Alter Me II

1017 Words
The number of people attempting to wrestle the gun from the waitress's hand had risen as the pistol in her hand had progressively became more scarce of bullets as time went on, be it accidental or otherwise. The waitress fell against the front counter of the restaurant - Tyche jumped onto this counter, pulling her hand away from her other hand, bringing it to the counter, causing it to be pointed towards the kitchen, causing a few chefs to scurry off into cover. Tyche finally managed to get the gun away from the waitress, making sure to unload it completely before throwing it into a corner of the restaurant, Jack and the others bringing her to the ground to restrain the waitress. A sigh of relief came over everyone, most of the people who had helped restrain the waitress suggesting others to call the police. Jack waved the other people away as he repositioned himself on top of the waitress, keeping his knee on both of her arms as they sat behind her back. Tyche's eyes widened as his focus was quickly brought to a person outside the restaurant, "Take cover!" Tyche yelled, throwing himself over the counter, both Nick and Carla doing so as well, Jack was not so lucky. Jack threw himself to the floor as bullets whizzed past his face, other people fell to the floor as well while some did not react in time, bullets flying through their head, torsos, almost tearing them to pieces as flesh and blood fell onto the ground. Almost all of the civilians were sent into a frenzied panic while Jack laid on the floor in pain, getting hit a few times in the arm. Jack scanned the room, ears still ringing due to the shots, noticing that even the waitress from before lay dead on the floor, a stray bullet hitting her straight in the head. As the shooter from outside had begun reloading their gun, Jack had taken out his own pistol, immediately firing upon the shooter, though his aim was lackluster due to only being able to use one arm. The shooter fell to the ground, visibly taking a few shots to the arm before quickly firing upon Jack with a sidearm. Jack fell backward behind the counter, falling against the floor with a thump. "Shit..." Jack groaned, "You guys are lucky." Nick clicked his tongue, "Is a pistol the only weapon we have?" They all stop talking as they heard shuffling from outside, "Shit..." Carla mumbled. Nick leaned to the group, "Any other weapons?" Tyche pulled the pistol away from Jack, "I'll take care of it." "Wait!" Carla yelled as Tyche beelined to the back door, slamming through it before taking cover behind a wall, the shooter standing across the way, struggling to reload their gun. Tyche took a deep breath before quickly going out of cover, firing into the man's neck multiple times, emptying the mag. Tyche, going back to cover, could only hear a few more shots before the man fell to the ground, the sounds of gagging ringing throughout Tyche's head as he made it back inside.  Carla went over to Tyche, "Are you alright?" Tyche took a deep breath, "We need to get out of here." Back on the ship, a collection of guards poured into the halls of the ship, going in two separate directions within the ship is set in two groups. The first group who entered the front of the ship was led by a more than massive man with a small patch of hair atop of their head while the second group was led by a man with long brown hair with massive black irises. Almost immediately after entering the ship, the first group encountered Maxim, a few people still standing by the door calling for reinforcements. The leader was quickly dispatched before any of the other guards could react, his face planted within the ship's steel walls, his face slightly distorted wherein Maxim had hit him. The other guards had no choice but to fight Maxim one on one due to how thin the hallway was. Maxim took down two more guards before a small group of them ran outside, deciding to beeline it to the side of the ship in order to flank Maxim, a tiny group of guards staying in the hallway to distract him. As the guards who were planning to flank approached from behind, they could hear the noises of death as they had begun getting closer and closer. As they spun around the corner, Maxim came flying at them, implanting his knee into one of the guard's faces, and as they flew down the corridor and Maxim landed, he had already begun sprinting in the other two's direction. The second group had arrived at Maxim's location, only seeing those who were either already dead and or severely wounded strewn across the floor, groaning in pain, grasping the places they were hit in as much as they possibly could - some with visibly broken jaws crawling across the ground, suffering. The second group's leader sighed, "What the fuck...?" Maxim smiled, "You like?" Maxim threw his arms open, basking in the glory that surrounded him. "Who the hell..." The second guard leader clicked his tongue, "No, I know who you are." He paused for a moment, "I'm Kevin, and you're the Dealer, right?" "Dealer...?" Maxim kissed his teeth rhythmically, holding his chin in while looking to the ceiling as if thinking, "Ah! That's the name given to me by those guys." He snapped his fingers, "I'm not called that anymore, people typically call me Mertvets now, though that's not even my name." "I don't know Russian." "I'm called 'The Dead', but my actual name is Maxim." "Kevin is such a lame f*****g name..." The second guard leader mumbled to himself, "Alright, I'll fight you," Kevin waved the other guards that followed behind him to go away. "This'll start when they leave." "No can do," Maxim pointed to the hallway next to him, "More people are making their way across that corridor already!"
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