2. The kid*napping

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Regina wasn't expecting this; she was dumbfounded. She tried to defend herself without mentioning the fact that the child had fallen into the water. "I... I didn't mean any harm, the boy was trying to stay afloat, and I..." "My brother knows how to swim, thank you," he spat angrily. His little brother took his hand: "No Quarin, she helped me, really!" "Enough, Joridey. I’ll deal with you later. Go inside!” The boy, dejected, threw a sad glance at Regina, and then obeyed. "And now, it’s your turn. I am fed up with all of you, annoying parasites, who sneak into other people's homes just because they are famous." Regina's fright turned into anger. Who did that guy think he was to treat people like that? She placed her hands on her hips and confronted him: "Oh, really? Well, maybe you're not as famous as you think, since I have absolutely no idea who you are! I just helped your little brother get back on board by climbing a rope ladder, and it was quite challenging, too! I don't expect applause, but a simple thank you would be nice!" He smirked mockingly. "And you expect me to believe that? Stupid! You are not the first and won't be the last attempting to slip into our lives. Your little ploy to enter our boat won't work!" Next to him, a beautiful blonde girl in a bikini and sunglasses was lounging on a deckchair. Without even getting up, she tried to calm him down. "Come on, Quarin, this peasant just wants a tip. Give her some money and send her away." "Like hell, I’ll give her my money! She endangered my brother's life by climbing on board!” Then, turning to Regina, he hissed, “You indignant scum! I demand that you tell me your name and address! You'll regret your greed, you money-hungry gutter trash! Come with me to security! You won't get away with this, I assure you!" Terrified, she began imagining herself the victim of a lawsuit by a rich shipowner. No, she couldn't afford it. It would ruin her family financially, and she was sure that she wouldn’t win. Her heart hammered hard in her chest and she desperately wanted to escape. She could... she could disappear. Suddenly, she sprinted towards the edge of the ship, making a fantastic dive into the sea. The dive was at least 30 feet. She would never have dared dive from such a dangerous height but she was too frightened. Luckily, she was a skilled swimmer, bolting away at full speed and turning immediately around the promontory. She swam at breakneck speed as if she had a shark at her heels. Thankfully, she disappeared from the sight of that madman. She heard the noise of an engine. What if he sent a ship's boat to find her? Oh my God! She wouldn't be able to make it to the beach in time! She slipped into a crevice between two rocks, hidden from view. * The girl waited in silence for at least half an hour before moving. The urchin needles digging into her flesh hurt like hell. She was tired of maintaining her position and surely had a decent gouge on her forehead, but hopefully, she had escaped the wrath of that pagan god. She came out of the ravine and swam quickly towards the shore. Her feet were unhurt, so she was able to run the whole way home. She did it! She was safe. At home, she claimed that she had carelessly followed a fish into the crevice and was repaid by lots of urchin needles. Her parents didn’t need to be troubled with the real story. They would be scared to death about being sued by a wealthy madman. Her father would certainly have reprimanded her. Her mother, muttering against her rashness, proceeded to open the shoulder’s flesh with a needle. She extracted every spike with the tweezers, a treatment that might frighten a fakir, but it was the only way to remove the stubborn needles. After lunch, she threw herself into bed to rest. Her skin was sore from the urchin stings and the big gash on her forehead was throbbing. When her fears abated, she ruminated about what had happened. What an arrogant, spoiled, rich kid! She hated him heartily. She saved his little brother and how was she treated? Like some criminal to be punished! If she had foreseen this treatment, there's no way in hell she would have saved that boy! No, she would have saved the child anyway. She would never be able to ignore a child in danger. But she would have left him hanging on the ladder and let him fend for himself, that’s it! But… how could she have said no to that little one when he asked her to help him ... She had been unlucky, that's it. Certainly, that thug wasn't looking for her anymore, was he? Well, to be safe, she decided to avoid that beach for a while. Blocking out her troubled thoughts, she fell asleep, exhausted. She didn’t feel like working tonight, and her boss would justify her absence since she was injured. However, she couldn't afford to miss work. She needed the money. She got up a little bit late, stuffed some bread and cheese into her mouth, then ran off to work; navigating the crowds of the harbor near the restaurant. She failed to notice a large man with sunglasses, a Hawaiian outfit, and a bushy mustache following her. The next day she didn't go to the beach. She was afraid that the rich man was looking for her and she was still hurt. She shut herself in the house and also went to work late. Once again, she had slept too much in the afternoon and didn't even have time to eat anything. She had to run away. She showed up at the restaurant five minutes late and ran to the bar. Her stomach was growling with hunger but she would eat after her shift was over at this point, which meant sometime after midnight. At half past midnight, she left the restaurant exhausted and starving. She hurried to the best ice cream shop in the port. It would close at one o'clock, so she had time to reach it. Even though she meticulously saved her money, she thought to herself, 'What the hell, I deserve an ice cream after yesterday's misadventure, right?' When she went to pay, however, she could not find the money in her purse. Panic! She rummaged and rummaged, then remembered that her brother had asked her for some money that morning; money she hadn't lent him because she knew she would never see it again. He had probably served himself. With her face toward the ground, she said to the employee behind the counter, "I'm sorry, I thought I had the money, but I can't find it ... I apologize, but I'll leave the ice cream here!” "Give