Chapter Four

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Hunter's POV: I was shocked the moment I saw Drake's resume. I thought it was someone it was more like I wanted to think it was someone else. I brushed my fingers on the photo. This face, still as perfect as I could remember. This person, I had so many beautiful moments of my life with him. "Sir, about the interviews, there are few freshers and this person is one of them and personally I don't think freshers would be good enough as your assistants." My manager stood beside me making me snap out of my thoughts but my eyes are still fixed on that single resume " Hire him." I muttered "Sir but he's a newbie." My manager tried to speak but knew he had to shut his mouth when he saw me glaring at him "Is interuppting your boss within the rules that were set?" I asked strenly and the guy's face turned pale "S..sorry sir. Will be careful next time." He said in a low voice I gave a smile "Next time, There won't be a next time." "Pardon sir. I'll contact this person immediately and ask him to report directly to you the next morning. You can prepare for his viva. Any further orders?" He asked returning back to his old tone "That will be all. you may leave now." I said and without wasting a sinle second, the man left the room in panic. I went through some files but even when I was working I ended up picking up that resume a bunch of times and stare at the picture. I hate this person who hurt me more than anything. What was my fault? That I loved him so madly? I still remember that time when I saw him in bed with another guy. That night I left the place immediately and started driving. I was in a fit of rage so I didn't really care about the speed I was using and within a blink of eye, my car was smashed with a truck that had a drunken driver in it. The next thing I know that I woke up in a hospital and it was already over a month. The person whom I seek out first just after coming to my senses was Drake but he was never here even for once. All my friends visited me but the one I thought had loved me, cared for me never came. As soon as I was discharged from the hospital, I went to look for Drake but when I went to his house, I got to know that they already had shifted and no one knows where they moved to. I was unable to believe that even after so much happening, not for once did Drake clarified himself. It was more like he didn't have any regret while leaving me. The worst part was when I got a note from Drake which made me decide that no matter what happens I will never forgive this person. The note said: Don't try to contact me Hunter. I know we were together but it's just not right. I really can't be with someone who has a lower financial position than me. I will be embarrassed in the society I live in. So let's just break up. I don't want anyone to know about our relationship so please forget about it and don't mention it ever again. I couldn't believe it. Did he just actually said that I was an embarrasment to him? Just because his family was more rich? Did he actually compared money with love? I tried to contact him so many times to the point my entry was restricted by the security in his house. His phone was switched off. Guess he's ignoring me on purpose. After that day I started working as hard as I could to reach the stage where I am now. One of the top billionaires in this country so that no one would ever to be able to did what was done to me seven years ago. Now thanks to Drake I don't believe in love anymore. All the relationship I had in past were entirely physical and I did my best not to get emotionally attached by anyone as I already saw what is the price I have to pay if I do that. Back to now, I thought I would cancel Drake's recruitment but then I thought why should I let the person who hurt me so much get away that easily? So I recruited him. When I saw him for the first time in past seven years I was really fighting the urge to touch him. Funny right? But I hated him. I hated him a lot. He actually had the nerve to suggest me to keep my personal and professional life separate? Someone like him? I didn't create a fuss about that. At least for now. I will have chances to make him pay for what he did in the past as now he will be working with me. This time, I don't need any clarifications or explanations from you, neither do I need your love. I'll just do whatever I feel like. Compared to my suffering, I want to make you suffer. I don't want things to go back to how they were but I'm not definitely letting the things how they are now. Not this time. Nope.
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