said Jefirros as he took out an object from under his cloak.  It was called a pagoda relic, a special magical item that could only be used by the sword race or shield race. In the past to be able to get this item, the Sword of Freedom group had to fight against the 'Wind Faction' group, namely Billy's group and his friends. Then with great effort and sacrifice, finally the object is now in the hands of Jefirros.  Moments later, when Jefirros was feeling irritated. Suddenly a man walked out of the dark area of the place, he was a shoulder-length blond man who looked cool in his jeans outfit.  The blonde haired man said. "Don't worry about Billy and his friends Boss. Didn't we beat them at that time with my help."  "Ouh, Shekai. I thought you were sleeping there." Derris said.  It turned out that the blonde haired man was named Shekai, and when he came, Chaterina immediately smiled as she approached him, so Shekai also smiled and embraced her body. It seems the two of them have a special relationship.  Then in response to Shekai's words just now, Jefirros said. "You're right, Shekai … We did has win over the Wind Faction thanks to your help back then. But its a long time ago, even since then, Billy's power has grown tremendously due to his grudge against us because you managed to kill the previous leader of the Wind Faction... And now, even Billy is becoming more and more difficult for us to defeat thanks to his new friends who we shouldn't underestimate at all, especially Ren and Ryuji. They are a sword race that should have joined our group, but they joined Billy's group instead."  "We don't need to be afraid of them Boss." Said Catherine.  "I'm not afraid of them. But I'm afraid we'll have to lose even more people." Jefirros replied.  Apparently, Jefirros is a person who values the lives of his group members very much, and he named this group the 'Sword of freedom' not without reason. That's because, as Catherine had mentioned. Their main goal is to bring the sword race to the pinnacle of power in this country.  Then Shekai responded to Jefirros' words. "I know how you feel Boss, but we are all gathered here because we are ready to fight, and we dare to die for the sake of achieving this group's goals... We are not afraid of the Wind Faction group or the government. So don't worry, and let us act individually. free."  So Catherine also added. "We promise Boss... we will definitely bring that teenager to you. Since he is an important key to our ultimate goal... We need his body so that we can unleash the immense power that is sealed within the relic pagoda."  "Yes Boss, our struggle all those years ago would be in vain if we couldn't get the key to open the relic pagoda. And that teenagers are our only hope ... While I'm in the mood, Give us a mission. " Derris said.  "Hmm... Alright then, get the boy here. I want you to carry out this mission well, and you all must survive no matter what."  "Of course."  "I will only give this special mission to my 4 trusted people, namely Derris, Catherine, Shekai, and Razor. You must be able to bring the teenager to me alive. Understand?"  "We understand."  "...But by the way, where's Razor??" Jefirros asked the three of his men who were in the room, so they immediately turned around to look for the whereabouts of Razor who wasn't there.  "Looks like he's wandering off again without your consent huh." Said Catherine.  "Hmm, yeah... He's really hard to manage." Jefirros replied.  Then Derris said. "Tch, in this group where most of the members are the sword race, but there are two shield race people who are made as a special trusted member ... But one has an arrogant nature (What he meant is Shekai) And the other one is always do anything as he please (it reffered to is Razor)."  "Watch your word Derris. Shekai isn't arrogant, but he's just charismatic... And don't forget, if it weren't by Shekai's help, then we wouldn't be able to get that relic pagoda from the wind faction, remember that." Said Catherine while looking at Derris seriously. While Shekai just smiled in response to her words. So Derris just turn around his head while muttering.  While Jefirros said, "Hmm, where is Razor now??" Jefirros wondered.
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