Chapter 2 - A Self Made Woman

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It was a real shocker for Amelia to see Jake, now sitting beside her trying to make conversation. “Sorry about earlier, I was in a hurry trying to catch the flight. I barely helped you out,” she heard Jake say in between fixing his seatbelt and placing his computer on his lap. “Do not worry about it”. She replied.  “How long has it been?”. He continued as he turned on his computer. “I am not sure, around 20 years, maybe less.” She answered with a tone of uncertainty even though she was well aware that it was exactly around 18 years ago since Jake vanished, without any explanation from her life. “Really, that long?” Jake’s attention was now completely hers as he waited for his computer to load up. “Yeah”, she replied. “But it was starting to feel like it was yesterday”, she said to herself. “So, what brings you to Los Angeles?” “Work and a few days of leisure.” She answered. “Nice. I work here too, maybe we should catch up sometime, I just have this presentation to look into.” Jake explained while going through the files on his computer. “Sure”. She replied, not thinking about whether Jake was indeed serious about catching up with her. “Do you have a card or something?” Jake interrupted her thoughts. “Here’s mine,” and he casually gives her a card tucked from his side pockets. “Oh, yes,” and she scrambled to find her wallet inside the bag on her lap. “Here you go.” “Thanks!” He slid her card inside his pocket. “Sorry but I have to go over some documents here.” He explained. “No worries, I plan to catch on some sleep.” “Sleep well darling.” He said. Amelia nearby gave out a sharp gasp after hearing him say “Darling.” It was the same endearment he had for her 18 years ago. She moved to the side, closer to the airplane window, and pretended to sleep. She eventually managed to, as she was lulled by the soft sounds of Jakes's hands typing over his computer. After a few minutes of awkwardly trying to fake sleeping, she began to travel to dreamland - where Jake happens to wait. ---- Amelia was back as her 18-year-old self in her dream. She was once again standing outside the library door, unintentionally eavesdropping between Jake and her mom’s conversation. Jake burst open the library door, just like what happened years ago. This time, he fell on top of her. They spiraled together in an abyss of space. As they fell down, Jake placed the back of his hand to her hand, holding her closer. As their eyes gazed on each other, their faces started to move, bridging the gap between their lips closer...and closer… Amelia was startled to feel a hand on her shoulder.  “Hey, sleepyhead.” Jake was gently trying to wake her up. “We are about to touchdown in LA in about 10 minutes.” “Oh, thanks,” she answered as she tried to process where she is and why Jake was sitting gloriously, smiling down at her. “I envy you. You were sleeping the whole time we were up in the air.” He said smiling. “I wish I could enjoy that much sleep too.” “It will be a busy day for me later so I might as well power up and relax before my business meeting,” Amelia explained sheepishly. “Brace yourself, darling, it’s a shaky landing for us.”  She half-smiled. It is indeed a shaky plane ride for her. As their airplane landed on the airport strip, the passengers began to prepare to depart the train. Jake was very attentive in helping her out with her handy carry bags and was chatting about places to see and restaurants to check out in the area. Amelia mentioned that it was her first time visiting LA and Jake easily managed to create a conversation out of it. "You definitely have to check out Rossoblu." Jake continues to chatter. "It's the best Italian restaurant in Los Angeles's Art District."  Amelia was surprised he remembered his love for Italian food.  "They have handmade pasta and a Californian take on the popular Bologne classics of Sicily." He added."The place gets really crowded during the weekends but you'll definitely find a nice spot in the patio area during mid-week visits." "Are you inviting me to dinner?" She managed to tease. "No," he answered with assertiveness. "I was thinking about having lunch instead," he continued before she even managed to react about not having dinner with her. "I can tour you around the city after and get to see more places if we meet up during lunch instead,'" he further explained. “Are you serious?” Amelia managed to ask. “About Rossoblu?” “No, I mean about lunch.” She answered. “I am.” “Why,” she continued asking. “Why not?” He simply replied. “I came here to work and it’s kind of a really big opportunity for me, so I might not be able to get around that much.” She explained. “But you mentioned that you’re here in LA for work and for a short vacation.” He seemed persistent. “Yes, but….” “But I do not take no for an answer,” Jake interrupted. “I’ll drop you off at your hotel so I’ll know where to pick you up when you’re free to have lunch with me.” Jake’s air of dominance was everywhere. Here she is, thinking that things are different. But after all those years that passed, Jake seems to be the same person he was years ago, only more charming. And just like how Jake wanted things to happen Amelia saw herself seated in a silver 2019 Ghost Rolls Royce in front of the Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles. She booked her room ahead so she could easily go around the places around the city that she wanted to visit. However, with the way Jake's been telling her about the must-see places to check out in the area, she wished she didn't book early so she could easily get a cab and transfer to a new hotel instead. The car ride was just a short 18-minute drive but it felt like an eternity for her. Jake was so persistent in meeting up with her and continued talking about where he plans to take her in the city. He never even remembered to ask if she already had a list of the places she wanted to see in the area. The feeling of excitement that she had earlier in the airport and during the flight was quickly erased by her irritation with how Jake wanted to consume her free time in Los Angeles. She is already a self-made woman. With a lucrative business that has managed to branch out in several key cities in the country. She even has her own place in Beverly Hills now.  And here comes Jake, suddenly coming in the picture, wanting to dictate her to try things and go to places, like what he used to do when they were still together. "Hey darling, you seem quiet?" He interrupted her thoughts. "Just thinking about my work for later." She answered. "So I guess, this is your place." He said while getting out of the car and opening the door for her. "I'll call you and pick you up when you're free." She said. He escorted her to the door. "Thanks," she managed to say, although she was starting to boil inside. He landed a short peck on her cheek. "See you, darling." She was left there, standing on the hotel front. When she finally composed herself, she dragged her back to the street, called a cab, and booked a hotel in the JW Marriott Los Angeles instead.
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