The Lord of Lighting

1004 Words
A large black man sat still in the warehouse, his arms crossed across each other while staring closely at the warehouse door as they entered. Marshall threw his arms open, "Djembe!" Djembe clicked his tongue, standing up from a wooden box he was sitting on, "We'll be driving from here, okay?" "Yep, how long will the drive be?" Nixon passed behind Marshall as he said that, sitting down on one of the boxes. "It'll take us a few days until we arrive in Brazil, first we'll have to wait a few hours for the ride to arrive." "Why isn't it already here?" Djembe shrugged, "I have no fuckin' clue, don't ask me." Marshall sighed, sitting on a box next to Nixon. Djembe pointed to Nixon, "Is that the kid?" Marshall nodded, "Yeah, it'll be good bait for the other gangs." "There are more?" Nixon asked, looking over to Marshall with a raised eyebrow. "Of course there would be more, you have a 20 billion bounty on your head after all. That's worth a lot in Colombia, and Brazil." "That's worth a lot anywhere asshole," Nixon paused, "What will we find in Brazil?" "It's to use you as bait." Nixon clicked his tongue, "No, will we find who started this s**t in Brazil, that's what I was trying to ask!" "Somewhat, but my main goal is to take down the Escravos." Nixon placed his hand on a tiny piece of metal, throwing his hand back in pain as a shock went up to his finger, "Fucker..." Nixon mumbled as he shook his hand loosely from his wrist.  "Got shocked?" Marshall asked, watching Nixon. "f**k off, Marshall, I'm tired of shit." Marshall chuckled, "Come on! It's just a shock!" "It's not just that... running around, just..." Nixon shook his head, lips pressed together, "I'm just so f*****g tired of all this bad s**t happening to me, no matter how f*****g menial it really is!" Djembe let out a loud groan, "Shut the f**k up! Stop whining and toughen up!" Maxim poked his head out from behind a collection of boxes, "You sound pretty whiny to Djembe!" "What'd you fuckin' say, Maxim!?" Maxim laughed as he retreated back into the collection of boxes, some of the guards looking to him with bewildered expressions, while Costanzo and Hagne stood nearby -- Costanzo sweating bullets while glancing over at Maxim periodically. Maxim glanced at the walls in the room, feeling a weird static coming across his skin as he noticed the hairs on his body beginning to raise. "Are we next to a tesla coil or something?" Maxim commented, laughing. Marshall turned to him, "Where'd that come from?" "It just feels odd in here Marsh! Somethin' fishy in the air!" Maxim made a voice similar to a detective in an old 50s movie. Marshall sighed, "He's just f*****g around," Marshall clicked his tongue before lighting a cigarette, "Annoying bastard." Nixon looked to Marshall, "He isn't wrong, I've felt this s**t since we got here." "Just because you rubbed your socks on some rubber before this doesn't mean that what he says is correct." "No, I mean, I've been feeling it even after I got shocked," Nixon pointed to his hair, the end of it raising up unnaturally, "See this? Just like when you put your hand on one of those electric ball things that are in those science museums." Marshall looked to his arm, running a finger across the hairs on his arm before running his hand over his actual hair, grabbing a bit of his hair and rubbing it between two fingers, "What the f**k? Yeah, you're right," Marshall stood up, jumping off the box he was on, "Yo, Djembe, do you know what's going on?" Djembe took a deep breath before exhaling through pursed lips, tapping his large arms in irritation. "Djembe!" Djembe looked Marshall in the eyes, "What the f**k do you want?" "You feel that electricity in the room!?" Marshall shouted, pointing to random areas within the warehouse. "Of course, I'm the one causing it." Marshall's brow furrowed, "Bullshit, how?" "Won't matter." "Djembe, if this is you betraying us, you'll be killed." Djembe chuckled, "You really think you'd win?" "Huh!?" Marshall sighed, shaking his head, "Just tell me how you're doing this Djembe, and also, do you legitimately think that some f*****g static could hurt us?" "Of course not, I'm just preparing." Marshall sighed, "Go look for the source of the electricity." Marshall commanded some guards before pointing at two others, "You go take care of Djembe." A group of guards began searching through the warehouse while the other two that Marshall had pointed to before walked over to Djembe, standing on two sides of Djembe. The shorter one pointed to him, a smirk coming across his face, "Dumbass, we're the best of the best, don't think of moving!" The other guard made an annoyed expression as those words exited to short one's mouth. A large, wicked smile came across Djembe's face before a massive BOOM reverberated throughout the entire warehouse, blue streaks of electricity clasping against the metal walls, the crackling of which rang in everyone's ears. Almost everyone fell onto the ground, grasping their ears and closing their eyes while those who either didn't flinch or reacted too late before being blinded by a flash of late watched quietly as two of their fellow guard's head came off of their shoulders within seconds of the small explosion sound going off, bones and viscera staining two walls across from one another, flesh dripping off from the walls. Marshall was one of those who hadn't flinched, and wasn't blinded, a shrill ringing rupturing his eardrums before wording, "How...?" Glowing streaks came across Djembe's arms like veins, flexing his knuckles in pain with his lips pressed together, his jaw tightened as hard as he possibly could. "I'll have to make the next one count," Djembe sighed, cracking his neck, "Probably shouldn't have used 'it' in hindsight, but none of you will make it out alive anyway."
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