Chapter 4: Who The Hell is She?

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AIDEN’S POV I sat on the couch of the Pack House game room, with my arm flung over my eyes. Lucas was playing some stupid shooter game with Darius, our future Alpha. Elijah was somewhere close by throwing popcorn at me, finding amusement in my misery. “My mate rejected me,” I moaned “She didn’t reject you. Stop being dramatic.” I heard Lucas say. “We told you not to approach her head on.” Elijah reminded me. “I know!” I exploded, “I couldn’t help it! She was right there, and I didn’t want her to leave.” She wanted to say yes. I could tell. Then she suddenly shut down. Whatever had crossed her mind in that moment had completely cut her off from me. I never wanted to see that again. “Now you’re that guy.” Elijah’s annoying voice cut through my thoughts. Lucas and Elijah both burst into laughter. I groaned. “Ms. Adriana is your mate?” a small voice asked. I lifted my arm to see Darius had forgotten the game he was playing. That was a surprise because usually he was more likely to forget whoever he was talking to. “Yeah little man.” “You should take her to Spain,” Darius said. His little face was so serious. “Huh?” Lucas put his controller down and focused on his son. “I remember one time she said she always wanted to go see Spain. She even taught me how to say hello in Spanish when she was Dad’s assistant.” “How do you even remember that?” Lucas asked incredulously. Darius shrugged and went back to his game, catching Lucas off guard. He quickly refocused, elbowing Darius slightly to trip him up. I watched the two of them play for a moment. Lucas was a great father. He cherished all three of his children, spending as much time as possible with them and his wife, our Luna, Aerin. I wanted nothing more than to have that with my mate. I thought I wanted that with Sofia, but it never seemed like the right time. Tobias had fought against moving forward with Sofia at every turn. Now that I had Adriana, I just couldn’t understand what made me think Sofia could have been my mate. You’re not the smartest Beta Tobias responded to my thoughts lazily. You didn’t know any better than I did. I argued. I knew enough not to mark the b***h. I rolled my eyes before cutting him off. The wolf was impossible at best. I felt Elijah nudge me in the ribs. He was sprawled at the far end of the couch looking oddly comfortable, with his foot poking into my side. “Touch me with your foot again and I will break it,” I warned. He rolled his eyes and sat up, unperturbed. “You gonna take relationship advice from a four-year-old?” “That four-year-old is our future Alpha, I would be a fool not to consider his wisdom,” I joked, swatting him in the face with a cushion. To be honest It couldn’t hurt to give it a try.   .... ADRIANA'S POV My luck had just about run out as I continued to run into Mr. Matthews for the rest of the week.  Fortunately, our exchanges were brief and less awkward than the first. I did my best to avoid him, but he kept popping up at the most random times. A dozen roses had appeared on my desk that Thursday morning. I avoided them like they might just mutate into something that could bite me. People in the office were beginning to talk. The last thing I needed was for people to focus their attention on me. Between avoiding Aiden and the brave gossipers of Grey Enterprises I barely had time to focus on my work. Not that there was much of it to go around. Elijah hadn’t given me a new contract to handle since the Ford Fiasco. Johnathon Ford had called me the next day, enraged at the amendment that his son agreed to sign. I had Joseph make sure the deal was binding before I got the call, so I was more than prepared to tell him to shove it. I happily explained that I reiterated everything that was stated in the contract and that it wasn’t my fault if his son was more focused on my assets than Ford Realty’s. After that he focused his anger where it was due.   