A change of style will cause a change of heart

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ELIZABETH’S POV “Honey how did it go?” my mum asked as I got into the house not even giving me a chance to settle down. “It was lame mum” I said as I entered the living room where she was waiting for me. “Don’t worry honey, your mate is out there somewhere” she said in an attempt to comfort me “Actually after seeing the whole thing tonight mum, I am not sure I want to go the mate route” I said immediately deflating her balloon “It’s ok to feel like that but don’t feel discouraged because I know for a fact that your mate is out there” she repeated. I stood up and headed to my room, I was done with this conversation my mum was draining the life out of me. Liam rejected me and as strong as I wanted to convince myself I was, the truth was that I was hurt and broken by that. I had even started wondering if he rejected me because I had such short hair, or because I was such a tom boy. I got to my room and broke down, the rejection had really taken a toll on me and I hated it. I went through my closet and took out the countless dresses that my mother had gotten me in an attempt to turn me into a girly girl and laid them out on my bed. It was time for a change and I was going to show Liam that he was making a mistake for rejecting me. I knew that doing this made me seem weak and wounded but my self esteem was completely shattered and I was beginning to question my life style choices. Either way, it was time for me to re evaluate my life and change it. I took all of my tomboy outfits and packed them away leaving a few out; I looked at my new improved and colourful wardrobe and gleamed with pride. I was going to show Liam what he was missing out and then reject him just when he tried to win me back I thought proudly as I licked my wounds from a lost battle. That night I slept way better than I thought I would, I thought I would be haunted by nightmares of being rejected by the one wolf that was supposed to love me till death.  However I did have a temperature late at night and I wasn’t feeling well, I knew it was because I had found my mate and my witch powers were now developing. Unlike being a werewolf, being a witch scared the s**t out of me and that was because my mother told me it was both a blessing and a curse. She hadn’t explained how that was so but I was just scared. I had to pour cold water in the Jacuzzi with some ice for me to finally be able to sleep.  I didn’t want my mother to find out I had found my mate and that he had rejected me, if she ever found out that happened she would hurt more than I was hurting and I didn’t think it was that deep. Liam had his reasons for rejecting me and his reason for rejecting me hurt me deep inside because it made me feel like I wasn’t enough but at the same time it angered me. He rejected me because hybrids disgusted him, was that the reason my mother had to leave this pack because they just couldn’t accept her for whom and what she was. The thought of anyone hurting my mother made me boil in anger and hungry for blood. When I finally fell asleep in the Jacuzzi the water was ice cold but when I woke up it was boiling, I couldn’t even understand how I managed to sleep in such hot water. A normal wolf or human would have been burnt buy just a drop of this water but I walked out of the Jacuzzi unharmed. I went to my room and took a quick shower and then picked a short high waist leather skirt that was tight enough to show off my curves and then I took a crop top to match the skirt. I reached for some black stilettos and put them on. My mum was going to beam in pride and joy the moment she saw me and I was going to give Ashley a run for her title of best dressed and sexiest. “Oh my...Elizabeth you look amazing” my mum said in pride “Thanks mum” I said “What brought on this change in attitude? Last night you seemed annoyed and angry about something” she said probing and hoping I would give her some sort of explanation but I ignored her statement and question “I am off to school nosey mum, I will see you later. I love you” I said kissing her on the check and running to my car. Today was a beautiful day, but I felt anxious to see Liam again after our awkward encounter yesterday but I knew I would have to act unaffected in order for the feeling to pass. When I got to school students were already parked some were chilling in the parking lot as others made their way to their different classes. It turns out that on my first day at school not only did I sit in Ashley's seat; I was also parked in Liam’s parking spot. He clearly had claimed his spot this morning and was standing next to his car and staring daggers into my soul. As uncomfortable and as hard as his stares were to ignore, I managed to get past the parking lot and to class without falling in the stilettos that I was wearing. When I got to class I found Anna sitting next to my desk and smiling, flashing me her perfectly white teeth.  Everyone in class seemed amazed by my new look especially Ashley. she seemed shocked and very jealous and kept staring at me. Her eyes almost popped out and that just made me almost laugh. Anna who hadn’t seen me yesterday as I made my debut seemed to be as equally amazed although she hadn’t seen my tomboy look.  The star of the show, Liam just couldn’t take his eyes off me much to Ashley’s dismay. When he walked into class he couldn’t keep his eyes where he was going and kept looking back even though his stupid girlfriend was next to him and kept pulling him to their seats. Unlike my first day at school my second day went on smoothly, but I guessed that had a lot to do with my new friend and my new look. As much as I hated attention, it was good to have all eyes on me for a different reason for a change. People mostly stared at me because they thought I was being weird or I had done something that made me stand out.  “you look amazing” Anna said for the millionth time, I was relieved she hadn’t seen the mess I was on my first day at school but I was more relieved that I didn’t have to spend my lunch alone ever again with her here. “Thank you” I said taking a bite of my burger, ever since my powers started maturing I had developed an appetite that I never had before. If I ate like this at home my mother would notice that I had met my mate just by the changes in my behaviour. Liam sat with his crew and Ashley across the room and the stares never stopped coming our way. “Don’t mind him, he is an i***t” Anna said and I raised my eyebrow “You speak of him as if you know him or you know something I don’t” I said my curiosity peaked “I don’t, I can just tell he’s a snob and mean” she said with a nervous laugh I was relieved that I was not the only one who saw Liam for exactly what he was.
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