Alter Me III

1008 Words
"What's going on out here!?" Justin yelled, astonished at what was in front of him. A man being restrained, a gun was thrown across the floor as Balrog put pressure on the man's body. "What's going on!?" "She doesn't have a brother, does she?" Justin shook his head, "No... she didn't." "Figured, no one pulling a gun out in a hospital would normally be someone's brother, right?" Balrog pulled the Asian man from the floor, "Marshall predicted this would happen." "Marshall?" "It would be best if you don't get involved." Justin hesitated for a moment to say something, "I... I've gotten quite involved, I think." Justin's eyes were showing a different story to the shakiness in his voice, a glint of passion appearing. Balrog looked to Justin with a raised eyebrow. "This is way too interesting to leave be, and... it would be useful to have someone with medical experience like me with you, right?" Balrog was about to refute but stopped himself, letting out a raspy, "Alright." Two men walked up to Justin and Balrog - One wore a black leather jacket, sunglasses sitting on the bridge of their nose while their hands sat within their jean pockets, one of his hands slicking back his fire-red hair. The other man standing beside him wore baggy clothes, black hair covering his eyes. Both of the men noticed the Asian man restrained on the floor. "Is taking hostages popular lately?" The one with the fire-red hair commented, pushing his glasses up. The baggy clothed man tried slipping through, barely being able to be made out as he sped across one side of the hall to another. He almost made it before being stopped by one large hand coming from Balrog, being slammed onto the ground - the man laid on the floor winded, gasping for air. "Shit..." The fire-red-haired man sighed, "You're the Balrog, right?" "Let's take this somewhere else," Balrog suggested dragging both the Asian man from before and the baggy clothed individual that he had just winded -- by the hair. The fire-red-haired man sighed again, "Alright." Balrog looked over at Justin before he left, "Watch her." Justin nodded. Balrog and the others made their way to the elevator while Justin waited near the door to Yua's hospital room, quickly startled by a feeling of sickness overcoming his body. Justin whipped his head around to look at both sides of the hallway, wondering where the feeling could've been coming from before looking above himself. A lanky man with bloodshot eyes stuck to the ceiling, looking down at Justin. Both of them were close to one another, feeling both of their breaths running across each other's faces - Justin resisting the urge to vomit as all he smelled was the permeating stench of death coming off of the lanky man's lips. Justin glanced at the hallways once again seeing no one. Sweat poured from his face as confusion and fear set in, 'Why isn't there anyone here!?' As the lanky man leaped off from the ceiling, on the way down he grabbed Justin by the hair, chucking him across the hallway. Justin slammed against a wall across the way, gasping as he sat there helplessly, the pain overtaking his body. The lanky man chuckled, "I don't know why they want her alive... why not just, lie?" He was thinking out loud but each word that man spoke sent shivers down Justin's spine, his head sinking to his stomach as he stepped closer. "You okay?" The lanky man chuckled at his own question. Justin attempted to get up but before he could, his legs had given out on him, falling to the floor with a skid and a thump, before forcing himself to crawl away, tears welling up in his eyes. "I know it'll hurt, but that's what makes it fun!" The lanky man grabbed Justin by the hair, pulling Justin towards him with a tug of his arms, the muscles in his body visible contorting and contracting. Justin squealed in pain before being thrown to the floor. The lanky man lowered himself, once again closing the distance between him and Justin by sitting directly in front of Justin's face. A wicked smile burned into Justin's brain as he stuck a scalpel within the man's neck. Justin placed his thumb onto the back of the scalpel, pulling it upwards as it sunk into the man's neck. An abundant amount of blood pouring from his neck. The lanky man threw himself back, falling against a wall before sliding down it, his feet scraping across the floor as he grasped his neck in desperation. Justin sat himself up, looking at the scalpel he had just used as a weapon shake in his hand, blood staining the edge of it. Justin took a deep breath, "The strongest survive, sorry." Justin's face was filled with dread as he watched the life of the man in front of being extinguished slowly, his eyes darting to anything around him to be used as a weapon, but whatever it was, he would never have enough strength to use it, not now, now with so little blood in his head. "You probably could've won if you didn't jump back, y'know?" The lanky man's breath was erratic in his last moments, his jaw tightened in rage before losing consciousness and dying, then and there. Justin took a deep breath before standing up, noticing some specks of blood coming across his shirt, some even staining his shoulder. Justin wanted to vomit but it just wasn't coming out. Justin went back to Yua's room, opening it to see her looking out from a crack in her door, on the ground. She couldn't move as Justin approached, opening the door to her horror. Justin swallowed through a dry throat, "Sorry, that was a-a horrible s-sight, wasn't it?" Justin gulped down a pool of saliva that had filled his mouth, trying to calm himself down with rhythmic breathing exercises. "It was the only way to keep you and I safe, okay?"
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