Chapter 3

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Erika I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, laughing the whole time. As I was running, a sound caught my attention. Like the i***t I am, I stopped to see if I could place the sound, or at least figure out the source. I couldn't tell what it was. It sounded like electrical static. I didn't even think about my brothers and sister, but I'm pretty sure that they made it home safely. Especially if Zeric had any say in it. I followed the sounds slowly, and sure enough I found where it was coming from. A power plant that was out way past our property. I decided to follow the power lines to see where they led to. When I heard a rumble coming from above me, I looked up to see a pitch black sky. Of course, a rain storm would be ready to happen. As I continued to track the power line, the rain clouds above me started to open up and rain began to fall. As the downpour began, I began to see a clearing. It looks like the one we visited but there was power in its buildings. I heard the ground crunch, and I saw two men walking along the border of the forest. I decided to climb up the tree I was crouched behind and wait till they continued on. I watched the two men as I tried my hardest to blend in with the tree, one thing I learned sneaking around to see Anthony, but instead these men stopped right in the spot I hid before I climbed up here. "Do you smell that?" One of them asked, looking at his partner. "Yeah! Honey? Vanilla?" I tried to smell what they were smelling and I mean the most I could smell was myself. "No man, it smells like those small purple flowers." He said like the other one was dumb. "Aww man, the rain is washing it away. Oh well Brother, let's get a move on before we are out here in the rain longer than we need to be." They continued to make their way along the perimeter of what seemed to be a small village. Once I was sure they were gone and it was clear for me to, I jumped down. I felt myself land and I ran. Thank goodness for this rain, it covered up the sound of leaves and twigs crunching under me. I ran enjoying all the rain, the smell and the coolness it brought with it. I arrived at my house and there were no lights on. I decided that I would go through the back door since I was sure my family was asleep. I snuck in through the back, and I expected everyone to be asleep. To my surprise, as I entered the living room, the light on the end table clicked on, only to see my father sitting in the chair right next to it. "Where were you?" He asked, the irritation in his voice apparent. "I went for a run. Is there an issue with that?" "Yes it is! Especially when that run carries on well past 1 in the morning!" He raised his voice. "Well, I ran into..... a tree, if I'm being honest." I laughed. "Do you think this is a joke, Ricky? We didn't bring you here for you to act like a foolish little girl!" I hated being called Ricky. My dad gave it to me when I was younger because I was such a tomboy. "I'm foolish?" I questioned. "How am I foolish dad? I left so I didn't fight with you! I left so I could calm down. How is that foolish?" "This is a dangerous place, Erika! You can't just take off and run away! You did it once already!" My father was filled with anger and I could feel it. The only issue with that was it only angered me more. I stood my ground as my father made his way to me. I readied myself for the brawl that was about to happen between us. Before my father had a chance to swing, my mother was by my side trying to pull me behind her. " Let's go Erika, it's time for bed." "No! Let go! Why do you suddenly care?! Is it because Lucas and Arya are up and can see their devil of a father?" I snapped at her. "Watch your mouth girl! You don't know half of what she has had to deal with because of you and Zeric!" He pushed my mother out of his way and reached for me. I swung and a hard fist landed on his jaw and it sent him flying across the room into the China cabinet. I took the opportunity to run up the stairs but my father got to me first. I felt his hand grip my leg and pull me down the stairs. It hurt, but with my free leg I kicked as hard as I could but missed as he caught my foot. "I should have walked away from you, all of you are more trouble than your worth!" "Dante!" I looked at my mother who had hurt in her eyes. "Thats enough!" I was stunned by my father's sudden outburst of hateful words. It wasn't much, but it was enough for me to know he never really wanted us. It made me wonder why they had us if that was the case. I rolled my eyes at his arrogance and went up to my room for the night. I didn't realize it was actually 2 in the morning, almost 3. Unknown I arrived at the compound the alpha made available for us. I was always amazed at the sights when we came to these meetings up here. It was around 1 am and the rain was coming down by the time we pulled in. I saw a couple of guards on patrol. I felt like it was odd that they were so close to the human town. For a pack this size, they should