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CHAPTER THREE “Mum, if that is possible, then how come there aren’t any snakes on my head, and never have I experienced that someone has turned into stone by just staring or looking at them?” Valeria asked with a bit of doubt from what she heard from her mother. “My dear, Medusa was violated when she was your age and that is the time she received those so-called gifts for protection from Athena. I didn’t want you to delve deeper into worshipping her as I don’t want you to feel betrayed by the one who cast our generations such gifts,” Katharina said with gloom and went on. “I know you have been dreaming of our ancestors and I haven’t properly introduced you to her, the first one who was ‘blessed’. Before your birthday, we need to go to her temple so you and she shall meet. She would guide you with how you would choose your steps.” “Hasn’t anyone figure out how we could just live our lives normally with this? How come you don’t have those gifts Mum? Why granny doesn’t have it too when she was still alive?” Valeria asked with full of tension that made her voice squeak. The mixed emotions of being not normal and her further isolation from the whole world seems to be more possible. And getting a normal life with social standing is starting to turn into just a distant dream. The thought of this built the fear and anger inside her all at the same time. Growing up in a broken family is already tough and now this situation seems to make her dreams fall apart. “Most of our ancestors tried but they ended up losing this battle with Athena as most of us didn’t possess all of the gifts she granted Medusa,” Katharina explained. “My dear, you have to meet Medusa first before deciding to try and challenge Athena. Aside from that, you have a friend who is of the same level as you are, he is willing to help you in whatever you decide through this. But first things first, you need to meet with her in the temple.” Katharina ended with a pleading tone. Valeria’s eyes started to well-up with all the thoughts playing through her mind. She couldn’t understand why she had to be someone in this situation. ‘Isn’t growing up without a father enough for these gods and they would continue for me to become a monster sooner or later.’ While the smoke from the incense starts to fade Katharina saw how disheveled the look on Valeria’s face. Worry was all she felt for her daughter, she doesn’t know if it was ever right that she had kept these things from her. “I cannot assure you that everything will be alright my dearest, but I know that the answers you seek can be answered by our ancestors. She would be able to answer you and pave you the path you need to take.” Katharina said to Valeria, hoping it will at least calm her daughter down. “Valeria, listen to me well. Emotions are the main factors to suddenly activate these gifts so taking control of your emotion can help you out. We have to start with that.” Valeria listens to her mother’s warning as she doesn’t want to trigger such monstrosity within. She gently closed her eyes and focused her thoughts on other things. “Mum, who brought me home?” Valeria queried while trying to regain her normal self. “His name is Devon according to him. Is he a friend of yours?” Katharina asked her daughter. “Not exactly, but we attend the same classes at most,” Valeria answered without hesitation. “Mum, another thing I remembered a dream. Funny thing is I have been having this dream most of the time. Yesterday was a bit different though.” Valeria started as she recounted her dreams to her mother. As she revealed to her mother her last dream of the young maiden being her, her mother’s tear fell. This made it clear to Katharina that her daughter will possess the same gifts as Medusa has. The possibility is now more certain than earlier. Medusa showing up on her daughter’s dream could only mean that Valeria is bound to do something about the gifts their lineage kept on receiving. This made it also clear that entrusting her daughter to the descendant of the fallen hero could be their best chance. She is happy at some point that somehow there is a chance of them winning over this so-called gifts to end but at the same, time it worries her about the troubles her daughter might need to go through. They went throughout the morning with Katharina teaching the basics of their rituals for Valeria to be ready in meeting Medusa. As lunch approached, they stopped and Katharina suggested that they continue tomorrow. She wanted Valeria to explore the things she has learned, she trusts her instinct that Valeria is still the same girl she has raised. The inquisitive and curious girl. Valeria, on the other hand, decided that before diving into it she doesn’t want her current world crashing. She needs to get in touch with Devon. Valeria asked her mom for the number Devon left for her. She dialed it and it rang only once and someone answered. “Hello,” Valeria said with hesitation. “this is Valeria, may I speak with Devon?” “Hi, Vivy!” Devon said in a cheerful tone. “How can I help you?” Valeria closed her eyes trying to contain the sudden rage upon hearing Devon call her by the nickname her mother is the only one user to address her. She took a deep breath before answering. “First of all let me thank you for bringing me to the clinic and taking me home to my mom while I am unconscious.” Then she paused and took another deep breath. “But who the hell gave you permission to call me such name?!” She dropped the question with a fit. Devon chuckled at the end of the other line before answering back. “Well, before I answer your question maybe you could also thank me by going out with me cause I have also taken care of your two part-time jobs. Now to answer your question. Your mom permitted me to call you Vivy, coz’ I told her I’m your best buddy in school.” Then Devon let out a laugh at the end of his sentence. He could just imagine the look on Valeria’s face when being teased like that. Valeria felt her face hot from the disappointment that her mom gave off her childhood nickname. Then she remembered the first thing Devon mentioned, he is asking her to go out with him as her thanks for his efforts. She suddenly felt embarrassed and her face is now flushed. “Do we have to go out, you see I can’t treat you to even a cup of coffee, but if you insist would it be fine that you come over at my house and I’ll prepare something for you?” Valeria asked meekly. “I think, that’s a great idea, you may still need to rest so going out may not be that good for you,” Devon replied with concern in his tone. “then I’ll see you this afternoon Vivy?” He smiled as he finished his question. “Yes, and can you please quit with my childhood nickname?” Valeria stammered. “But it suits you... Don’t worry, it will be exclusive just between you and me.” Devon answered with a sweet husky tone. Then he ended the call not giving Valeria a chance to say another word. He just followed up with a text message to indicate what time he would arrive at her house. ‘The nerve of this guy.’ Valeria talked to herself while reading the message saying “Vivy, I’ll be there around three-thirty.”   

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