Hottie With A Temper

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Aurora was surprised the next morning when she woke up to a text from Mateo. He told her to get dressed and come down to see him. When she did so he stood leaning against his Ferrari looking bored. "Damn woman I can see the effort for the amount of time."  Aurora flipped him off in her jeans, boots, and graphic tee. "f**k you, you look like you're about to go to a funeral." Mateo placed a hand over his heart at her ripping on his suit.  "I like black." He informed her. Aurora rolled her eyes, "And I like being comfortable and sleeping. Which you interrupted so what do you want?"  Mateo started to reply when a man came out of her apartment building. He waved at her with a sheepish smile to which she scowled at him with a murderous look. The guy seemed to realize that he was on her s**t list before stalking off with a worried look on his face.  "Who the f**k is pretty boy?" He sneered amused. Aurora fought a smile since he had unintentionally used her nickname and said, "Some new guy in my building. Obnoxiously pretty and nosey ass f**k. My landlord thinks he's a narc. I'm debating on how to kill him if so."  Mateo smiled, "I'll handle it love." Aurora scowled at him and hissed, "You call me Aurora or nothing, and I don't need you to fight my battles."  Mateo nodded, "Noted. But this is what familia is. One of ours is in trouble, we help. Speaking of which get in." Aurora c****d an eyebrow, "And where are we going?"  Mateo smirked, "Too meet the familia love." Aurora looked at him with a pursed mouth as he just stood there smirking. Challenging her. "I'm going to shoot you if you keep it up." Aurora warned. Mateo smirked happily and told her, "I think I might like it if it's you." Getting in the car, Aurora and Mateo rode in silence as music flowed through the car's speakers. Humming along Aurora lost herself in one of her favorite songs and Mateo smiled.  'How cute.' He thought peeking at her. Small smile, distant big brown eyes, and her entire body relaxed. A beautiful and probably rare sight.  When they arrived in front of the huge gated compound, Mateo led Aurora inside.  Her first impression was that it was a ginormous mansion comprised of little mansions. All of the sections big besides the pool house that was still larger than need be.  Walking inside, Aurora looked around at the couple hundred people in the house. Some were obviously working in one part. A bunch of monitors were up as two people sat in front typing away.  A couple of men walked past them toting what looked like a missle and nodded to Mateo out of respect. "Come along." He told her. Aurora followed Mateo into another part of the house. A huge media center section with a bunch of people drinking and listening to music. She could see drugs being passed around.  And at first glance she could also see spit being swapped as well. That and a disease or two. Watching a couple of guys tonguing down girls on the couch, or in the corner, Aurora looked away in disgust seeing one girl actually giving a guy a "discreet" handjob.  "Wow." She muttered under her breath.  Mateo snorted, "Most of these guys are burnouts. People we send to do s**t and then..." Aurora nodded, "Got it." Mateo pulled her along, and Aurora whistled when she walked into another room like before. But this one was filled with power.  Everyone that was in there looked deadly in their own way. Half naked women looked at her annoyed as she walked in with Mateo. They swarmed him like a crowd of groupies and Aurora simply continued on.  "Who are you?" Looking up at the voice that spoke to her, Aurora looked at the big man in front of her. "Aurora. Who are you?" The big guy jerked back at Aurora's aggressive tone and mumbled, "Francesco." Aurora smirked, "Sup." Walking past him Aurora was approached a couple more times but showed no fear. She looked over the table of guns and weapons without batting an eye.  When she was coming around the room, a girl by the name of Marianna approached her. "You wanna come sit, chill?" Aurora agreed and walked with the girl.  Marianna and her sat on the couch with a couple more people. "This is, Javier, Nicholas, Nina, Italia, and Louis." Aurora looked at the people looking her over, "I'm Aurora."  They greeted her and then the conversation just flowed from there. As they passed a joint and drank some beers, they were suddenly joined by three more males. Marianna took it upon herself to introduce them,  "Oh Aurora this is Massimo, Jules, and Miguel." Aurora looked at Massimo confused for a second before asking, "Hey aren't're Mateo's brother."  