have their pups and teens in their own secluded schools and businesses away from the humans in their territory. As my father and I exited our vehicle to make our way inside, the scent of lilac hit me like a bulldozer to my heart. I stopped and looked around to see if my mind could be playing tricks on me. I looked at the border and saw it. Someone jumped from the tree, landed on their feet and took off in the direction of the human ranch property not far from here. I dropped my bags to be taken inside and ran in that direction, phasing into my wolf Kane mid-air. I tracked the scent that was getting stronger. I saw this figure running faster than any human but I could also see they were pushing themselves to their limit. I followed closely enough to realize it was a girl, just like I expected, but not close enough. She wouldn't hear me with this rain covering the sound of my paws hitting the ground. She reached a house and wasted no time going inside. I caught a wiff from inside the house, and realized there were multiple scents. It was a family. I got closer in hopes of seeing her face through a window, but instead I heard voices. They were elevated but not yelling, and before I could see her, she was stomping up the stairs barley visible from the window. I took a quick peak through. And that's when I saw him, the male wolf. His back was toward the window I was at but I could tell he was a wolf by his mannerism. I felt like I had failed. I didn't get to see her face, but I was almost 100% sure it was her. The way she moved and got by unnoticed by a patrol, my heart raced the more I played it back in my mind. " It's her!" Kane said like a puppy that has just seen its favorite toy. "We don't know that yet!" "Yes we do! Did you not see the same girl I saw?" He asked me with so much attitude. "Yes, Kane, I saw, but we didn't even get close enough to know." "But ...... but I could smell her!" "Oh let it go you big mutt!" I finally told him as I pushed him out of my mind. When I returned to the compound, I saw my father standing there waiting impatiently. I shifted back and walked past him as if he weren't there. "What was that?" "Kane needed to go for a quick run." I answered him as I poured the whiskey into a glass for him and one for me. "Go put some clothes on and get to bed! We have business to tend to tomorrow!" I smirked at him. I turned around and headed up to the room I would be staying in for the next 2 weeks. I grabbed a fresh towel and opted for a shower before bed. I didn't think mud in my bed would be very comfortable. I hope it wasn't her. If that was her, why was she living so close to the pack house? Uriah I woke up to the sound of my sister's voice elevated and filled with irritation. I opened my door to see my sister opening her bedroom door down the hall from mine. I walked out hoping to try and catch her before she shut her door, but I waited too long. I heard a second set of footsteps stomping up the stairway, and I retreated back into my room before I was seen. It was our father, his face was filled with anger, no doubt from the fight I know he just had with Erika. He made it past my door and paused to take a glance back at it. I ran on my tiptoes so I could make it back to my bed without him hearing me. The second my head hit my pillow I felt his eyes settle on me through the doorway. He walked to my bed and sat by me, "I'm sorry my son, I didn't mean for everything to get so messed up." I could hear sincerity in his voice. I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me. "Dad, are you.... crying?" He pulled his face from his hand and looked at me. At first, I thought his words were from a place of love, but after a minute, that thought changed. I was able to smell the liquor on him. "I hoped you were going to be stronger. Not some weak child that feared everything that breathed!" He scolded. I was confused. "Dad I..... I'm sorry.....I'm trying to be stronger." I felt my head hang low. And I could feel the disappointment he had towards me. I don't think I will ever live up to my brother or sisters. They were all so fearless and strong. Erika was the strongest out of all of us, it took three of us to keep her from reaching my father in a fit of rage one time. Zeric was always extremely focused, calm and collected.. Alana was always level-headed and wise beyond belief, then there was me. I was a cry baby, and had no control over my anger. >>>> Last year at the school I was attending, I was picked on. One of the boys that was bullying me, Andre, never knew when to stop. He went too far one day and I fought back. I lost control of my anger, and he ended up almost dying. The only reason I didn't get that far was because my sister floored me before it happened. She threw me down so hard I mistook her for Erika. My anger instantly disappeared and confusion set in when I realized she had me pinned down. "Enough!" She gritted through her teeth. I looked around and all I could see and smell was fear. Fear and blood. Alana let me up and I saw him. Andre was lying there