Can't you talk again

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Jane who was still a little bit stunned with the way he pulled her backwards didn't say anything. She just stared at him dazedly. “Can't you talk again?,” Alan asked, pissed off with the way she is behaving. Before she could say anything, he quickly asked again,“Are you hurt?” Now Jane stubbornly refused to agree. She just removed her hands from his forcefully and glared at him. “Why do you care? Why are you even acting like you care?,” she couldn't help lashing out at him. She was seriously pissed off with his lastest behaviour. “You are right. I don't care. Now leave my room,” he told her before turning around to go back to his sweet bed. Jane quickly held his hands and he glared at her coldly. Honestly, she felt really scared when she met his cold gaze but she tried to hide her fear. She just tightened her hold on him and asked,“Master Alan, did I do something wrong?” She couldn't help but ask the question that has been lingering in her mind all this while. She really wants to know whatever she did to make him act so coldly towards her. Alan only looked at her hands that are holding on his arm with a look that clearly says,'Let go.' But Jane pretended like she didn't see him glare. She must know what she did so that she can at least apologise. How will she apologise if she doesn't know what she did? “Please Master Alan, I just want to know my offence. So that I will at least apologise for my wrong deeds,” she said. Alan looked at her and said,“Nothing you do can ever make me forgive and forget what you did.” Then he shrugged her hands off him and went back to his bed to continue sleeping. Jane walked out of the room without saying a word and went to her room. As soon as she got in, Elena excitedly asked,“Did you two patch things up? Were you overthinking the whole situation like I told you? Why aren't you answering my questions!?” “I will answer if you give me a breathing space. How can I answer when you keep bombarding me with questions?,” Jane asked and Elena immediately kept quiet. “Firstly, no we didn't patch things up. He even seems angrier at me than before. Secondly, I wasn't overthinking things. He claims I offended him in some way and he is refusing to say what it is,” Jane looked frustrated. “I don't know why you are letting it affect you like this. Jane, honestly, tell me the truth, do you like Master Alan?,” Elena finally asked the question she been dying to ask. Jane looked at her in disbelief. “Why would you think that way? I don't like Master Alan the way you are thinking. He is engaged for goodness sake,” Jane answered incredulously. Ella just shrugged her shoulders. Him being engaged doesn't have anything to do with liking him. Why is she trying to hide her feelings? Or is she not aware of the fact that she likes Master Alan? Elena observed the sad look on Jane's face as she thought of something. Yep! She definitely likes Master Alan. But why Master Alan of all people? Why did she have to like someone like Master Alan? 'This heart is really weird,' Elena thought. Of all people, why would it choose to like Master Alan? And another thing she is currently worried about is Miss Cherry. She doesn't want the two ladies to clash against each other cause of one man. “Are you sure you don't like Master Alan cause your facial expression is telling me something else,” Elena teased her hoping she would admit it but Jane just glared at her. “I am. I don't like him. Why do you keep asking this question? Let's go and visit the cute little kitty,” she said. Elena smiled thinking that if she isn't aware of the fact that she is trying to avoid the question, probably to avoid spilling out the truth. Elena smirked. She has alot of time to pry the truth from her. As soon as they got to the room, none of them were suprised to meet the room empty. It seems like Joe spends most of his time with Madam Jennie nowadays that even Jane can't help but get a little bit jealous. Before they came here, Joe was always clinging to her. Following her wherever she goes. But now that they got here, he seems too occupied with all the gifts Madam Jennie has been giving him. He doesn't even have time to disturb her like he used to. Jane should feel relieved but funny enough, she doesn't instead she actually miss him alot. The two of them walked out and went to Madam Jennie's room. On the way, they came across the troublemaker, Irene. They wanted to just pass by and ignore her. But of course she wouldn't just let them go like that. She is actually very happy to see Jane and Alan's relationship deteriorate like she wanted so why would she waste an opportunity to gloat? “Hey Jane, what did you do to Master Alan? Why is he always glaring at you? And why does he look angry any time you are around him?,” she asked even though she already knew the answers. Jane looked down feeling very upset. Is it that obvious to everyone? Elena saw what was going and couldn't just stand still without doing anything. "Irene, as you can see we are on our way to Madam Jennie's room. Do you want us to put in a good word or two about you?," Elena asked and she smiled as soon as Irene looked angry. She understands what Elena mean about the good word part. It's actually like saying or complaining about her. Elena is just saying it indirectly but she s understood. She glared at Elena before leaving. As she left, she swore that one day she was gonna get Jane alone without Elena around her and then she will bully the b***h to her heart content.
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