Chapter 1: The Anonymous Book

985 Words
Lalisa’s POV A complete curriculum cycle has passed, marking yet another school year to an end for me to finally enjoy the warm summer breeze of the coast of Boracay, probably in my Spongebob shirts and baggy pants with a nerd book on hand. It would definitely be the last summer break I will have as highschooler for I will be on my last year in Senior Highschool for the upcoming school year. But before proceeding to my ideal vacation, I have to first attend the Moving Up Ceremony in the school to receive the token of my academic efforts as one of the excelling students academically. Besides, we will be having a general cleaning in the school’s library where I was assigned. “Miss Bartolome and Miss Gutton kindly bring all the piled up decades old books on the stockroom. It’s about time that this room will be updated with newly published researches and studies to keep up with the ever changing dynamic world.” The head librarian instructed me and Charlcy who were almost done with the first task assigned to us, as she passed by our section. “Yes Madam G.” We replied in chorus while catching our breath. Sweaty and tired we might be, but that ain’t stopping us from performing our duties as school student librarians. “Do you still have extra water in there?” Charlcy asked me after feeling the dryness in her throat. Sure thing! I smiled and grabbed something inside my bag and handed it to her extended arms. Wiping the topmost layer of the shelves must have been so tiring for her. My height was not as blessed as her but circumstances blessed me more. Because of my height, I was excused on doing the same task as Charlcy. Instead, I am assigned on wiping off dirt on the base part of these book shelves. “Of course, Lalisa Bartolome would always have an extra bottle of water. What am I expecting from a prim-and-proper ever a girls scout fella?” Charlcy laughed lightly at her remarks after giving a cure to her dried suffering. “Saying plain thank you is more easier than artistically saying it by giving so much credit Charl,” I lightly pushed her right shoulder with a silly smile plastered on my face. “I’m not trying to be artistic, am I?” Charlcy simply shrugged and handed the bottle of water back to me. Okay I also needed some refreshment on my body. After getting my fair share of the colorless liquid, we proceeded to the next task Madam G instructed us earlier. This must have been more strength consuming as it requires lifting and relocating of heavy materials to other place. “I almost forgot…Lalisa congratulations for finally topping the whole class this year!” Charlcy joyfully sent her regards on my ‘With Highest Honor' remark. “T-Thank you,” I shyly scratched my left hand on the back of my head upon feeling something on my stomach. I am not used to this. Blag! Just then, the pile of books on my hand fell on the cold dusty floor of this stock room. Great! I have to fix this mess. Why would I forget that I am holding books on my hands? “Pray the strict mamba didn’t hear anything or else?” Charlcy tried to put tension on both of us using the coined name she made for Madam G- strict mamba. This made sense with the brown big eyes, stout physique and dark complexion of the head librarian. Madam G was known for being a super strict and organized head librarian. She’s sensitive with lousy and careless mistakes including this. “Just go outside and watch for the strict mamba. I’ll try to fix this mess,” I nervously instructed Charlcy. I’m a bit puzzled with the smirk formed in Charlcy’s face. Oh I nearly slap myself upon realizing that I just agreed with the coined name. Maybe because I’m rattled. Yeah! Let’s settle with it. I hastily started picking and piling up the scattered books on the floor when my eyes got glued on an enticing black covered book nearby. Making sure that no sign of the head librarian approaching, I gingerly left my previous affiliation. I picked the black book, but to my surprise, it does not have any marks or prints on neither the front, back nor the side. It was like all anonymous. Weird… I opened it up to see an empty page. I opened at least three more pages until I finally encountered words which I assume was the book title. It says in here… Ideal Guide on Living Teenage Years. My mind silently read. Below it was an empty space with no authorship, publication year or such. I don’t know what has gotten into me that I was so absorb on it. Something enticing pulls my attention to further browse it. Maybe it was the title that I badly need to uncover. “Lalisa? Black mamba is coming this way,” Charlcy warned as she entered the stockroom and immediately returns to her working position, carrying random plies of books to somewhere available. Rattled, I closed the black book and placed it atop something that would let me find it easier later when I go home. I bet this old stockroom don’t have a bad say if I get only one of its member. More so, I should better at least ask permission from Madam G before finally taking into possession this anonymous book. I just hope she is in a good mood today… “Ms. Bartolome…Don’t just stand there! It’s not time for a daydream!” …or she was not? My thoughts were finally taken aback with the head librarian’s loud warning. “Sorry Madam G,” I politely apologize and return to my previous affiliation. Oh forget asking permission. The water was already boiling. Just for once, let me break a school rule… After the cleaning, Lalisa, without permission, inserted the anonymous book inside her skirt and stole it! Little did she know, her life would eventually change with the possession of the more than two decades old book…
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