Chapter 4

445 Words
"His eyes are not like that, " I say to Jack Robertson, the police artist "No, His jaw is....." I look at the sketch keenly "Stronger " "No, he doesn't look like that...." It is surprising how clearly I remember every detail of his face, clear as the day.Yet, his face doesn't come out right on the computer screen or on the paper. The cops try to come up with numerous sketches closer to the cold and precise perfection of his face but they never succeed. As each second passes and seconds change into minutes, minutes into hours and they, in turn, change into long stretches of time. I get a sinking feeling that maybe we will never find out who he is. ***** He stands at the window. The sky outside is gloomy and cloudless. He carefully holds his true feelings in check for if unleashed the sky would break into violent storms, for the land of the underworld as well as the skies here listens to its Lord, Hades. He turns and walks away, his footsteps echoing in the passage of the great palace. The walls hold torches at regular intervals casting a mix of illumination and shadows. As he enters the chambers of the fates, they bow to him and he gives a small bow in return for they were his subjects too but he respected their great art of spinning the threads of life from the invisible ether and turning it into a fabric of life for both mortals and Gods alike. The rise and fall of kingdoms, that flourishment and ruination of a great many nations, The life and death of many. The fabric delicate it may seem to the eye with is slim and fragile appearance but it held within it something no steel could fight and no gold could buy and neither could deny, Destiny. Three pale slim figures who neither rest nor ate their sure slender fingers ever busy altering the fabric of lives.Deciding destinies since the beginning of time As if reading Hade's mind one of them, Clotho looks up from spinning threads and speaks "What ails you Lord of the underworld none can cure but yourself " Very few could understand the riddled way the fates spoke in but, This time Hades understood them and found no relish in it " I do not wish to do that, " He says solemnly looking as the other sister in the immortal duo Lacheris, pulls out a threat and holds it close to her before entwining it with another. She raises her grave and ancient eyes to him. "If only all existed according to wishes, If only."
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