
1044 Words
"Where the f**k is my gun!?" Dokkaebi screamed in panic as Tyche fires into him through his jacket, falling to the ground and quickly going limp. The other two men who had entered were fired upon as well, both pulling out pistols, one jumping over the counter as the other falls to the ground, unable to find cover in time. Tyche quickly sprinted out of the restaurant, stopping at a nearby ally, falling to the ground almost immediately, back pressed against a wall. Sweat poured from his face, resisting the urge to vomit as it slowly came to terms as to what had just happened. He had no idea if he had killed any of them or not, only just firing blindly towards them, aiming for vital parts of their bodies, it was the only way to make it out alive. The voices had become louder, some that were unable to speak before screaming louder than they could ever have normally. With shaky hands, Tyche pulled out a plastic pill bottle, popping it open and almost dropping a few onto the asphalt ground below. Forcing himself to swallow down the pills, he almost vomited, eyes dilating rapidly as he could barely compose himself. He knew he could not stay in that alley any longer than he already had, going somewhere else. After walking for a few hours, he had reached a small little area situated under a bridge, music thumping loudly in the distance, as he got closer and closer, he began recognizing the song. "Rasputin by Boney M.", was his mentor's favorite song, Carla... She heard his cries of help from a few meters away, spinning around to the direction of the sound. From the distance, Tyche came stumbling in. Carla rushed over, concern written all over her face, "What's wrong?" "C-Car-" Sweat beaded on his brow, the smell of copper permeating his clothes as he propped himself against wooden scaffolding, the other capoeiristas coming over as well. Carla noticed the others approaching, shaking her head, making them stop. "I... I don't know... t-they-" He swallowed through a dry throat, "They wanted to kill me... the man, he went to my table, he knew..." "Someone wanted to kill you!?" "It was a man... I got to him first, stole his gun, and... I don't know if they're alive but..." "Okay, okay, calm down." She held onto him tightly, "You're fine, you're okay. Breathe first and start from the beginning." Tyche took a couple of deep breaths, his head leaning against Carla's body, "I was going to eat at a restaurant, then a guy showed up. He was Korean and he called himself Dokkaebi, one of the voices noticed that he had taken out a gun before sitting down with me, so I took the liberty of taking it away from him whilst his guard was down, which was caused by two other men entering the restaurant. I shot him multiple times through my jacket, then began firing into them, quickly running away after doing so." "What the fuck...?" Carla was left stunned by what she had just heard, "You don't know why they wanted you dead?" "I don't know why I don't..." Tyche gagged, pushing Carla away and vomiting. Carla placed a hand on her forehead, trying to process what she had heard. "I have a few connections, so maybe I can figure something out, but you should stay with me until that does happen, okay?" Tyche nodded lifelessly, eyes devoid of life. A few minutes after the shooting, Nixon and Yua were already quite the distance away from the restaurant when they heard popping noises coming from the direction that they had just left. "What the hell was that?" Yua shrugged, "Not our problem." Nixon nodded, "Yeah, whatever," Nixon couldn't stop feeling anxious about the sound though, his hands gripped as hard as they could within sweat pockets. "What do you think that noise was though?" "Maybe... construction?" "I don't think construction makes that noise." "I don't know!" Nixon chuckled, "What should we do next?" "Let's just go home, I wanna watch a movie." "Alright," It was at that moment that something felt wrong - he couldn't put his finger on it, but he didn't want to pass a dark alley that sat to their left while a man walking at an abnormal pace was fastly approaching them. Nixon stopped just before the alleyway, looking down to his phone, typing something down, "I think someone in the club just texted us." "Hm?" Yua looked over to his phone with a raised eyebrow, reading the text he had just written, I can hear it, a man in the alleyway while the man in front of us seems suspicious as well, She decided to remain quiet, but confused by this suspicion. The man speedwalking towards Nixon entered his range, causing Nixon to act fast jabbing him the throat with his thumb causing him to collapse - the one in the alleyway jumped out, clamoring with the gun in their holster. They were amateurs - Nixon swiftly grabbed the gunman's head, bringing their head down to his knee, slamming it into their face and smashing their nose. Blood flew into the air as the gunmen fell. "We need to go!" Nixon grabbed Yua's arm, sprinting across the streets, going through various alleyways and corners. "What the hell just happened!?" Yua screamed, ripping her arm away from Nixon. "I don't f*****g know! They definitely didn't seem friendly though!" Yua slapped her cheeks and began running, "Let's go home!" Nixon followed behind her as they ran. After running for a few minutes, getting closer and closer to their home while they were at it, they slowed down. "What the hell...?" Nixon mumbled to himself, panting all the while. "I'm guessing they wanted to rob us?" Yua asked herself, trying to catch her breath. "Maybe? Or maybe... it was something more... nefarious!" Nixon chuckled to himself, placing both hands on his back. "Like, kidnapping?" "I don't know..." Nixon's eyes immediately caught onto a suspicious-looking car that had begun approaching them, "s**t!"  Nixon jumped over to Yua, grabbing onto her as whoever was in the car fired upon them as they fell to the ground, quickly speeding off.
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