in a small pool of blood, coming from an opening in the back of his head. An opening that I caused by slamming him into the hard tiled floor. I couldn't fight back my sobs, as I realized I was a monster to these people now. "I'm sorry!" I said quietly to my sister as I fell into her arms. She tried to hold me up, but she was so much smaller than I was. She slowly sank down with me in her arms, trying to console me. All I could do was cling to her arm like I always did when I was afraid. The teachers that witnessed the fight stood in fear. When school security arrived, I was still on the floor with my sister holding me. They look at Andre and then to me. To say my parents were disappointed was an understatement. We got home and all hell broke loose. Erika was the only one who stepped in and stopped the beating my dad was giving me. My sister never hesitated to protect us. >>>>> My father stood to take his leave, "Get some sleep. You're going to school tomorrow." "Dad, are you disappointed in me?" I asked, fearing I knew the answer before he said it. "Yes! You and Erika are out of control! You have anger problems and then cry because of the problems you cause. What do you think?" Again I felt my head hang low. He proceeded out of my room and down the hall. I sat on my bed lost in thought until sunrise, and then I had to prepare for what the day was to bring. That's when my sister came in with a smile and threw a lunch bag at me. "Come on loser, get ready, we're late for school." She said even though she had a busted lip that she did a really good job covering up. "Did he do that?" I reached out and touched her lip where I could see a bruise starting to form. I felt so bad for Erika, she always had it the hardest out of all of us. It seemed like our dad had it out for her ever since I could remember. There were so many times that she had taken a beating for us. It seemed so unfair how she was treated and it broke my heart. "I'm fine Bubba, it'll be gone by tomorrow." She smiled as she stood up and pulled me up with her. I wasn't even tired, which was surprising since I was up all night. I followed her out of my room and we headed down to the kitchen to grab something to eat on our way to school. When we got outside, Alana and Zeric were already waiting in the car. Erika When we got to school, I was ready for the next four classes since we had a blocked schedule. I was trying my hardest to make this experience a positive one, despite not hearing anything from Anthony. I was walking down the hall and I smelt the same scent as yesterday. I tried so hard to figure out where it was coming from. It was more faint today so I just assumed it was some type of air freshener. I decided to let it go and get to class. I walked into my first class of the day, and realized Zeric was in it with me. I smiled at my brother and sat next to him. As soon as I sat next to him, I could feel his irritation. I thought it was funny and I couldn't help but laugh at him. He turned to look at me and I know the smirk would piss him off. "What are you looking at me like that for?" "Because I have a class with you this time! I never saw you at our last school!" I didn't hesitate to show my excitement. "Ricky, chill, I get that your excited but can you tone it down a bit please? You're giving me anxiety." The second that name was said, i rolled my eyes. He laughed at me. It seems ike I'm not the only one who is going to enjoy bugging the other. Just as the tardy bell rang i caught that scent again, no doubt Zeric noticed the change in my mannerism. "Can you smell that?" I asked hoping he knew what I was talking about. "I smell.... a ton of different perfumes and colognes?" I looked at him irritated with what seemed like a sarcastic answer. "No, its something else. I just can't figure out what it is." I looked up and my eyes were met by the same beautiful teal eyes from yesterday. I couldn't help but blush because I felt myself turn red just from that small incident. He held my gaze and smiled. I felt my heart pounding in my chest like it was ready to explode, but it was short-lived when Mr. Garcia's voice spoke. "Mat are you going to take a seat or were you planning on standing for today's lesson?" All he did was smile and let out a little chuckle. "Sorry sir, I will take a seat." I didn't realize it at the time, but the only seat that was left was the one right behind me. I could feel his eyes on me the whole way to his seat. I don't know what is wrong with me. I had to remind myself about Anthony, but then it happened again. The smell, the fresh scent I kept getting wiffs of. It was him. I felt myself turn red again. I turned to my brother and by the look on his face he knew exactly what I was feeling. He shook his head and directed his attention back to Mr. Garcia. I tried my hardest to pay attention to the rest of class, but when I say it was difficult, it's an understatement. I watched the clock like a hawk, but it seemed the longer I watched it, the longer it took for class to end. As soon as the bell rang, I was