Along with the roses I had a long apology email from Jonas Ford and a short voicemail from his father graciously accepting surrender to our agreement waiting for me that morning. I really hoped Ford Jr. had learned his lesson. A few boring hours of phone calls and follow-ups later, I felt myself going cross-eyed. I hadn’t seen Elijah Thomas all day and I was beginning to think he forgot he had a job. I sent him a quick text, asking him where he was. I rolled my eyes when he responded that he was in Lucas’s office. The man had no sense of work ethic. I could already picture him in some annoying position on the sofa. As I got closer to the door, I realized that it was very likely that Aiden was also in Lucas’s office. In just a short time the man had single-handedly destroyed any sense of normalcy I found at Grey Enterprises. I knocked hesitantly at the door, praying they had all miraculously teleported elsewhere in the few minutes it took me to get to Lucas’s floor. “Come in.” No such luck. Like I'd predicted, Elijah was hanging off the couch in his typical foolish fashion. Aiden stood in in front of the windows, illuminated in the light of the afternoon sun. He looked like a Greek god.  I quickly looked away before I completely forgot why I came up here.  Lucas was behind the desk a small knowing smile playing at his lips. I felt my cheeks warm. I shifted my focus to Elijah, doing my best not to glance back at the sexiest man I had ever laid eyes on. Was it getting hot in here? “Mr. Thomas,” I said quietly, hoping to get this over with. “Adriana,” he called back. I made a face. The man was damn near impossible and I was close to the limit of my patience. “I’m leaving a little early today, do you need anything before I leave?” Please say yes. Elijah rolled off the couch and put on a huge show of stumbling over to me, stopping a foot away. “That’s usually a question my secretary asks before she leaves,” he observed, theatrically tapping a finger against his cheek. “I usually have more of you slack to pick up,” I grumbled. I couldn’t help it; I didn’t like sitting idly. Everything in me demanded that I keep busy, especially when tall, dark, and handsome had ruined the delicate balance of my happy place at work. A burst of laughter sounded from the corner of the room I was trying my best to ignore. I rolled my eyes as Elijah pressed a hand to his chest in mock offense. “You haven’t given me a case since I closed the Ford Deal,” I yelled over their howling.   “That’s my fault Adriana,” I froze as Aiden’s deep melodious voice claimed my attention. “I was hoping you would work the Garcia Contract with me.” “What?” I asked thickly. Somewhere in my peripheral vision Elijah slunk off to the couch, probably bored with the lack of attention he was receiving.   “I heard you had a strong Spanish background. I could use you to cement this contract.” His smooth voice drew me in, and I couldn’t stop myself from getting lost in the perfect curve of his masculine jaw and thick juicy lips. Then what he said began to register. Where the hell had he heard that? I mean I did speak Spanish, but I hadn’t told anyone here that. Had I? I didn't even remember learning it myself! I had only just begun to panic when I felt his warm hands wrap around mine. Tantalizing sparks shot through my fingers. I took in a sharp breath. He was standing right in front of me and, Oh God, did this man bathe in ambrosia? I wanted to lean forward the last few inches and press my face into his chest. “Come to Spain with me.” His words washed over me like a cool wave, soothing the fire in my belly. I wanted nothing more than to let him take me anywhere he wanted to go. As long as I could feel those strong hands slide over other parts of my body. The rational part of my mind remained quiet, or maybe it couldn’t penetrate the cloud of haze that overtook me. A loud bang cut through my thoughts freezing me to the core like a bucket of ice. I felt myself expertly swung around, suddenly facing Aiden’s back. His firm grip on my arm halting any thoughts of moving. Whatever had forced its way through those doors had made him react like this, and I wasn’t eager to face whatever it was. Yet, standing behind Aiden, I felt safer than I had ever felt in my entire life. Elijah’s shoulder brushed mine as he moved forward to stand next to Aiden, further blocking my view of the intruder. I had never once considered the man threatening but seeing him now gave me a new respect for Elijah Thomas. Standing at full height he was only an inch or two shorter than Aiden. His face was hard as he stared down whatever stood before him, making me shudder. This wasn’t the goofy, childish man that I knew. This was a seasoned warrior. Somewhere to my right, I heard Lucas’s chair roll. “It’s alright Freya.” He called reassuringly to his assistant. The door closed quietly, the change in his tone dropped the temperature a few degrees. Another current of shivers shot down my spine. “Mind telling me what could possibly have possessed you to charge into my office like that,” Lucas growled menacingly. I had never heard such a grating sound come from a human. Suddenly it didn’t seem like such a good idea to be in this room. “I’m sorry Alpha Lucas,” a light airy voice chimed, “Aiden, you haven’t returned my calls. No one would tell me where you went. We need to talk, baby.” Oh hell no.  