
885 Words
"Hit harder!" God papa Luigi  ordered. Aurora did as told swinging a fist into the man's face again causing his nose to gush blood. Luigi chuckled and praised his little protege, "Good little one, now we're going to step it up a notch."  Handing his twelve year old goddaughter a butcher knife he ordered, "Stab him as much as you please." Aurora took the knife without hesitating and turned to the man bleeding in the chair.  He pleaded with Aurora to think about what she was doing. "Princesa you're my daughter's friend!" Aurora nodded, "I know, and she won't have to worry about you touching her ever again."  Stabbing the perverted old bastard, Aurora didn't hear his cries of pain. Just those of  the ten year old Carina who had reluctantly told her what her father did. That he had hurt her even as she cried for him to stop.  Aurora didn't stop stabbing until the man was jerking like he was having a seizure. When he stopped, he blinked lazily a couple of times.  And the monster was born... Aurora jerked awake when her phone rang and she cursed rubbing her eyes. Grabbing the phone, she snarled, "What?"  Uncle Pablo pulled his cigar from his mouth as he answered, "Well good morning to you too." Aurora rolled her eyes, "Yeah whatever." Lighting a cigarette Aurora asked, "Can I ask why you're calling so early Uncle?" Pablo sighed and told her, "Did you think your auntie and Cypher wouldn't tell me?"  Aurora's jaw clenched, "It's not a big deal uncle."  Pablo shook his head as his wife looked at him with big eyes, "Sweetie we think you should see someone. A professional." Aurora's nose flared as her smoke came out, "I don't need to see a head shrink! I'm fine!"  Pablo sighed, "Aurora, we just think it would do you good to talk to someone. Talk to someone that isn't family." Aurora blew out her smoke as she flicked her ashes in the ashtray.  "Why? I already know my diagnosis! I'm a sarcastic,psychotic b***h, with no social skills due to my childhood trauma. Bam! And I didn't even need to go into debt to learn that."  Pablo sighed and Sophia gave him a meaningful look, "But last night..."  Aurora's jaw clenched even more pissed at being reminded.  Pablo had been running late so Aurora and Cypher were sitting together outside. Shooting the breeze, smoking cigarettes, and drinking beers. He was making her laugh and she couldn't stop until she realized him gawking at her with this weird look.  "What?" Cypher sighed and shook his head, "Nothing...it's just sometimes I forget how young you are...until you smile. God it lights up and I just...I don't know. I get caught up in your beauty."  Aurora stiffened a little uncomfortable. She knew she was beautiful. She avoided mirrors but she knew still. But she knew where Cyper was heading. This wasn't going to end well.  Since Pablo had hired the mid twenties, mercenary for protection, Cypher made it known he'd love to be more for Aurora. But she couldn't get past her frigid fear of being hurt. Of touching.  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."   Aurora shook her head, "No it's not you, Cy." Cypher reached forward slowly and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, "I know." Aurora looked at Cypher sadly, heart racing as she quickly whispered her true feelings to him, "If I wasn't so f****d up Cypher Jones, we'd have had an amazing something together."  Cypher smiled sadly at her and watched her go inside.  When Sophia told them they'd just go ahead and eat since Pablo was taking forever, they sat together eating in moderate silence. When Sophia couldn't take it anymore she eagerly asked, "So when are you two going out?"  Aurora sighed knowing her aunt had been spying on them like they were 15. "We're not. Stop, please." Sophia frowned and looked at a downtrodden Cypher, "Oh come Aurora, this handsome man wants to shower you with love and you run from it? This is why you should get help."  Aurora had gotten red in the face before getting up and storming out. She knew her aunt meant well, but the urge to lash out had been too strong to stay.  "Look I don't need her telling me that I'm so damaged I can't get a man. I'm well aware." Aurora huffed bitterly.  Pablo sighed, "She's worried-." Aurora nodded feeling her head starting to throb, "I know. She's worried about me never finding peace, she's worried about me never getting married, and she's worried about me having guns on my wall instead of pictures."  Aurora groaned when Pablo started in on her, "Don't be sarcastic! She's worried for good reason!" Looking to his wife, Pablo looked at her for courage and she nodded causing him to sigh.  "So...I will not help you get your next target until you agree to see someone."  Aurora's silence was heavy. Pablo was scared she'd hung up until he saw her still on the line. "Hello? Aurora?"  Aurora shook her head angry to the point of murder. But also...hurt. Hurt to her very core, "You know what uncle that is fine. You don't have to help me I will do it on my own. Never call me again." Hanging up her phone, Aurora turned it off and laid down. "Damn now I want to drink."  Seeing it was on nine in the morning, Aurora cursed, "f**k!"  
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