the lady the ice cream, my treat," said a male voice that sounded familiar. She turned. "That’s not necess ..." the words died in her throat. It was HIM. * No! He found her, why? Was he determined to ruin her life? Regina began to tremble visibly. How could she escape this time? The entrance to the ice cream shop was covered by him and his two minions behind him. When Quarin saw how frightened she was he let out a hearty laugh. Well, when he smiled he was really beautiful. He looked like an angel. Too bad he was a devil, a wonderful but very dangerous devil. "Fear not milady, I don't want to harm you, not today anyway." He said with a devilish grin. "Come on, take the ice cream, it looks good..." She shook her head. He paid, took the ice cream and handed it to her. "No thanks, I'm not hungry anymore." "Well, it's a real pity to waste this goodness. What is it? Hazelnut and tiramisu?" And took a big bite. "Mmmmm, really delicious. Are you sure you don't want any?" She shook her head. Besides, he had yet eaten half of it, and she was a bit squeamish too. In a few bites the ice cream was gone. In the meantime she hadn't moved. She racked her brain for another escape route but she couldn't think of anything. Her brain was frozen. "Mmmm, really yummy. We have to go back here Gosav, we'll take some tomorrow to bring it on board," he said to his goon in the Hawaiian shirt. Gosav nodded. He was a man in his forties, with a mustache. The other one was younger, with bronze skin and dark hair. "Back to the topic at hand, miss. Let's leave the shop so we can talk freely" It wasn’t looking good for her. Her legs turned to wood as he placed a hand on her back guiding her out. "Here is the car, get in, please." What? For nothing in the world she would have gotten into the car with that madman. "No. If you have something to say, say it here. Just know that I have no money. My family is poor, so if you are hoping for a reward you will be disappointed" "Shhh, you talk too much. I know you have no money. Not even to buy ice cream it seems. Now be a good girl and follow us without making a fuss!" "I don't think so! You can't make me ..." At a sign from Quarin, the two thugs grabbed her and covered her mouth. They unceremoniously loaded her into the car by force. She tried to rebel but it was useless. They sat on her left and right, putting a blindfold over her eyes and pinning her arms to her sides. Quarin started the vehicle and drove off. She was more and more afraid. "What are you doing? Kid.napping is a crime in this country! They saw you with me, you will be arrested if anything happens to me!" "Shhh, shut up! The car is soundproof so screaming is useless." She was now very frightened and didn't know what to think. They didn't want money, maybe they wanted to punish her? What would they do to her? She began to cry. "Please let me go! I swear I didn't want to extort money from anyone! I didn't do anything, I just wanted to help a child ... I beg you! I didn't say a thing about what happened yesterday, not even to my parents, I'll take this secret to the grave!" She was shaking like a leaf. 'What the hell, Regina?' She scolded herself. 'Why did you have to mention a grave? Do you want to give these criminals ideas? Oh please great Mother of Jesus save me! I swear I'll go to church every first Saturday of the month if You get me out of this situation!' "Please, please shut up already you i***t! Nobody wants to harm you, we are only escorting you to meet my father. He wants to speak with you." "Then why am I blindfold? You have bad intentions. I don't deserve this! Let me go, I beg you!" “Well, you see, miss, my father keeps the location of his house private. Better safe than sorry. If people knew where we lived there would be a procession of beggars asking for money and several paparazzi stationed. I will certainly not show you the route, don't you think? " "But ... but I would never do such a thing ... I'm not a stalker!" “And who would believe that? How do I know? I am convinced that you would do anything to extort money from my father. Obviously I won't let you." He refused to believe her. That was to be expected. What about his father? What did he want from her? She was afraid she would fall out of the frying pan into the fire ending up well-roasted. She swallowed the tears that were rolling down her face. They wouldn't kill her, would they? 'Oh, Archangel St. Michael help me!' After a short drive, the car stopped. The two thugs dragged her out and removed the blindfold. They kept a strong firm grip on her arms. She opened her eyes in a garage with four other cars. She didn't know anything about cars. She couldn't tell the difference between a subcompact and a truck, but it was obvious that they were luxury cars. "Here we are. Now I will take you to the Sultan. Remember, you will have to behave with respect and education, otherwise you will answer to me!" "Sultan? Did I understand correctly?" "Yes. My father is Sultan Habir Kaleim Al Hassad, from the state of Krupahw in Asia. And I am Prince Quarin Kalahreen Ben Al Hassad. Don't play dumb, you already knew that." "The truth is I had no idea, but you won't believe me anyway." "That's right!" he said teasing her with a tight-lipped smile "You already understand that it doesn't work with me!" 'Stupid i***t,' she thought, 'if you weren't so powerful I'd like to punch you in those straight teeth even if it means breaking all of my knuckles!' and glared at him with growing contempt. "Uh, easy tiger, your look could kill but you are no match for me ... or for anyone, shorty." He laughed. "Gentlemen, escort the lady to my father. And you, behave or I'll s.pank you for good and I'll enjoy it!” "You are not gentlemen, but cavemen!" she spat angrily. He only laughed, amused. They took her two floors upstairs and Quarin knocked on an intricately carved wooden door. "Come in," a baritone voice said. The Prince opened the door. "Father, here is the girl that you requested." The Sultan was a middle-aged man with bronze skin and dark hair, a mustache, and a beard. He didn't resemble his son at all. How was he so dark but the Prince was so blond? Maybe Quarin was adopted? Maybe the Sultan's wife was Scandinavian? The Sultan was very elegantly dressed in a long golden garment covered in luxurious, vibrant decorations. He stood up immediately when he saw her.
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