I tore my arm from his grip. My mind raced at the news the disembodied voice revealed. Who the hell was she? I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Don’t let anyone get close to you. I was an i***t. “Sofia,” Aiden threatened. Hearing him say her name felt wrong. I gritted my teeth as I slid around Elijah. Skillfully evading his hands as he reached for me. “I should go,” I fumed, hoping to make it to the door without seeing her face. “Who the hell is she?” she whined loudly, causing my eyes to involuntary snap in her direction. Her strawberry blond hair fell in beautiful waves over her shoulders. She looked preppy, and almost sweet if she wasn’t glaring at me in murderous rage. I was instantly jealous of how her flawless ivory skin glowed. When I focused on her I felt a tug in my mind. She looked so familiar; I just couldn’t place her. “Do I know you?” I reached out to grab her arm, feeling compelled to touch her. Aiden intercepted me,  happening too fast for me to comprehend. I felt an arm curl around my waist, whisking me across the room. A dull thump came from where I had just stood. Had she just try to attack me? I looked up to see Elijah staring down at me, concern written across his face. I hadn’t realized I was shaking until he took my hands and pressed them between his. I knew Lucas and Aiden were still talking but I couldn’t make sense of what they were saying. Elijah murmured soothing words to me as I centered on my breathing, trying to calm down. It was sweet but I couldn’t focus on him. All I wanted to do was get out of the room. “I should go,” I whispered to no one in particular. I heard voices call out to me, but I didn’t stop. I needed to get away.   .... AIDEN'S POV I had done my best to appear wherever I knew Adriana would be just so I could be near her. I couldn’t get enough of her intoxicating scent. The way her body moved was hypnotizing. She commanded the room, capturing the attention of every person she passed. It drove me crazy. I wanted to snap the neck of every man that stared at her backside a little too long.   I even sent flowers to her office this morning, hoping she would come around to letting me take her to dinner. A wolf wasn’t supposed to be without his mate, and the longer I had to work to get Adriana to accept me, the harder it was getting for me and Tobias. I found my self pacing in Lucas’s office Lucas, Elijah, and I were discussing pack business in his office later that week when a soft knock sounded at the door. “Come in.” The sweet smell of roses and caramel reached me a second before Adriana walked into Lucas’s office. She was there for Elijah, but I couldn’t have been happier. She was adorably awkward that day in the elevator and had done everything she could to avoid me, but Elijah had given me her schedule.  The delicate tinge of her cheeks when she saw me made me want to press my hands to her face. I could tell she was trying hard to focus on Elijah. “Mr. Thomas,” she said quietly “Adriana,” Elijah’s countered playfully, from his spot on the sofa. She scowled slightly, making me chuckle. My mate was feisty. “I’m leaving a little early today, do you need anything before I leave?” Elijah rolled off the couch, walking over to stand in front of Adriana. Lucas and I sat back, watching curiously. “That’s usually something my secretary asks before she leaves,” he teased. His lopsided grin was infectious, but my focus was on the woman in front of him. My stomach did a ridiculous flop, hoping she was here to see me instead. “I usually have more of your slack to pick up.” She grumbled. Lucas and I burst out laughing, while Elijah pretended to be offended. “You haven’t given me a case since I closed the Ford Deal,” she shouted over our laughter. Wiping the tears from my eyes I decided to save Elijah from further interrogation. “That’s my fault Adriana,” I said gently, capturing her attention. Her startled gaze pulled at my heart strings. “I was hoping you would work the Garcia Contract with me,” I continued quickly. “What?” the disbelief in her voice made me chuckle. I saw Elijah shuffle back towards the couch out of the corner of my eye, but my focused stayed on Adriana. If I could memorize every beautiful line of her delicate features, I would.   “I heard you had a strong Spanish background. I could use you to cement this contract.”  