A Good For A While

1123 Words
Dancing ladies with half-nude apparel or almost wholly nude. The smoggy atmosphere engulfed him. Music and stuff were going on, on every side. " Owh…. Come on baby" a man gotten tipsy, shouted as he spanked the lady's ass. The more Jack step in the more his eyes got stuff enough to lure him. "Hey. Where is your ID?" a huge figured man stopped him as he was getting carried away, bit by bit. "hmmm….I…I…" he stuttered, romancing his head. " I don't have mine, I just need to see your boss" he looks pitiful spilling the words out. " You can't enter without your ID, or even see him" his orotund voice was heard by him. " I know, but I already informed your boss I would be coming, tell him I'm here we are very good friends" he insisted. Looking at him up and down as he rolled his tiny blue eyes, " Okay hold on let me inform him" " Sure thanks man" he grin. The bouncer informed Mr Michael about Jack claiming to be his friend, but yeah he confirmed that was right. They have been friends since childhood. They schooled together and even attended the same college. But in a nutshell, they were enough to be called each other brothers. But there's no friendship in terms of money or business you know? Taking bold steps to the entrance he informed Jack, telling him to come in, into his office as ordered by Mr Michael. Jack's cheek flushed in a while as he proceeded into his office. " Hey what's up the man!" rising was his seat he hugged him, and as usual. " What brings you here? You said you needed my help over the phone what was that man?" He asked numerous questions as his cheeks deepen into a hole. " hmmm… Yeah, bro…" Stuttering, unsure of how to place his request. " I need you to help me some money man" he finally spoke up firmly. " huh… Money…." Mr Michael's face change at an instance, because when it comes to money, he is not friendly in that expanse, he has a boundary placed between friendship and money or perhaps business" " Hmm…. How much are we talking about here" he twisted his brow as he threw some ashes of the cigarette in between his middle fingers, on the silver plate in front of him. " Just 100 thousand men…" he shrugged as he spoke. " 100 thousand?… And what are you giving me as collateral? And when are you paying up?" " Yeah about that I will pay up in the next one month, and my house is the collateral" " Are you sure about that?" he smirked. Jack has a minor apartment where he and his sister lives, it was owned by their late parents. It is something they did to help their children's lives before they were no more. " Your house? That's fine" he nodded, taking the last stick of the cigarette. " Okay I will give you the money," he said sticking out something from his table, secret closet and passworded by him. " Here is the money, and make sure you pay after a month to like we have concluded, if not I might cut your throat" he grins threatened playfully. "Going to pay up at the end of the month," Jack said with confidence. "Alright you can go" "Thanks so much, Michael" he flushed, smiles quivering over his face, for the first time in months he smiled. " Your welcome" twirling on the chair as he inhales more of the cigarette. Approaching the exit way, on his right he saw a lady being chained down to f**k by a man, his buyer who bought her for the night. Michael's business was the one, where he hires girls to satisfy guys with high hormones secretion in their blood. The ladies sell themselves for the night, to their buyers. Sometimes one would be bought by three guys, making it group s*x. They would f**k her till they were satisfied, which usually takes about 2-3hours. As he was stepping out, he heard a loud moan of a lady being f**k and used forcefully. Three huge men grabbed her legs and tied them up to a pole. Her breast was tired up to as they spread her legs widely. She was being f****d from every side, from her p***y to her anus. With their pressure, she moans out loudly. Some of the ladies prefer group s*x and being f****d forcefully, it is a complete turn-on for them. Jack successfully came out without being lured or turned on. After getting the money, he was bouncing off the walls. First-person on his list was Ella, putting Ella back to school. And trying to amuse his friend. Jack arrived home, as he began giving a joyful signal from the road, waving his cap and smiling, his face beaming with happiness. " Hey bro what's up?" Ella asked curiously as she stepped out to get something seeing his brother radiating. " Hey it's nothing sis, get ready you are going back to school tomorrow" Dropping the poly bag to the ground she leapt and hugged him "Really?" Her eyebrows horizontally raised and wrinkles on her forehead as her jaw slack. " Yes, so go prepare your bag" he responded. "And yeah..." he called out as she was about rushing down to her room. " The vendor won't disturb you anymore, I settled things with her already" "Hmmm..." she nodded. "Wait bro where did you get so much money from? How did you get the money?" she creased, thinking of how? "Hey, Ella that's not your business to know. Ain't you going back to school anymore?" He asked abruptly. " Sure I want to, but... Bro just be fine" she lectured before she headed to her room. Getting in her small rectangular shaped room, she took out her uniform to iron. Although she washed it the very day she was driven away from school by her wicked principal. After taking Ella's school fee payments from the fund, Jack headed out to play a betting game. Which he loves doing usually when he is free and of course he has money on him. He was the best player, anytime there was a bet, he was always the one to take the money home. Bringing the whole money with him, minus Ella's school fee payment he got to the betting room, to play his usual player. But then... He was oblivious that he was about to add insult to an injury.
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