No poison today!

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Nora pov. According to my memory from my previous life, this day was one year after Richard and I got married. My father arranged to marry Richard, and I was very dissatisfied. To force Richard to withdraw from the marriage, I deliberately dated another man and used s*x pills. As a result, Richard went straight to the hotel and took me away. Under the effect of s*x pills and drunkenness, I had s*x with Richard. I hated Richard even more because of this incident and thought he r***d me because he had s*x with me without my permission. I even called him a r****t! And for this matter, and threatened Richard with divorce by slitting my wrists. Richard refused to divorce me and went out to work for three months before returning to prevent me from getting rage again. During those three months, I lived with Derek and my disgusting"best friend" all day long, and I even became addicted to drugs during that time. My life began to unravel in those three months. I took a deep breath to calm down from the memories. I hope that at this moment, I have not done anything yet and it is not too late. Just then, as I was looking down, I saw bleeding outward from my left wrist, which I had just completely missed. Oh my God! Why can't time go back a little? I had no time to think more; I had to stop the bleeding; I couldn't let Richard see this, and I couldn't let him misunderstand that I would rather die than be with him. Just as I was getting up and ready to look for a hemostat, the door opened. "What's wrong with your hand!" When I heard this familiar voice was from Richard, I was so excited that I was about to cry. I did too many wrong things; in this life, I will never make mistakes again, and I will love him well. I became so emotional that I wanted to call his name but could not open my mouth. It turns out that when people are most emotional, they can't speak. Richard took me to the bedside and examined my wound. He said, "It's not deep; I'll go find medicine." His expression was extraordinarily serious, and I knew he must have misunderstood. I tried to calm my agitated heart as I tried to explain, "Richard......" "Don't think that I will divorce you just because you're doing this!"Richard interrupted my words. With the same dialogue as in the previous life, I knew that he must have misunderstood at this time. So I immediately said, "I will not divorce you!" I looked him in the eyes very seriously. But Richard didn't seem to trust me, and he asked me, "What are you thinking again?" "No! I am telling you very seriously that I will not leave you and that I will always be your wife."Desperate to explain more, I grabbed his arm. Richard just looked at me with a very calm expression on his face. Then without saying a word, he broke my hand and left. I knew that no matter how sincere I acted, he still wouldn't believe me at this point. But things can't continue in the same direction as they did in the previous life. This time, he couldn't suddenly leave home for three months. Even in this life, I will not be deceived by Derek again and will not go back to the past path, and I still don't want him to leave; I want to spend every day with him. As soon as I thought of this, I immediately rushed up and stopped Richard's way. "Are you coming back tonight?"I asked. Richard frowned, "What do you want to do?"There was a note of caution and defensiveness in his tone. "I'll wait for you to come back, "I said. "You don't have to wait for me; I have work to be done."Richard's tone was still cold, and as soon as he finished speaking, he lifted his feet to leave. I immediately reached out and pulled his arm, and I could clearly and distinctly sense his body stiffen for a moment. My mind was racing, and at this moment, no matter what I said, it might not be trustworthy in Richard's eyes. So I had to find a more reasonable and appropriate reason. My brain was running fast, I thought for a long time, and finally came up with a reason; I said: "My dad's birthday is coming up, can you not go on a business trip recently?" With this excuse, he definitely will not feel embarrassed. He will not refuse because Richard respects me the most and trusts me the most is my father. And I was telling the truth, my father's birthday was indeed coming up. Richard's reaction was the same as I expected, and he did not continue to refuse me but nodded his head in agreement. I looked at his back with mixed feelings. I desperately wanted Richard to believe in my feelings and attitude towards him. Still, I know there is no use in hurrying. Because I used to be so awful, it's difficult for him to believe me in a short time. Perhaps I should be a little more proactive. I picked very sexy pajamas at night, drew light makeup, and sprayed some perfume. Yes, that's right; I just want to seduce him. But it didn't occur to me that he didn't come back until 10 pm. When I was waiting, I seemed to experience the once Richard. I had been desperately trying to abandon him in a previous life, and he had been waiting for me. It turns out that waiting is so bad. I glanced at the clock, and it was 11:00 pm. I wondered if that workaholic had eaten anything; I remembered that Richard had often had stomach pains in the previous life. Maybe I should prepare some food for him, so I went to the kitchen. The servant came up immediately. "Are you hungry, Madam? Please let us do the cooking." "No, I'm going to make a dinner for Richard myself." I swear I was absolutely sincere when I uttered those words. But the servants looked at me with questioning and frightened eyes. One of them even rushed up to stop me, and she said, "Madam, just leave these things to us. You just go and get some rest." "It's okay, trust me, I'll do fine, "I assured. "But, ma'am......" "No buts, you all go out."I shooed away all the servants, and as I was about to close the door, I heard a maid whispering, "Goodness, I doubt Her Ladyship will poison! Mr. Watson is so pathetic." "Perhaps we should stop madam from continuing to harm Mr.Watson." "Keep your voices down; it would be terrible if Madam heard you. Sir has instructed us to follow Madam's orders; we just need to do as we are told." "But I still feel sorry for Mr.Watson......" "Stop talking and go away......" I couldn't help but laugh as the servants left at a brisk pace. It seems I do have a very bad reputation! Even the servants didn't believe I was just trying to prepare dinner seriously and for no other purpose, not to mention Richard himself. But that's okay, I still have plenty of time to make up for it, and I can take my time. In my previous life, I couldn't cook at this age, and it was later that I learned many dishes to please Derek. I called him first to hurry Richard home, but there was no answer. Was he busy? It's late at night, and there's a lot of work? Instead of continuing the call, I took a kitchen picture and sent it to him. "When are you coming back? I've prepared your favorite dish." I thought for a moment and added, "No poison today!"
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