Massimo smirked, "Don't hold it against me darling. For you I'll get rid of him." Laughing Aurora, looked as one of the guys took the joint and sat down.  Jules smirked blowing out smoke at her, "And who might you be again darling?" Aurora sighed, "Aurora." Jules grinned, "Well Ms. Aurora, how about me and you go get to know each other?" Aurora chuckled, "I would but you reek of something...I think herpes. I'll pass." Everyone laughed and scoffed as Jules turned pink.  He shuffled off when he realized Aurora wasn't playing. Marianna bust out laughing when Jules shuffled off, "I don't think he's ever heard no before!" Aurora chuckled, "He's cute...I guess. Too pretty though. Not my type at all."  Massimo chuckled, "What is? And can I be it? Please?" Suddenly Mateo came over and exhaled, "Sorry to leave you Aurora." Aurora smirked at him and looked over at the deflated half naked girls yet again scowling at her, "It's fine, all though now you're disappointing your fan club."  Everyone scoffed, or chuckled as Mateo rolled his eyes at the smart mouth female. "Whatever, we're not done. Come on." Aurora looked at Marianna, "I'll f**k with you." Marianna nodded her off and Aurora followed Mateo.  Walking into a room, they looked at two young ladies. "Sis come here." A sixteen year old brown haired girl bounced to them with a small smile. Aurora grinned and watched the young lady hug her big brother before looking at her curiously. "Belle this is Aurora. Aurora, my little sister Belle."  When Belle smiled and Aurora's heart melted. She was a pretty little girl with big ringlets framing her pretty heart shaped face. Her dimples winking in her sweet smile as it brightened the room. Her big brown eyes so bright and innocent.  Her heart shined through them.  "Hi." Belle hugged Aurora sweetly and whispered, "Hi." The two chatted for a moment and Aurora was introduced to their cousin Esmeralda.  When they left out, Aurora met five other people.  The twins, Michael Nicolai Rivera the third, and his brother Julio Sebastian Rivera the second, were the bomb freaks. Anything needed to go boom? Them. In need of a diversion? Them.  They would level a city block in ten seconds.  Next was Siamese. A half asian/half mexican 21 year old female with the prettiest green eyes. She stood only 5'3 but what she lacked in height she made up for in her punch.  She wore all black and Aurora could see straps hidden discreetly holding daggers. Siamese sized her up and smirked, "Nice to meet you."  Aurora smirked and then ducked Siamese, fist as she swung at her. Pulling her gun out, she held it to the girls head as a blade was pressed to an artery in her leg. Both girls stared each other down in silence. No one moved or breathed captivated at the power match. Both girls dropped their weapons same time and hugged. Siamese giggled sweetly, "Nice to meet you."  Mateo smiled and winked to Siamese before gently pulling Aurora along.  When they were done with introductions and a recap of the business, Mateo pulled her back into the media room. They stood in front of where Marianna and her crew were laughing and talked for a moment.  "What do you think?" Aurora sighed, "To be honest..I've been alone for a while and it's not good for me...maybe this will be." Aurora hated to voice her fear, but with all her aunt's talks of her isolation she knew somethings were true.  With, having nothing but hate in her life. She'd get lost. And then they'd win in reality.  Mateo put his hands gently on Aurora's shoulders and whispered, "We're all afraid of our demons baby girl." Aurora looked at him and for the first time smiled at him.  Mateo's breath caught as he looked down at her, her smile making his whole life. He couldn't believe something so brave and strong, was so f*****g beautiful.  Mateo wanted to be in that moment forever, her smiling at him. He was sure he could die happy in that moment.  And then a screech hit his ears.  "Whose this b***h on my man?" Martine yelled as she came into the room. Aurora turned and almost laughed seeing a half naked girl standing in the doorway. Her clothes ruffled and her hair wild, obvious she'd just been with someone.  Aurora looked at Mateo amused, "Please tell me you're not one of her clients." Mateo scoffed, "Hell no." Martine scowled and pulled out at switchblade. "I'm going to cut that smart tongue out of your mouth." Four more club whores stepped forward wanting to break the beautiful's girls face in to. Aurora chuckled amused at the pathetic little group, "Oh now this is too easy." 
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