That was technically a lie, a four-year-old told me she knew how to say ‘Hola,’ but I wasn’t going to mention that. I slowly made my way toward her. She tended to freeze up when she was nervous, and I didn’t want to make her feel uneasy. Her lips were slightly parted as she stared up at me. She barely reached my chest, I realized with surprise. I took her soft hands in mine, smiling at the feeling of sparks that shot through my hands, knowing she felt them too. Suddenly it felt like we were the only two in the room. “Come to Spain with me.” The way her eyes lit up was more than anything I could hope for. I owed Darius big time. I’d do anything to make sure that smile never left her face. Lucas’s office door flew open with a loud bang, making Adriana jump. I could smell her fear and quickly pushed her behind me, only to come face-to-face with Sofia. Lucas’s flustered secretary following a few steps behind her. Sofia’s eyes were dark as she took me in. I straightened from my slight defensive stance. I surreptitiously grabbed Adriana’s forearm, stopping her from stepping around me. Elijah came to stand to my right, hiding Adriana from view. I could hear Lucas’s chair roll as he stood up. “It’s alright Freya,” Lucas called to the nervous secretary. He waited for her to close the door before turning to Sofia. “Mind telling me what could possibly have possessed you to charge into my office like that.” His tone was dangerous. I felt Adriana shiver against my back. Sofia’s eyes never left mine as she spoke. “I’m sorry Alpha Lucas.” I gritted my teeth at her false sweet tone. “Aiden, you haven’t returned my calls. No one would tell me where you went. We need to talk, baby.” Adriana stiffened, tearing her arm out of my grip. Tobias whined in my head, then growled as Sofia came closer and rested her hands on my chest, a confusing warmth flooding me where we connected. Elijah and Lucas let out low growls, making her step back.    “Sofia” I warned. Before I could get any further my sweet mate stalked around Elijah. Her eyes were blazing with emotion and I feared I may have lost her for good. “I should go.” Her words were clipped in anger. Sofia’s eyes darkened as she Adriana stepped into her line of sight. “Who the hell is she?” Sofia yelled. Adriana stopped in her tracks. I felt Elijah tense next to me. Ready to protect Adriana if he needed to. “Sofia” Lucas growled, using his Alpha tone, “Leave. Now.” “Yes Alph-“ “Do I know you?” My attention snapped to Adriana. Her eyes were fixed on Sofia, her cute little nose was scrunched in confusion. Then Adriana stepped forward, reaching out to grab her arm. I quickly intercepted just as Sofia lunged forward. She slammed into my chest instead. “Leave.” For the third time this week I found myself fighting my wolf to stay in control. Tobias was scratching at the surface ready to destroy Sofia for daring to attack our mate. Sofia balked. I watched as a mix of emotions flashed across her face. Confusion, hurt, betrayal, and finally anger. I stared stonily at her, not revealing a hint of the war that was going on inside my own mind. Tobias was howling at me to end her life right there, but I knew if I attacked her I in front of Adriana now I may ruin my chances forever.  Thankfully, Sofia stomped out of the room without another word. I turned to find Elijah had tugged Adriana further away from Lucas who was vibrating with rage. Lucas, I warned through mindlink. You’re going to frighten Adriana. One of his pack members had disrespected him and there was little he could do about it in front of a human. I worried whether she’d heard too much. Sofia wasn’t too subtle in how she had addressed her Alpha. Lucas wasn't too far gone, as he shot a cautious glance to the corner where Elijah was doing his best to calm down her down.  “I should go.” Adriana whispered a second time. My heart broke as I realized she was shaking. I wanted to pull her into my arms and hold her until she felt safe again. “Adriana,” I began, but she ran for the door. “Adriana,” Lucas called to her. Too late, she was already out sight. Elijah followed after her.  Lucas sighed and sat heavily behind his desk. His eyes unfocused as he mindlinked someone, probably security.  I was at war with myself wondering whether or not I should chase after Adriana or go rip Sofia apart. Then I realized it shouldn’t have been a question. Adriana was my mate, and she wasn’t okay. I needed to find her and explain everything.  I rushed out of the room hoping to catch her before she went too far. 
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