Chapter 3 Annie's POV

1951 Words
Groggily, I sat up , and rubbed my eyes. The room was bright , too bright for how tired I still felt. I looked around the living room at the clock and saw it was three in the afternoon. My eyes widened. I never slept that late. Even on a late shift like last night. I must have needed it. Pushing back the blanket , I got up off of Kates' couch , and padded my way into her kitchen. Flicking the coffee machine on. Kate's apartment was nice , a lot nicer than mine. It was only one bed , but everything was modern. Fresh , clean and actually working. The alpha king owned this building , he bought it , modernized it and then rented the apartments out. Kate had been lucky , to snap one up. These places went like crazy. Kate said I should look out for one , but truth be told. Even though it was a fair price , I still couldn't afford it. Kate had an inheritance. She also worked a second job , one that was a little on the frisky side. She was on a website where she would strip for guys she didn't even know. And well you know. It was a human website , they ate that s**t up. They loved that she was a she wolf. She made a killing off of it. She tried to get me to join her in doing it , and I had considered it. Really considered. But , I couldn't even get off with a guy or be enthusiastic with them. How could I fake loving it on a camera? I would be asked for refunds. It was also why I had turned Kate down the numerous times she told me to just move in here , have the sofa full time. There was nothing wrong with her sofa , s**t her sofa was comfier than my bed. It was just , I didn't want Kate to realize I was broken or see her filming her stuff all of the time. I once walked in on that , and let me tell you. I still see Kate ramming two toys into the same hole by herself. Her legs spread and a camera aimed at it. No thanks , I will leave Kate to that one. I stared at the coffee pot as it started to bubble. As I carried on getting lost in my own thoughts. The truth is , I only really felt excitement when I thought of him. Stupid, right ? Thinking of a guy I don't know , don't know what he even looks like. And that was what made anything at all stir down there. I mean I am a wolf for damn's sake. Wolve's were known for being horny. Humans sought wolves out for that reason. Horny , ruff , passionate , if a human had one night with a wolf it was like they experienced s*x for the first time. It was because we were so animalistic , apparently . Not me , like I said broke. I heard the soft groans of Kate coming from her bedroom , telling me she was awake. So , I pulled two cups down as the bubbles in the pot hit their crasendo. Going to the fridge, I pulled out the creamer Kate buys , the expensive kind and the really expensive vallina she adds to her coffee. I have to admit , these coffees were one of the reasons I looked forward to crashing at Kates too. It wasn't the cheapest coffee in the store, like I had at home. I made two of the golden nectar, picked up the cups and made my way to Kate's door. Before I had even attempted to knock she shouted " Come in , aww, I smell it, give me, give me " she said in a dramatic voice. I rolled my eyes and pushed the handle of the door down with my hip and knocked it open. She had her hands out greedily , waiting for me to give her the cup. She greedily took a sip and moaned " You always make it better than me " she sighed. I grinned at her antics and gestured for her to push over, so I could lay on the bed at the side of her. " That is because coffee is an art, Kate , not a rush job like you make it ". I smiled at her and she poked her tongue out. We were quiet while we both enjoyed our drinks. For me, I savored it. Before, I had to go back home and drink that tar. Kate gobbled hers down greedily. " What do you want to do today , before our shift tonight ? " she asked me. I looked at her and creased my forehead " Do you not have work to do ? " I asked, nodding at the tripod and camera in the corner of her room. She shook her head. " Nope, I recorded double content yesterday and scheduled it to post. No lives today either. I am giving myself the day off " she grinned at me. I shrugged " What do you want to do ? " I almost cringed, putting the option in her hands. Kate was always into shopping or something extravagant. I would tag along and watch her flash the cash , and she always insisted she buy me something. It makes me feel uncomfortable. She looked to be concentrating and then she looked at me. A small smile on her face " You know what , I think I just want to go down to the pool today. Lay around it on the day beds and relax. Then maybe hit the saunas. What do you think ? " she asked me and, for once, I actually agreed with her plan. This building had a gym , a pool and saunas downstairs for its residents. Kate hardly ever used the facilities , which was a waste. I would always be down there. " Sounds good to me , can I borrow some swimwear ? " she nodded and pointed at a draw. Jumping up actually excited now , I rummaged in her draw and pulled out a one piece. " Errmm nope , put that down. Get the pink one out " she said, eyeing the black one-piece suite I had in my hand with disdain. " Why you looking at it like that , it is yours ? "I asked her confused. She made a gagging face. " Maybe it is , but I only use it when I go visit my parents. We don't have bodies like this to hide. Get the pink one " she said again. I pulled out the one she meant and rolled my eyes at her , a skimpy thong one. But I made no complaint. I was OK with my body , I was slim and slender , smallish boobs. Not big , but not tiny and I had a decent bum. Going to the bathroom, I changed and when I walked back into the room, she wolf whistled at me. " Why do you not film with me? I have no clue , we would make a killing " she said, eyeing my body. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a towel. " Come on ", I told her and she just huffed and stripped in front of me to get changed. Kate was shameless. Confident. I was pretty confident , wolves striped and showed nakedness all of the time. But she was over the top. Always strutting about. We eventually made it downstairs and I went straight into the pool. Something about swimming always seemed to relax me in a way other things can't. That was the one thing as a child we got to do. The local swimming pool would allow the orphanage to take us one day a week for two hours for free. It was their way of showing charity. The old man that owned it was actually quite nice , in a s**t show of a horrid region. Kate wouldn't know any of that though.Kate moved here just two years ago. Her dad got a job in this region working for him. I often asked Kate if her dad had actually seen him since he worked quite high up for the guy in his financial department as an accountant. But she said nope , he was as much as a ghost to them as he was to us. Only corresponding on the phone or email. But her dad said they did see his right-hand man once. His name was Conrad , he had shown up and escorted one of the other accountants out of the office. Her dad said he never came back. He had described him as tall , reddish brown hair , he had a scar on his face near his chin. Her dad said one look would scare the s**t out of anyone. Stories had been heard of Conrad , even pictures of him could be found. He was not as mythic as his boss. He was the one the Alpha king sent out when s**t had hit the fan , or someone was caught for a crime. Conrad was also present at training a lot too, observing. So Kal had told me when I had asked him if he had ever seen the Alpha king. He trained and fought for the king too when needed. As I dove under the water and swam for as long as I could to the other side, I felt myself loosening up. I had always loved those pool days. When I popped up at the other end and looked for Kate , I found her sitting on one of the daybeds watching me. She was smiling at me , and I smiled back. She knew I loved this.I did atleast thirty to sixty lengths before I climbed out. Who knew I didn't keep count? Feeling like my limbs were jello. " Girl I am tired just watching you , I am a wolf too and I would tire a lot sooner than you do ". She was lounging back now , relaxing. " I don't see swimming as exercise or a chore , I just love it , I could swim for hours ", I told her, lying down at the side of her on the bed she had saved for me. We lay quiet for a while , until she broke the silence. " What are you going to do about Lewis ? "she asked me. I sighed and looked at her. " Avoid him " I said. " It is not like that asshole manager of ours will bar him for me " I shrugged. " I don't get Megan's issue with you ", she said. I huffed " Me too , she's just a b***h I have never even said or looked wrong at her " I told Kate. " Kal will watch him like a hawk now anyway. The friendly giant will kick his ass if he starts again", Kate laughed and I did too. She was right. Kal , would come in like the big brother I never had and save me from my bully. My problem was Lewis was being persistent. Kal wouldn't always be there. I just hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid. I mean he should just go be with someone else. I didn't get his obsession. I saw loads of shewolves eyeing him at the club.
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