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When Susan entered the apartment of the Lockhart family, Theodore and Truman ran towards her to give exuberant greetings. For about three years, Susan worked as a nanny for Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart and thought of their two boys as adorable. Theodore was nine, while Truman was a year younger. When they first met Susan, the boys were disposed to like her within minutes. They confided a number of interesting facts about school and shared their computer games, their interest in lacrosse and what a horrible man the math master was. "Well, you don't have to worry, I will teach you all those difficult math equations," Susan beamed at them. After they had finished their breakfast for that morning in an atmosphere of friendly agreement, Susan quickly set them up for a reading session. And during the evening, Susan got them ready for bed. Which was usually a long-drawn out business with a great deal of laughter, cajoling and pulling between the bathroom and their bedroom. But finally they were in their bed and Susan tucked them in, kissed their foreheads and turned off the lights. Before leaving, she tidied up her hair, powdered her flushed face and applied lipstick. She found Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart in the lounge drinking Campari and talking together. "Are you leaving?" Mrs. Lockhart asked. "Yes." "Can I have you here early tomorrow morning? Reginald is leaving on a business trip." Susan nodded. "Sure." Finally, at her own apartment, Susan changed into a green silk pajamas and a dressing gown before making herself some tea. She sat down at her writing desk with the tea and laptop, and she thought briefly about the valuable points shared by her writing circle. Opening up the notes, Susan read through all the points that she needed to work on. Then she started writing. When she arrived at Lockhart's apartment the next morning, she found Mrs. Lockhart reading the morning paper in a white negligee. She greeted her employer before removing her green overcoat and hanging it in the coat closet. They both went into the lovely grey-themed kitchen where she made the tea while Mrs. Lockhart sat at the white marble-topped island. "Please keep an eye on the boys, their coughs have not cleared up yet." "They will be fine," Susan said as she watered the green plants. Mrs. Lockhart gave a little smile. "Perhaps I am being a little fussy." "No, you are just being careful. They are your children, so it is only natural that you look out for their well-being." Susan set the copper-colored watering can down. She complimented Susan by saying: "You are such a sensible young woman, I am glad we have you here to help with Theodore and Truman. Let me know if you need anything." "You know I will always do my best for the boys. Is there anything specific you want them to do today?" Susan served the freshly made tea. Mrs. Lockhart shook her head. "I just want them to be happy and in good spirits. Mrs. Lockhart smiled at her kindly and Susan smiled back as she hoped with all her heart that she was able to live up to the high expectations that Lockhart had of her. After finishing her tea, Mrs. Lockhart went to the bedroom and changed out of her negligee and into a chic, colorful gym wear and headed out to Pilates. Susan slipped on an apron over her dress and went to see if the boys were awake. They were already up and playing games on their iPads. Quickly, they invited her to join in, which she did. But when her game points started climbing she was quickly sent packing. She went back to the kitchen and got their breakfast ready. For Theodore and Truman, breakfast was a cheerful meal of fresh juice, baked beans and bacon, with vegetable fried eggs. After finishing two slices of toasted bread with jam, Susan went to their room to make their beds and tidy up the room. They laid out their clothes. Since it was the weekend, they decided to go out for a walk after breakfast. Susan made sure they were dressed in warm clothes, shoe laces tied and hair carefully brushed. Took pictures of her protégées which she sent to both parents before they set off into the world. An hour later after their walk, they stopped by a nice little cafe and ordered hot cocoa. Susan was mulling over her hot cocoa with delight when she noticed him. The very stranger she had met in the rain. He sat a few tables away with his hot cocoa and busy with his iPad. What was he doing here? Was the question. That's a very silly question, an inner voice scolded, he was having hot cocoa like everyone else. She realized that she couldn’t keep her eyes off him because she wanted to know more about him. Unconsciously, Susan began to analyze him. Even though he had on reading glasses, one can clearly see how good-looking he was together with the fine classical features of a Greek god. Then not to forget that he also had the aura of a classical romantic hero. Strong, passionate, forceful yet tender, loving yet savage at the same time. Susan had her light bulb moment. He was everything that she wanted in her romantic hero for the story she was writing and right there, Susan decided to use him as her inspiration. At that moment of realization, Susan became so excited that she could barely contain herself. Finally, she had found the perfect hero for her fictional heroine to fall in love with. He clearly had all the attributes, the radiating s****l magnetism and the proud way he held his chin, all of that made him the perfect specimen. Susan sneakily took a picture of him and sent it to Rosalind. They were texting back and forth when Susan noticed the man getting up and leaving the café. She panicked before quickly deciding to follow him and see how much she could find about him. “Come on boys, we have to leave now,” Susan spoke as they gathered up their things. “Where are we going?” Truman asked. “We…. Are going on an excursion.” Susan lied. Coming out of the café, she saw him getting into a black Escalade and driving off. Susan stood there, contemplating whether or not to keep following him, which would be stalking, but how else was she is going to find out anything about him? Her smartphone started ringing. It was Mrs. Lockhart. “Hello?” Susan answered. “Please, where are you?” “We just finished having hot cocoa at the café. Do you need something?” “No, I just want to have lunch with my boys.” “ I'm bringing them home right now.” As the call ended, Susan stared with disappointment as the black Escalade disappeared down the street.
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