up and out of there faster than you could blink. I ran as fast as I could to the parking lot. I didn't care how many people I collided with, all I cared about was getting out of school and as far away from him as I could. I reached my car and struggled to open the door because of how flustered I was. I dropped my keys more than once in my panic. Once I was in the car, I felt tears fill my eyes. I could't figure out what was wrong with me, I felt as if I had just betrayed Anthony. I scavenged for my phone in my bag when suddenly a knock on my window made me jump and sent all of my stuff flying. I looked out and the last thing I expected was to see him. I rolled my window down a little and then he spoke. "Are you OK?" His voice was mesmerizing. I felt my face turning red again, so I turned away so he couldn't see what an i***t I looked like. "I wanted to talk with you, but you ran out of class." "I'm fine, I just gotta go. I... ha I'm sorry, I just have someone I need to call." "Oh, well, I guess I'll just talk to you some other time." As soon as he turned around to walk away, I found my phone. I wasted no time dialing Anthony's number. I expected the same response as always, a few rings and then his voicemail, but it was different this time. "Hey there gorgeous, how's the new town?" He answered me. I felt calm instantly at the sound of his voice. I never realized how much was my own personal sense of comfort and security. Once the calm set in, I felt my anger push through instead. "Anthony, what the hell?! Why haven't you answered me? I've called you and text you almost everyday!" "I know baby, I'm sorry. I've been busy with the company transition. My dad is finally ready for me to take over, and I haven't had any personal time. How's everything going, my love?" "I want to go home." I heard my voice c***k, and I felt the hot tears burning as they fell down my cheeks. The silence that fell from the other end of the phone told me he heard it too. "Baby, I promise, as soon as I can, I will go for you and bring you back to me. Once I have you here with me again, no one will be able to take you from me again. I'm sorry I didn't fight for you the way you deserved." I felt small pieces of my heart put back in place at the sound of his words. I almost forgot how happy he made me. How complete he made me feel. "When?" I didn't mean to put a time frame on it, but the words came out before I had a chance to think. I heard him sigh and once again silence fell. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to make it seem like I expect you to just drop everything for me. I know you have more important things to deal with than me." "It's not that Erika. I just need time to see when I can make it happen." "I understand. How is everyone? Elijah, Bre? Everyone?" We talked for at least an hour, but it was long enough for me to start to feel better until the next time I was able to hear from him. The only part that got to me was that I wasn't sure when the next time was going to be, and it burned in my heart. I looked in the mirror and wiped my face from the tears that left streaks down my cheeks. I gathered myself and took a few breaths and I was ready to go back inside. The only problem was I missed the entire second period and it was already lunch time. I was just about to get out when my brother jumped in. Just by the way he was looking at me, I knew he knew that I talked to Anthony. I could feel his judgement and disapproval. I also felt my own shame sink in, and I was back to the way I felt before I talked to him. "So you think talking to him is going to fix how you feel?" "I don't know...." I didn't get to finish before my brother interrupted what I hoped would get him to understand how I felt. "Look, you already messed up your life for him once. Don't make the same mistake twice by trying to run off with him again. If you do, I won't be able to stop dad from whatever wrath he reigns down on you." I knew I didn't give him the whole truth about why I ran away with Anthony, but I needed some time before i could tell him everything. His words hurt me though, and he wasn't wrong. I did ruin a lot when I left, but I couldn't bare the thought of leaving the life I had in Silver Heights. The life I thought was going to be with him. So we ran, because he said he felt the same way. That's why it was so hard to understand how he was ok with going so long without talking to me. He promised to send pictures, calls, and video chat with me every day, and then once I was gone, nothing. Today was the first time since I left I actually talked to him. Zeric was still going on about who knows what. I tuned him out after the first sentence he spewed at me. I was lost in thought and I should have paid attention because the next thing I knew, he was yelling for me to answer him. "Did you even hear anything I just said to you?" All I did was nod my head at him, even though I didn't hear a word of it. "Whatever, let's go get something to eat before we are late."
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